Happy English

Teaching  aim: To teach  children  to  think ,   it  helps  to learn new  words.  To  present  new  words  and  new  information.  To  teach them  how  to pronounce  every   words  and  to  speak  about these  words. Development  aim: To  develop  pupils  knowledge  on  vocabulary  notes  and  to  develop  pupils  thinking   and  speaking  practice. To  teach  them  how  to  answer  the  question  in  English.  Developing  pupils knowledge  on  grammar   and  phonetic  drills.  To  teach  them  how  to  pronounce  the  words  and  to  make  sentence  in  a  little  time.  To  teach   them  to   be  able   to  compare  each pupils  and  to  check up   their  knowledge. Educative  aim:  To  teach  pupils  to  keep warm  in  a  classroom.  To  feel  patriotism  for  their  motherland  and  to develop  pupils  outlook  and  motivation.  To  respect  teacher  and  classmates.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Презентации
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Happy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy English«Happy English»

Teaching aim: To teach children to think , it helps to learn new words. To present new words and new information. To teach them how to pronounce every words and to speak about these words.

Development aim: To develop pupils knowledge on vocabulary notes and to develop pupils thinking and speaking practice. To teach them how to answer the question in English. Developing pupils knowledge on grammar and phonetic drills. To teach them how to pronounce the words and to make sentence in a little time. To teach them to be able to compare each pupils and to check up their knowledge.

Educative aim: To teach pupils to keep warm in a classroom. To feel patriotism for their motherland and to develop pupils outlook and motivation. To respect teacher and classmates.


Two team greet each other and introduce themselves each other.

How do you do. We are glad to see you today. Our team name is Clever.

How do you do. We are glad to see you today too. Our team name is Knowledge.

  1. Lets go to begin our competition and today we have an interesting competition between two teams.

Our first question is about vegetables. I explain you that we need to join them with right translation. Then to pronounce every word and to tell about this vegetables.

Potato onion Tomato

Happy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy English

Happy English Happy English Happy English

Egg - plant carrot cabbage

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Cucumber pepper pumpkin

New words

Cucumber тыква

Tomato лук

Pumpkin капуста

Carrot морковь

Onion перец

Potato баклажан

Pepper помидор

Cabbage огурец

Egg - plant картошка

  1. Now children lets go to the next game

Happy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy English

Apple plum peach

Happy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy English

Pear orange Grape

Happy EnglishHappy English Happy English

Strawberry raspberry currant

Happy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy English

Melon Watermelon banana

New words

Plum апельсин

Currant дыня

Apple арбуз

Grape банан

Melon клубника

Watermelon персик

Banana персик

Strawberry малина

Raspberry смородина

Peach яблоко

Pear слива

Orange виноград

  1. Lets go children to begin our next game.

Now children we must need to find the right animals. And to pronounce the words.

To speak about the words.

Happy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy English

Camel Fox Bear

Happy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy English

Wolf Horse Cow

Happy EnglishHappy EnglishHappy English

Fish snake sheep

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Cat dog elephant

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Giraffe hippo

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Crocodile Tiger

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Lion Kangaroo

Happy EnglishHappy English

Monkey donkey

Put the missing words

L…on Ti…er hor…se c…t d…g h…ppo

Kan…aroo cr…codile sn…ke f…sh gira…….e

El…phant f…x w…lf mon…ey don…ey

c…w ca…el be…r shee…

Now children today our interesting is over.

Thank you very much. Good bye

Two teams take part very well.

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