Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме Hobby

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Конспект урока в 5 классе

Тема. Hobbу, pastime and free time.

Цели.1.Научить учащихся использовать ЛМ по теме в предложениях, вопросах.

2.Научить учащихся высказываться по теме в форме діалога.

3.Формировать навыки аудирования по теме.

4.Развивать культурное общение по ситуации «My hobby».

5. Учить учащихся вовремя выполнять запланированное, рационально использовать своё время.

6. Формировать позитивную мотивацию учащихся на здоровый образ жизни, использовать здоровьесберегающие технологии на уроке.

Оборудование: ноутбук, карточки с рифмовкой и образцами диалогов, тематические картинки, дерево желаний, учебник "Spotlight".

Ход урока.

I.Оргмомент. Приветствие.

T. - How do you do, children!

- How do you do!

T. - I hope you are very well, children.

- We hope you are very well, too.

T. - And now, look at each other!

Smile to each other!

Enjoy our lesson!

T. - I think, a warm smile at the lesson will encourage our work.

- And now, take your seats, children!

2. Беседа с дежурными. T. - So, who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

Who is absent today?

3.Сообщение темы урока:

T. - So, children, today we are going to speak on the topic "Hobby, pastime and free time". You will be able to ask questions, make up your dialogues, listen to the text. I think all lesson will be fun.

4. Настрой учащихся на позитив (здоровьесберегающая технология)

Т. -Потрите ладошки и ушки, и у вас будет хорошее настроение на весь урок.

5. Речевая зарядка.

Введение в языковую среду .

T. - Before we start working with our topic I want you to be listenеd to the rhyme: "Everybody has a hobby".

Everybody has a hobby.

And we've got a common one.

English does attract us

More than stamps or actors.

And it is a great fun!

T. - Listen to it very carefully and repeat after me line by line. Read the whole rhyme.

II. Основная часть.

1. Закрепление лексического материала.

T. - You know, children, there are different groups of hobbies.

Let's revise: What are they?

What hobbies do you know?

Can you complete the mind-map with missing hobbies


learning doing making collecting

things things things things

T. - Other pupils are working with me. Let's revise names of hobbies.

- What hobby is it?

- What group does it belong to?

2.Беседа по теме.

-What is your hobby?

-Are you fond of music?

-What musical instrument can you play?

-Can you play the piano?

-What do you like doing in your free time?

-Do you like sports?

(Then children are reporters and ask teacher the questions).

4 Составление диалогов по образцу.

(Make your own dialogues about your hobby).

Образец 1:-What is your hobby, Dima?

-My hobby is… (sports, music, fishing, traveling, etc.)

-Why are you fond of …?

-I think it is (interesting, useful, practical, healthy, etc.)

Образец 2:-What do you usually do in your free time?

-I usually (watch TV, play chess, listen to music, sleep, etc.)

-Are you interested in (reading, skiing, dancing, etc.)?

-Yes, of course. (No, I am not.) It is (splendid, boring,etc.) 4.Физкультминутка (здоровьесберегающая технология).

T. - Are you tired? I thinк, it is time for PTM.

P - Stand up

Stand still

Hands up

Hands down,

Hands on hips.

Sit down

Stand up.

Hands to the sides

Bend to the left

Bend to the right

Hands on hips.

One, two, three, hop.

One, two, three, stop.

Stand still

Sit down. Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме Hobby

5.Работа с аудиотекстом.

( Учебник упр.5, стр. 60.)

Listen to the text and match the people to their hobbies.

6. Беседа о семейном хобби.

T. - What is your family's hobby? Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме Hobby

7. Работа с пословицами.

T. - Proverbs are good rules for you.

-Early to bed, early to rise,

Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

-Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

-After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

-Tastes differ.

T.- Do you think that hobbies differ like tastes? Why? Try to give the Russian equivalents to these proverbs.

8.Советы ученикам.

Work while you work

Play while you play

That is the way

To be happy and gay

All that you do

Do with your might

Things done by halves

Are never done right.

9. Игра «Дерево пожеланий». (На листе бумаги нарисовано дерево с приклеенными яблоками. На обратной стороне яблока написано пожелание)

Т. - Для хорошего настроения я предлагаю вам сорвать чудо-яблочко с дерева и прочитать пожелание вслух. Попытайтесь понять смысл пожеланий каждому из вас (здоровьесберегающая технология )

10. Исполнение песни "Lots of things I do".

I am playing a team game.

I am watching my TV.

I am acting in a school show.

I am climbing up a tree.

Lots of things

I do and act,

Have and make,

Read and take…

So many things

I watch and see.

They are all

Good for me!

III. Заключительная часть

1. Домашнее задание..

Т. - Написать письмо другу о своем хобби. ( 8 предложений).

2. Оценивание за урок.

3.Итог урока.

T. - Our lesson is coming to the end. You are working well today. -What have you learnt at the lesson? -How did you like the lesson? Stand up, stand still. Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good-bye.

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