Разработка открытого урока на тему Насколько безопасны компьютеры

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
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Тема урока: Насколько безопасны компьютеры

Тип урока: применение и совершенствование знаний

Вид урока: практическое занятие

Продолжительность урока: 45 минут

Виды деятельности студентов на уроке: чтение, говорение, выполнение устных и письменных заданий

Цели урока:


  • развитие навыков обобщения и систематизации полученных знаний

  • развитие мышления, памяти, языковой догадки


  • формирование навыков монологической речи


  • отработка навыков профессиональной коммуникации на английском языке

  • формирование языковой компетенции


  • развитие навыков самостоятельной работы, исследовательской деятельности, познавательного интереса

  • воспитание положительного отношения к изучаемому языку и будущей профессии


  • активизация ранее изученного лексического материала

  • развитие коммуникативных навыков

Дидактические материалы: презентации, раздаточный материал

План урока:

  1. Вступительная речь преподавателя (1 минута)

Цель - знакомство с темой урока, подготовка студентов к работе

  1. Речевая разминка (12 минут)

Цель - повторение изученного материала, применение знаний на практике

  1. Выполнение практических заданий (27 минут)

Цель - развитие навыков работы с текстом, извлечения информации, обобщения и систематизации знаний, составления высказываний

  1. Заключительный этап урока (5 минут)

Цель - подведение результатов урока, анализ деятельности студентов, выставление оценок, объяснение домашнего задание

Ход урока:

  1. Вступительная речь преподавателя (1 минута):

Teacher: Hello! How are you?... Like other technological advances, the computer is a tool that can be used for good or ill. It can be very helpful for users. But some people use computers to do harm. Our computers are always in danger. So, today we will find out if a computer and data on it are safe and how we can protect our property.

  1. Речевая разминка (12 минут)

Teacher: But before we start let's do some exercises to fresh your vocabulary knowledge

Task 1. Guess the word by its definition (презентация)

  1. a secret word or phrase used to gain admission or access to something - password

  1. the right or opportunity to use or enter a computer - access доступ

  1. material or moral support, a reserve - backup резерв

  1. a portable device that discharges a jet of liquid, foam, or gas to extinguish a fire - fire extinguisher огнетушитель

  1. the quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer - data данные

  1. not having official permission or approval - unauthorized несанкционированный

  1. a piece of code surreptitiously introduced into a system in order to corrupt it or destroy data - virus

  1. a person who uses a computer to gain unauthorized access to data quickly and roughly - hacker

  1. facts or knowledge provided or learned - information

Task 2. Fill in the blanks using the words from the previous exercise

  1. Fingerprints, voice recognition, or retinal scanning can limit unauthorized access to the computer.

  2. Many microcomputers have locks that will keep unauthorized personnel from even turning them on.

  3. Passwords are an old means that still work for limiting access.

  4. Large computer centers are generally protected by smoke detectors and fire extinguishers

  5. Uninterruptible power sources provide backup power that will keep the computer running at least long enough to save your data

  6. Viruses replicate themselves, turning data into unusable nonsense when they become active.

  7. And proprietary data can be kept on floppy disks that can also be locked away, rather than allowed to remain on the hard disk.

  8. Protecting data from hackers is of paramount importance

  9. The real danger for many corporations is not the loss of the equipment, but the loss of irreplaceable information.

  1. Выполнение практических заданий (27 минут)

Task 3.

Teacher: Now, I want you to look through the text and find information about:

  • the real danger for computers

  • the way we can prevent such danger…

As computers become more popular, so does computer crime. The real danger for many corporations is not the loss of the equipment, but the loss of valuable irreplaceable information. Protecting data from electronic invaders and from people inside the organization is of paramount importance. One obvious control is to limit access. Personnel who use computers must be carefully screened. Passwords are an old means that still work for limiting access.

Another problem for computers is viruses. Computer viruses remain undetected until their damage is done. They move from an infected disk to the system disk and they replicate themselves, turning data into unusable nonsense when they become active. To protect data many microcomputers have locks from unauthorized personnel. Identification badges, physical means of identification such as fingerprints, voice recognition, or retinal scanning all these can limit unauthorized access to the computer.

Although today's microcomputer is sturdy, it is not indestructible. Dropping ashes or liquids into it can destroy the microcomputer system. Fire is another danger. Large computer centers are generally protected by smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. Offsite storage of your backup records can also save your data.

Some people use computers for crime. And it is a real danger nowadays. Electronic trespass is a crime. Business and industry have much to lose through electronic trespass. Information about new products, stock transfers and other proprietary information can be worth millions of dollars to the company. Data encryption using a code when transmitting information is one way to help stop electronic thieves. More recent advances offer codes based on the product of two large prime numbers and on the use of quantum theory.

Let's fill in the mind map…

Task 4.

Teacher: Fine. Last lesson I asked you to do some research work about the problem we discuss. I guess we can learn more information from your presentations. Please, ____________

1 презентация: What can harm a computer?

2 презентация: Black hat hackers

3 презентация: White hat hackers

4 презентация: How to protect a computer

Teacher: Now we know much about computer security. But what about us? How safe are computer technologies for people? I want to discuss with you one question:

Is a computer one of the greatest or the most dangerous inventions?

Task 5: Read the following arguments and give your opinion

Use these expressions in your speech

I think

I suppose

I'm pretty sure that

It's my opinion that

I'd say

I personally think

To my mind

From my point of view

Some people say…but in fact

Computer is one of the greatest inventions because…

Computer is one of the most dangerous inventions because…

  1. They save a lot of time

  2. They can do calculations and other things which people do not find interesting

  3. They help to process information

  4. You can learn many things using a computer as a tutor

  5. You can relax playing computer games

  6. They allow to access the latest information really quickly

  7. It's much easier to edit and print documents using a PC

  8. Interaction with the world is a great advantage of a computer

  1. Some people have irregular meals, backache, headache, and loss of sleep

  2. People waste a lot of time playing computer games

  3. You can lose your work if something goes wrong with the computer

  4. Some people live in a virtual reality not in the real world

  5. Children cannot do dimpliest arithmetic's tasks because they rely on computers

  6. People may feel out of control or depressed when not using computers

  7. Some people spend much time and money on hardware, software, magazines and computer-related activities

  8. Some people become so dependent on computers that they don't care about their everyday responsibilities

At first glance it looks as if…but in reality

  1. Заключительный этап урока (5 минут)


Home task

Teacher: At home I want you turn to the last topic of our discussion and make a report Computers in our life: for and against.


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