Тест на проверку аудитивных навыков по теме «Покупки» 6 класс

Тест может быть использован при контроле аудитивных навыков по теме «Покупки» в 6 классе, содержит в себе текст, который может быть записан на аудио или может зачитываться учителем, и задание по прослушанному тексту, которое должно быть распечатано на каждого ученика. В задании необходимо отметить верные (true) и неверные ( false) утверждения. Прилагается также список слов, которые могут вызвать затруднения у учеников. С ними нужно познакомить учащихся перед прослушиванием текста. Максимальное к...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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I go shopping

My name is Liz. I am a student. In two years I will become a teacher of biology. My profession is my hobby as well. I visit the bookstores of my town regularly and buy new books in biology. It helps me to learn all the novelties in my profession I often discuss the books that I have bought, with my friends at the university. When I go shopping, I buy not only books, but also some other things, that I need.

I live in Rostov-na-Donu. It is a large city. There are a lot of shops here. If I go shopping, it is not easy for me to choose the right place at once. I am fond of fashion and always try to buy new clothes in order to look fashionable and attractive. It is not an easy task. I have to try on a lot of dresses, skirts and blouses till I choose what I really like. If I need a dress for a special occasion, I go to a shop with my best friend Ann. She is always ready to help me and I try to follow her advice.

Sometimes Ann and I go shopping just for fun. We walk along the streets, visit different kinds of shops and buy some trifles that raise our mood. We may buy something tasty and organize a small party for our friends. I should say that shopping is my hobby, It is the best treatment for me when I am in a bad mood.


a bookstore - книжный магазин
a novelty - новинка
a treatment - лекарство
attractive - привлекательный

Задание для учащихся по прослушанному тексту

Read the task, decide, which sentence is true or false

  1. Liz will become a teacher in three years

  2. She buys books regularly

  3. She never discuss the books she has bought

  4. Liz buys only books in the bookstores

  5. There are many shops in Rostov-na-Donu

  6. Liz has got favourite shops

  7. It is difficult for Liz to buy new clothes

  8. She follows to her mother`s advice in buying clothes

  9. Sometimes she goes shopping just for fun

  10. Shopping helps Liz to raise her mood

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