План-конспект открытого урока выбор профессии

Оразовательные: Активизация употребления лексико-грамматических структур. Формирование компетенции речевого высказывания и закрепление лексики по теме. Развивающие: Развитие интеллектуальных способностей уч-сч, формировать навыки аудирования и диалогической речи. Воспитательные: Развивать у уч-ся самостоятельность мышления, содейсвовать профориентации уч-ся. Оборудование: интерактивная доска. презентация, магнитафон и наглядные пособия. Класс украшен различными высказываниями о профессиях. А так...
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План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 9 классе по теме:

« Выбор профессии»


-Образовательные: Активизация употребления лексико-граматических структур. Формирование компетенции речевого высказывания и закрепление лексики по теме.

Развивающие: Развитие интеллектуальных способностей уч-ся, формировать навыки аудирования и диалогической речи.

Воспитательные :Развивать у уч-ся самостоятельность мышления, содействовать профориентации уч-ся.

Choosing a profession

  1. Организационный момент:

-Good day guys!

- How are you!

-Are you OK?

-Lets begin our lesson. Today we go on working on one of the most essential and troublesome topic - choosing a profession. We will do some lexical exercises to improve your speech, speak about your future profession, it will help you to write a composition." My future profession." But first of all I,d like to remind you of the different between the words- job, occupation, vocation,position.

-Look at the screen

- Now choose and fill in the proper word . (дети выполняют задание по презентации)

2 . Речевая зарядка:

1 Tell me please, do you think about your future profession?

2 When did you begin to think about your profession?

3 Who helped you to make a decision?

4 What is the best way of preparing for your future job?

5 How can you find out some information about any job which interests you?

6 Are there many in your country? What are they?

7 What are your parents by profession?

8 Have you got any tradition in your family?

9 What professions are the most popular among the young people?

10 Do you want to have a well-paid or low-paid but interesting for you?

11 What type of profession would you like to get? What do you want to be?

(уч-ся подробно говорят о своей будущей профессии).

3 . Отработка ранее изученных ЛЕ.

- Nowadays many young people aim at getting well-paid jobs, more often they choose professions as economist, manager, lawyer and a doctor. But do you know each profession requires definite traits.

- Look at the screen. Which of this qualities are necessary for people of these professions?

Pilot, doctor, sportsman, architect, accountant, judge, singer.

  • Make up the sentences for example: A teacher should be patient, intellectual, loving children.

(слабым ученикам даю карточки с прилагательными).

4 . Развитие монологической речи.

I,d like you to solve a problem. You are the boss of the company. You,ll have to hire one of the two employers. One of them is a very efficient worker, the other is not, he is your close relative. What would you do?

5 . Проверка домашнего задания:

  • Your hometask was to write a dialogue about profession (слабые читают а сильные ученики расказывают).

  • 6 . Аудирование:

  • You will listen 5 statements about professions, after listening we,ll check up your answers.

  • Игра (догадайтесь о значении слова)

  • I see you are a bit tired and we will play a game: What profession is it? ( учитель зачитывает описание профессии а дети пытаются угадать кто это).

  • 7 . Чтение: (Reading).

  • Now open your books at page 189, ex. 7. Read and after try to answer my questions.

  • 1 What must wedo if you want to get a summer job?

  • 2 What do you have to know if you choose the restorant business or a job in a café?

  • 3 Who can work as a babysitter?

  • 4 What advantages have people working in the garden?

  • 5 How must people take care of dogs?

  • 6 What role does the computer play in people,s life?

  • 7 What traits must have a person working at a summer camp?

  • 8 . Письмо. (Writting).

  • Do you know when you apply for a job, you may need to provide a curriculum vitae or resume, which gives the employers important information about you.

  • What kind of information do you think an employer must know about you?

  • 9. Итог:

  • Our lesson is coming to the end I would like to thank you for you participating.

  • I will put your marks. Write down your homework.

  • Today you have found out about different profession and what profession is suitable for you. The lesson is over, good-buy!

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