Методическая разработка проведения открытого урока по английскому языку по теме “All about the USA”

Материал данной разработки можно использовать на уроках английского языка по любому УМК при изучении темы «США» и на факультативных занятиях по страноведению. Методическая разработка содержит интересные задания, которые студентам будет выполнять в перерывах между защитой презентаций и , которые, сделают урок увлекательным и познавательным. Кроме того, большинство заданий направлены на формирование навыков аудирования.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Методическая разработка проведения

открытого урока

для преподавателей

Дисциплина : «Английский язык»

Тема: "All about the USA"

Специальности : 09.02.05 «Прикладная информатика (по отраслям)».

Богородск 2016г.

Одобрено цикловой комиссией

общеобразовательных, общих

гуманитарных и социально-

экономических, математических

и общих естественно - научных


Протокол № _____от _________

Председатель : ______________

Мухина Е.В.

Авторы :Абдюшева Е.И.. - преподаватель

Богородского политехнического


All about the USA

Цели урока:

- расширение страноведческих и лингвистических знаний учащихся;

- совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком по теме;

- закрепление лексического материала

Задачи урока:

Обучающие: применение полученных знаний на практике, оперирование имеющимся потенциалом в конкретной ситуации, закрепление умения и навыков монологической речи, практика аудирования и чтения.

Воспитательные: воспитание уважительного отношения друг к другу, взаимопомощи, воспитание позитивного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка, формирование мотивации к изучению английского языка.

Развивающие: развитие умения работать индивидуально, в коллективе, развитие познавательного интереса к культуре другой страны, закрепление умения наблюдать, сравнивать, развитие творческих способностей.

Компенсаторные: пользоваться языковой и контекстуальной догадкой (интернациональные слова, вычленение ключевых слов текста)

Тип урока: Урок повторения и применения знаний на практике (с использованием ИКТ).

Результатом освоения данного урока является овладение обучающимися следующими общими компетенциями :

ОК 6 - работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами;

ОК 7 - брать на себя ответственность за работу членов команды, за результат выполнения задания

Формы работы на уроке:

индивидуальная работа;

групповая работа.

Оснащение урока:

компьютер (с колонками)


презентации «The USA»

видео фрагменты ("Washington D.C.)"

карточки (слова + дефиниции)

ВИДЕО (Washington D.C.) 5 min

Warming-up- 1 min

Good morning, students.


I am delighted to see you in our class.


How are you today?


Who is absent today?(Why? What`s happen? Are they ill? Are they late?)

So, lets begin our lesson.

The topic of our lesson today is "All about the USA".

Do you like to travel?

If you have a chance, what city or sight of the USA would you like to visit?(Why?)

Now, answer some of my questions. 4 min

1.What is the capital of the USA?

2.How is the flag of the US called? (Star and Stripes)

3.How many stars are there on the flag of the USA? (50)

4.How many stripes are there on the flag of the USA? (13)

5.Why are there 13 stripes on the flag of the USA? (There is one stripe for each of the first 13 colonies of the USA)

6.What is the official national symbol of the USA? (The bald eagle)

7.What does the eagle have? (An olive branch and arrows)

8What does an olive branch mean? (A symbol of peace)

9.What do arrows mean? (Symbol of strength)

10.Where can we see the Statue of Liberty? (In New York on Liberty Island).

Your home task for today were project works. Now, You have to show your work and speak about one of the topics connected with the USA.

After listening the presentation works you will have to ask the questions about the text. But firstly, lets remember the types of questions (10 min )


(1.An olive branch means the symbol of peace

2.We can see the Statue of Liberty in New York)

The 1st presentation work has been prepared by T.Golubeva (5 min)

Your presentation was excellent. Please, your questions, students

(What oceans is the USA washed by?

What is the climate of the USA?

What is the residence of the president?

Would you like to live in America?

  • What do you want to see there?)

Now, I want you to listen to my stories. I'll describe different sights of America. You have to guess the sights. (5 min)

1.The flag of the USA.

2.The White House.

3.The Statue of Liberty.

4.Times Square.

5.The Liberty Bell.

1.It was built in New York Harbor in 1886. It was a gift from the people of France to America. About 12 million immigrants passed through New York when they came to America. It was the symbol of friendship between two countries. Now it is America's symbol of freedom. (3)

2.It is one of the most beautiful places in the capital of the USA. It is the part where the President of the USA lives and works and it is not open to the public. It consists of 132 rooms. You can visit the library, the Red Room, the Blue Room and the Green Room which have some fantastic old furniture. (2)

3.It is rang out in July 1776 in Philadelphia, when the Declaration of Independence was signed by Congress. It rang out at every event of national importance until it cracked in 1835. Now it is on display in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, but it never rings. It weighs over a ton and it is 12 feet wide at the bottom. (5)

4.It is the center of the theater in New York. The lights from all the theaters and advertisements are very bright. On the New Year's Eve on the 31 of December crowds of people stand in it and wait for midnight. At midnight everyone shouts, "Happy New Year!" to everyone else. (4)

5.It was made by Betsy Ross during the War of Independence on January 1, 1776. It had 7 red and 6 white stripes for the 13 American colonies, and there were 13 stars in the field of blue in the corner. Now it has 50 stars for the 50 states. But the number of stripes is the same-13. (1)

- Thanks for you answers.

(5 min)

The next presentation(2) was prepared by I.Karaseva, go to the computer and tell us about Washington

So, your questions, students.

(Where is Washington situated?

What is the tallest building in Washington?

When was the national gallery opened?)

You may sit down. And we continue the lesson. I`ll read the text, you`ll listen and fill in the gaps in your papers. (5 min)


The Washington Monument is one of the most impressive sights in the city. It is situated in Potonic Park. It was built to the memory of the first president of the USA in 1888. It is called "the Pencil" because it is one of the tallest stone constructions in the world. It rises 160 metres .

Test (The Washington Monument)

1. The Washington Monument is situated in ____________

2. The Washington Monument was built to the memory of ________________

3. The Washington Monument was built in _____

4. The Washington Monument is called _________

5. The Washington Monument raises _______metres


The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States

All American presidents have lived in the White House. It was built in 1799.

There are more than hundred rooms in the White House. The largest room in this building is the East Room.

The Capitol is the seat of the American Congress. It is the largest and the tallest building. There are no skyscrapers because no other building must be taller than the Capitol.

Test (The White House)

6. The White House is _________

7. The White House was built in___________

8. The largest room in this building is __________

9. The Capitol is____________

10. All American presidents ______________


Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of American democracy. It stands in New York. The people of France gave the Statue to the people of the United States one hundred and seventeen years ago. The sculptor was Frederic Bartholdi. Liberty carries the torch of freedom in her right hand. In her left hand she is holding a tablet with the inscription "July 4, 1776" - American Independence Day.

Test (Statue of Liberty)

11. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of ________________

12. It stands in _______.

13. It is the gift of________.

14. It gave the Statue to the people of the United States __________years ago.

15. The sculptor was __________.

16. Liberty is holding a tablet with the inscription __________________________.


Lincoln's memorial is the second for the sizes, the importance and popularity a monument of the USA after Statue of Liberty. It constructed in 1914-1922 in the style Ancient Greek temples. Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the USA. He was against slavery. Lincoln became a symbol of the American Dream. He was a lawyer.

Test (Lincoln's memorial)

17. Lincoln's memorial was constructed in ___________.

18. The style of Lincoln's memorial is __________________.

Thank's for your answers.

The third presentation(3) is about TheWhite House.It was done by N.Salov(5 min) Be careful! After the presentation you will answer the questions.

You presentation was good.

Saha Podoplelova wants to speak about Canada. Lets listen to her. (5 min)

And now a minute of history. I`ll read sentences and you`ll have to say the end of the sentences. (5 min)

1.Christopher Columbus discovered America in:

a) 1402; b) 1482; c) 1492; d) 1392.

2. Christopher Columbus discovered:

a) Central America; c) North America;

b) South America; d) The United States of America.

3. The first English settlement appeared in:

a) North America in the 17th century;

b) South America in the 17th century;

c) Central America in the 16th century;

d) America in the 18th century.

4. The "Mayflower" is:

a) the name of a season;

b) the name of the first English settlement in America;

c) the name of a flower;

d) the name of the ship that sailed from Plymouth for the New World in 1620.

5. The first colonists started the tradition of:

a) Halloween; c) Thanksgiving Day;

b) Independence Day d) Memorial Day.

6. Christopher Columbus was born in:

a) England; c) Spain;

b) America; d) Italy.

7. There were … colonies in America in 1733:

a) 13; b) 7; c) 21; d) 10.

So, lets continue to watch your presentations. But firstly, answer some of my questions.

What are Russian national holidays do you know?

What are your favourite holidays?

What Americans national holidays do you know? (5 min)

  • Guess, what is the topic of the following presentation?

  • Absolutely! Lev Grachev is going to tell us about hjolidays in the USA.

Please, we listen to you.

And now, answer the questions

When do people celebrate Halloween?

Who do peopie honor during father`s day?

So, lets h a video and remember, what new facts have you learnt today?

Are you tired? Lets have a break and watch an interesting video about the sights of Washington


Your next task is to read the texts about some sightseings of the USA and try to retell the texts(15 min)


The Washington Monument is one of the most impressive sights in the city. It is situated in Potonic Park. It was built to the memory of the first president of the USA in 1888. It is called "the Pencil" because it is one of the tallest stone constructions in the world. It rises 160 metres .


The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States

All American presidents have lived in the White House. It was built in 1799.

There are more than hundred rooms in the White House. The largest room in this building is the East Room.

The Capitol is the seat of the American Congress. It is the largest and the tallest building. There are no skyscrapers because no other building must be taller than the Capitol.


Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of American democracy. It stands in New York. The people of France gave the Statue to the people of the United States one hundred and seventeen years ago. The sculptor was Frederic Bartholdi. Liberty carries the torch of freedom in her right hand. In her left hand she is holding a tablet with the inscription "July 4, 1776" - American Independence Day.


Lincoln's memorial is the second for the sizes, the importance and popularity a monument of the USA after Statue of Liberty. It constructed in 1914-1922 in the style Ancient Greek temples. Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the USA. He was against slavery. Lincoln became a symbol of the American Dream. He was a lawyer.

Are you ready?

Have you done the task?

Let's listen to your texts

Your presentation works today were perfect. I like it very much. The lesson is over. You may be free.

***We have a little time and I suggest you to remember grammar and do a test about the USA.


Список использованной литературы

1.Речемыслительный аспект усвоения языков. Проблемы методики и технологии. Ларионова И.В. СПб 2011г

2.Полат Е.С. Метод проектов на уроках иностранного языка / Е.С.Полат // Иностр. языки в школе. - 2000. - N 2. - С.3-10; N 3. - С.3-9.

3.Crowther Jonathan. Oxford Guide to British and American Culture. Oxford University Press, 2001

4.English Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge University Press, 2001

5.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Pearson Education Limited, 2001

6.Murphy Raymond English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, 1994

7.Speak Out. Crazy English

8.Speak Out. Hot Issues

9.Speak Out. №1, 2004

10.Speak Out. №1, 2005

11.Speak Out. №4, 2003

12.Speak Out. №5, 2003

13.Speak Out. №6, 2003

14.Speak Out. №6, 2005

15.Bob Hastings / Marta Uminska" Exam Activator". Longman, 2010

16.Planet of English: учебник английского языка для учреждений НПО и СПО/ Г.Т.Безкоровайная, Н.И.Соколова, Е.А.Койранская, Г.В.Лаврик. - М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2012.


Task 1

1.Sights of America

  1. The flag of the USA.

  2. The White House.

  3. The Statue of Liberty.

  4. Times Square.

The Liberty Bell

1.Sights of America

  1. The flag of the USA.

  2. The White House.

  3. The Statue of Liberty.

  4. Times Square.

The Liberty Bell

1.Sights of America

  1. The flag of the USA.

The White House.

The Statue of Liberty.

Times Square.

The Liberty Bell

1.Sights of America

The flag of the USA.

The White House.

The Statue of Liberty.

Times Square.

The Liberty Bell

1.Sights of America

The flag of the USA.

The White House.

The Statue of Liberty.

Times Square.

The Liberty Bell

1.Sights of America

The flag of the USA.

The White House.

The Statue of Liberty.

Times Square.

The Liberty Bell

1.Sights of America

The flag of the USA.

The White House.

The Statue of Liberty.

Times Square.

The Liberty Bell

1.Sights of America

The flag of the USA.

The White House.

The Statue of Liberty.

Times Square.

The Liberty Bell

1.Sights of America

The flag of the USA.

The White House.

The Statue of Liberty.

Times Square.

The Liberty Bell

1.Sights of America

The flag of the USA.

The White House.

The Statue of Liberty.

Times Square.

The Liberty Bell

1.Sights of America

The flag of the USA.

The White House.

The Statue of Liberty.

Times Square.

The Liberty Bell

1.Sights of America

The flag of the USA.

The White House.

The Statue of Liberty.

Times Square.

The Liberty Bell


Task 2 (The Washington Monument)

1. The Washington Monument is situated in ____________

2. The Washington Monument was built to the memory of ________________

3. The Washington Monument was built in _____

4. The Washington Monument is called _________

5. The Washington Monument raises _______metres

Test (The White House)

6. The White House is _________

7. The White House was built in___________

8. The largest room in this building is __________

9. The Capitol is____________

10. All American presidents ______________

Test (Statue of Liberty)

11. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of ________________

12. It stands in _______.

13. It is the gift of________.

14. It gave the Statue to the people of the United States __________years ago.

15. The sculptor was __________.

16. Liberty is holding a tablet with the inscription __________________________.

Test (Lincoln's memorial)

17. Lincoln's memorial was constructed in ___________.

18. The style of Lincoln's memorial is __________________.


Task 3

1.Christopher Columbus discovered America in:

a) 1402; b) 1482; c) 1492; d) 1392.

2. Christopher Columbus discovered:

a) Central America; c) North America;

b) South America; d) The United States of America.

3. The first English settlement appeared in:

a) North America in the 17th century;

b) South America in the 17th century;

c) Central America in the 16th century;

d) America in the 18th century.

4. The "Mayflower" is:

a) the name of a season;

b) the name of the first English settlement in America;

c) the name of a flower;

d) the name of the ship that sailed from Plymouth for the New World in 1620.

5. The first colonists started the tradition of:

a) Halloween; c) Thanksgiving Day;

b) Independence Day d) Memorial Day.

6. Christopher Columbus was born in:

a) England; c) Spain;

b) America; d) Italy.

7. There were … colonies in America in 1733:

a) 13; b) 7; c) 21; d) 10.


Task 4

The Washington Monument is one of the most impressive sights in the city. It is situated in Potonic Park. It was built to the memory of the first president of the USA in 1888. It is called "the Pencil" because it is one of the tallest stone constructions in the world. It rises 160 metres .

The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States

All American presidents have lived in the White House. It was built in 1799.

There are more than hundred rooms in the White House. The largest room in this building is the East Room.

The Capitol is the seat of the American Congress. It is the largest and the tallest building. There are no skyscrapers because no other building must be taller than the Capitol.

Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of American democracy. It stands in New York. The people of France gave the Statue to the people of the United States one hundred and seventeen years ago. The sculptor was Frederic Bartholdi. Liberty carries the torch of freedom in her right hand. In her left hand she is holding a tablet with the inscription "July 4, 1776" - American Independence Day.

Lincoln's memorial is the second for the sizes, the importance and popularity a monument of the USA after Statue of Liberty. It constructed in 1914-1922 in the style Ancient Greek temples. Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the USA. He was against slavery. Lincoln became a symbol of the American Dream. He was a lawyer.

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