Cценарий утренника по темеSeasons 2 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 2 класс
Тип Конспекты
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" Сценарий утренника по теме "Seasons" (2 класс)

1 Вступительное слово учителя о теме утренника.

2 Один из учащихся читает стихотворение по теме " What season is this?"

This is the season

When birds make their nests

This is the season

We all like best.

( Школьники хором отвечают какое это время года)

3 Ребята хором исполняют песенку о веснею

Why do the birds sing?

" Cheep, cheep! Why do the birds sing?

" Cheep, cheep! Why do the birds sing?

" Cheep, cheep! The birds all sing

" Cheep, cheep, cheep! " because its spring!

4 Дети читают стихотворения о весне:


Spring is coming, I can feel it,

How soft is the morning air

Birds are singing, birds are pipping,

Life and joy are everywhere.

Spring is everywhere

Birds are in the tree-tops

Flying here and there,

Everything is growing

Spring is everywhere.

Flowers are in the garden,

Butterflies are there

Flying round the blossoms

Spring is everywhere.

The farmer plants his seeds

The farmer plants his seeds,

The farmer plants his seeds,

Hey, oh, the cherry, oh!

The farmer plants his seeds.

The wind begins to blow,

The wind begins to blow,

Hey, oh, the cherry,oh!

The wind begins to blow.

The rain begins to fall,

The rain begins to fall,

Hey, oh, the cerry, oh,

The rain begins to fall.

The sun begins to shine,

The sun begins to shine,

Hey, oh, the cherry, oh!

The sun begins to shine.

The seeds begin to grow,

The seeds begin to grow,

Hey,oh, the cherry, oh!

The seeds begin to grow.

5 Дети по очереди читают стихи о лете .

What season is this?

This is the season when nights are short.

And children have plenty of fun and sport.

Boating and swimming all day long

Will make us well and strong.

Long live summer!

Summer's here!

Days are long.

And the sun

Is high and strong.

Long live summer!

Golden- bright,

Full of warmth

And sweet delight!


Summer time is a time for play,

We are happy all the day.

The sun is shining all all day long

The trees are full of birds and song.

Welcome, Summer!

Ring- a -ding! Ring-a ding!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

In comes summer,

Out goes spring.

Ring-a ding! Ring-a -ding!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Welcome, Summer!

Good bye, Spring!

6 Дети по очереди читают стихи об осени

What season is this?

This is the season

When days are cool,

When we eat apples

And go to school

Autumn Leaves

" Come, little leaves,'

Says the wind one day

' Come over the meadows

With me to play.

Put on your dresses

Of red and gold.

For summer is gone

And the days are cold.

7 Дети водят хоровод. В центре круга снеговик- ученик в белой пелерине.

We" ll make a snowman

Big and round ( 3 раза)

We" ll put the snowman

On the ground (3 раза)


Little children, make a ring,

Make a ring, make a ring,

We shall dance and we shall sing (2 раза)

8 Один из учащихся читает стихотворение:

What season is this?

This is the season

When mornings are dark

And birds do not sing

In the woods and the park.

This is the season

When children ski

And Father Frost

Brings the New Year Tree.

8 Дети поют песенку:

Fun in the snow

Ho! Ho! Ho!

It's jolly in the snow

.We've made a snowman tall

Just near the garden wall.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

It's jolly in the snow.

10 Cтихотворение:

Farewell to four seasons

Green for spring

And blue for summer

As the days go by;

Gold for autumn,

White for winter,

Old year's gone.

Good bye!

11 Показывают инсценировку:

The Sun and the Wind

Wind; Oh, how strong I am! I am stronger than the sun!

Sun; Oh, no, I am stronger than you!

Wind: Let us see. Look at that man. He is in the black coat.

:Sun: I see him.

Wind : Let us see who can take off his coat.

Sun : All right!

Wind : I'll begin ( He begins to blow) Whooooo! I want that coat.

Man : Oh, how cold is this!

Wind : Whooooo! I want that coat.

Man: I am so cold. Iam glad that I have a warm coat.

Wind : Wind : I can't take off this coat.

( Sun shines on the man)

Man : Well, Mr. Wind, you are not so strong. I'll try to take off his coat.

Man : Now I'm not so cold. What a funny day! First it was cold. Now it is hot. ( Sun shines and shines) Now I'm too hot. I'll take off my coat. ( The man takes off his coat.)

Wind: Well, Mr. Sun. The man took off his coat for you. Now I see that you are strong, too.

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