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  • Технология дифференцированного преподавания английского языка в соответствии с разными стилями и стратегиями обучения учащихся

Технология дифференцированного преподавания английского языка в соответствии с разными стилями и стратегиями обучения учащихся

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Технология дифференцированного преподавания английского языка в соответствии с разными стилями и стратегиями обучения учащихся

Открытый урок

Дата: 15 декабря 2011

Учитель: Арефьева Любовь Олеговна.

Класс: 5

Количество учащихся: 16

Тема урока: 'Birthday'

Цель урока: Развитие коммуникативной культуры и компетенции школьников на материале темы 'Birthday'.

Задачи урока:


Закрепление и расширение лексических навыков по теме 'Birthday';

Отработка навыков употребления грамматических конструкций there is / there are, there was / there were;

Развитие навыков аудирования, чтения про себя;

Закрепление и расширение навыков выражения своего мнения по теме и умения вести дискуссию;

Тренировать учащихся в работе с картинкой.


Развивать познавательное отношение к изучаемой теме;

Развивать интерес к изучаемому предмету;

Развивать навыки диалогической речи с помощью драматизации;

Развивать память и внимание, мелкую моторику мышц;

Развивать творческие способности через рисунки.


Воспитывать уважение к стране изучаемого языка и ее традициям;

Воспитывать чувство коллективизма через работу в группах.

Оснащение урока

Компьютер, медиапроектор.

Раздаточный материал: опорные карточки, текст для чтения, картинки, игрушки.

Фломастеры, карандаши, бумага.

Конверт с письмом, текст письма.


План урока

1. Приветствие. Организационный момент.

Good afternoon, children! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please.

2. Сообщение целей урока.

Today we are going to have an interesting lesson. You will learn to describe things around us. Besides we shall continue to speak about birthday parties. You will work in 4 groups. Each group has its own color. The 1st group is red, the 2nd is blue, the 3rd is green and the 4th is yellow.

3. Развитие навыков аудирования.

Yesterday I got a letter. This letter is about one birthday party. This bear sent the letter to me. Do you know him? What's his name?

Yes, right you are. This is Winnie-the-Pooh. Where is he from? He is from Great Britain. Alan Miln wrote a book about Winnie and his friends: Tiger, Piglet and Rabbit. Little children like to read books about Winnie and his friends because they are kind and funny. So, I'll read you the first part of Winnie's letter.

So listen to the Winnie's letter attentively and be ready to do some tasks.


My name is Winnie. I live in a small house in a green beautiful forest. There are a lot of different birds and wild animals in the forest. There is a big tree near my house. There are many apples on that tree. I like to eat apples and honey very much. I have a lot of friends. They are Rabbit, Piglet and Tiger. Last week Rabbit phoned me and invited me to his birthday party.

4. Проверка понимания текста.

Now, let's see if you understand the letter. Do the tasks.

Red group must interview with the help of the questions. One pupil asks the questions and the rest of the group answers.


  1. Where does Winnie live?

  2. Are there many birds and animals in the forest?

  3. Is there a big tree near the house?

  4. Are there many oranges on that tree?

  5. What is there on the tree?

  6. Does Winnie like to eat grass?

  7. Did Rabbit invite Winnie to his birthday party?

  8. How did Rabbit invite Winnie?

Blue group must put the sentences from the letter into the right order.

Green group must say if it is true or false. If it is false, you should correct the sentence.

Yellow group must dramatize the dialogue. Rabbit invited Winnie to his birthday party on the phone. Do you know how to invite friends on the phone? Imagine that one of you is Rabbit, the other is Winnie.

I see you've understood the letter. And you know how to invite your friends to a party in English.

5. Развитие навыков чтения про себя.

Now you will read the 2nd part of the letter. You must find in the text the following information.

Read the questions:

  1. When did Winnie and his friends come to Rabbit?

  2. What did they see in the house?

  3. Where was the box with presents?

  4. When did Rabbit come?

So you have 3 minutes to read the letter and be ready to discuss it.

Last Saturday Rabbit had a birthday party. He invited Piglet, Tiger and me to his party. We came to Rabbit at 6 o'clock in the evening. There was no Rabbit in the house.

There was a big table in the house. There were a lot of tasty things on the table. There was much juice and milk on the table. Then we saw a big cake. There were seven candles in it. But there was no honey on the table. It was a great pity, because I like honey very much. We sat at the table and ate all the food.

Rabbit didn't come. We put our box with presents on the table. There were a lot of presents in the box. Then we went home.

Rabbit came home at 7 o'clock and he saw only a box of presents on the table.

6. Проверка понимания прочитанного текста.

Let's check how you've understood this text..

Blue group continues the following sentences.

  1. Last Saturday …

  2. He invited …

  3. There was a …

  4. There were a lot of …

  5. It was a great pity, …

  6. We put our box …

  7. Rabbit came home …

Green group names the pictures of yellow group..

Yellow group draws what things were on the table.

Red group answers the questions.

  1. When did Winnie and his friends come to Rabbit?

  2. What did they see in the house?

  3. Where was the box with presents?

  4. When did Rabbit come?

Ok. You've understood it well.

7. Отработка грамматических навыков

Winnie didn't write in his letter about the holiday dinner. But I know it because he sent me a photo. So you may ask me what was on the table.

The table will help you.

На доске представлены примеры утвердительных, вопросительных и отрицательных предложений с конструкциями There was… / There were … .

Was / were there … on the table?

Ok. We see there were a lot of tasty things on the table. Did the friends eat all tasty things?

Was it good to eat without Rabbit?

Of course, Rabbit got a lot of presents. There was a big box of presents on the table. Today I have this box. Try to guess what presents there are in the box.

The table will help you.

Is / Are there … in the box?

Ученики угадывают, какие игрушки подарили кролику, задавая вопросы с использованием конструкций There is … / There are … .

You see, it's very important to know how to use Grammar constructions There is … / There are … / There was … / There were … .

Thanks to them we can say where things are.

8. Развитие речи с использованием грамматических структур.

There is no end in Winnie's letter. Let's complete the story and we'll learn what Winnie and his friends did that day. You will make up short stories and tell us where Rabbit was and what he saw there. And we'll understand why Rabbit was late for his birthday party. I'll give you the prompts how to make up the sentences.

Ученикам раздаются карточки-опоры. Время выполнения ограничивается 2-3 минутами.

  1. Rabbit was in the café at 5 o'clock.

Circle the odd word out. (Blue)

There was a … on the table. There were … on the table.

  1. Juice, milk, tea, chicken, coffee.

  2. Apples, fruits, bananas, oranges, vegetables.

  3. Meat, carrots, fish, chicken.

  4. Eat, ice-cream, buy, grow, drink.

  1. Rabbit was in the shop at 3 o'clock.

Complete the sentences. (Red)

There was much … in the shop. There were many … in the shop.

Cookies, bananas, meat, milk.

  1. Rabbit was in the shop in the afternoon.

Look at the toys and say what was in the shop. (Yellow)

There was … in the shop. There were … in the shop.

  1. Rabbit played with animals at 6 o'clock.

Look at the pictures and say what animals were in the forest. (Green)

There was … in the forest.

There were … in the forest.

9. Песня"Happy Birthday"

10. Итоги урока. Выставление оценок.

Now we know why Rabbit was late for his birthday party. And I see that you can say where things are. Thank you for the lesson! You have worked very hard! What can you say about this lesson? Do you like it? The lesson is over, you may be free!

11. Домашнее задание.

It's always fun to have a birthday party, isn't it? Tell your classmates about your birthday party.

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