Дидактический материал к контрольной работе по английскому языку

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
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Дидактический материал к контрольной работе

1. Тест по английскому языку "Present Simple Questions - Do or Does"

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.Начало формы

1. Where ..... you live?

  1. Дидактический материал к контрольной работе по английскому языку


  1. Дидактический материал к контрольной работе по английскому языку


2. ..... it rain a lot in Vienna?

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  1. Дидактический материал к контрольной работе по английскому языку


3. ..... all parrots talk?

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4. ..... Mary have a bicycle?

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2.Дидактический материал к контрольной работе по английскому языку


5. ..... we have to go to the party?

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2.Дидактический материал к контрольной работе по английскому языку


6. How many cigarettes ..... you smoke a day?

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2.Дидактический материал к контрольной работе по английскому языку


7. ..... your grandmother live with you?

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2.Дидактический материал к контрольной работе по английскому языку


8. How often ..... you rent a video?

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2.Дидактический материал к контрольной работе по английскому языку


9. Where ..... you live?

1.Дидактический материал к контрольной работе по английскому языку




10. What ..... we have to do for homework?





2.Тест по английскому языку "Past Tenses"

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопросНачало формы

1. Tom ..... breakfast this morning because he didn't have any time


wasn't eating


hadn't eaten


didn't eat


hadn't been eating

2. When I first ..... to England in 1938, I thought I knew English fairly well.




had come


was coming


had been coming

3. He was taken to the police station because he ..... into a car in front of him.




had crashed


didn't crash


wasn't crashing

4. I found the way to her house quite easily because Nora ..... it to me very well.


had been describing


had described


was describing



5. I had a cup of tea for breakfast because I ..... of coffee.


had run out


ran out


was running out


had been running out

6. Before I went to bed I decided to check the front door. I was sure my sister ..... it. And I was right!


didn't lock


hadn't locked




had locked

7. When Mary came back, she looked very red from the sun. She ..... in the sun too long.


had been lying


was lying


had lain



8. Everybody was laughing merrily while Harris ..... them a funny story.




had told


was telling


had been telling

9. Lucy ..... her seatbelt before the accident happened that's why she was badly hurt.


didn't wear


wasn't wearing


hadn't worn


hadn't been wearing

10. It wasn't raining when I looked out of the window; the sun was shining. But it ..... earlier. That's why the ground was wet.




was raining


had rained


had been raining

11. Scarcely ..... out of the window when I saw a flash of light.


had I looked


I was looking


had I been looking


was I looking

12. While the kids ..... in the garden, their mother was hurriedly cooking dinner.


were playing




had been playing


had played

13. When I was young, I ..... that people over forty were very old. Now that I am forty myself I don't think so.




used to think


was thinking


had thought

14. I didn't see Linda last month because she ..... around Europe at that time.




was travelling


had travelled


had been travelling

15. I handed Betsy today's newspaper, but she didn't want it. She ..... it during her lunch.




had been reading


had read


was reading


1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

Какое предложение содержит ошибку

  1. It's theirs

  2. It's his

  3. It's your

  4. It's mine

2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

Какое слово не подходит к остальным





3 В каком предложении есть ошибки

1)The boy does his work

2)The teacher does his work

3)The craftsmen does his work

4)Father does his work

4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

.Который час самый поздний

  1. Half past twelve

  2. A quarter to twelve

  3. A quarter past twelve

  4. Twelve o'clock

Тест №4

7. Установите соответствие между предложениями и словами из правой колонки для обозначения действия

  1. I go to school________

    1. tomorrow

    1. We had 4 lessons_________

  1. now

    1. My friend has come to school_________

  1. every day

    1. We are writing exercises_____________

  1. yesterday

    1. He will come home from work__ early in the morning

  1. already

Тест №5

8. Установите соответствие между вопросами и ответами

  1. Hello. How are you?

  1. At two p.m

  1. What is your favorite subject?

  1. On Monday, Wednesday and Thursday

  1. Are you good at it?

  1. There are three

  1. How many English lessons a week are there in your timetable?

  1. Fine, thanks and you?

  1. When is your English?

  1. Yes, I am

  1. What time is English on Wednesday/

  1. English

Тест №6

9. Use the - ing Form or the infinitive. (Используйте правильную форму глагола)

In Brazil low allows people ( 1 - keep) lions at home. People's homes heed (2- protect) form

thieves. With a lion for a guard a thief may (3- enter)? but he won' t leave. Mr. Gonzales started with 3 lions ten years ago, and at the moment he goes on (4 - breed) three lion cubs ( 5- run)

freely in the yard at night. Owners like (6- hear) it (7- walk) up and down when they are in bed. But remember of ( 8 - feed) your lion regularly.

Тест №7

10. What part of speech are he - ing forms? (Дайте определение)

Some people say they look forward to (1) solving their problems through dreams, while other say hey only have (2) frightening dreams in which they see horrible things (3) happening.

Тест №8

11. Use the appropriate form of participle. (Выберите правильный вариант)

  1. People have always been interested in books ______ the life in the past.

a- described b- describing

2. Which do you know better: pictures _________ by modern artists or by the artists of the 19 th century

a- painting b- painted

3. Who is that man ______ something interesting and funny to the children?

a- told b- telling

Тест №9

12. Ask questions for more information. (Составьте 5 вопросов)

My friend has made a very exciting trip.

Тест №10

13. Вставь артикли там, где это необходимо.

1.Do you take....... shower in ......morning?

2. ......Mike takes.......shower ......every morning.

3. Don't take....... shower in ......now. You can take....... shower early in ......morning.

4. Why does he take....... shower early in ......morning?

5. You can take....... shower at home.

Тест №11

14.Перепиши предложения, употребляя глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме.

1. Are you going……to Tashkent? (to fly)

2. …..you…..the thing? (to pack)

3. If we hurry up, we…..the train. (to catch)

4. I am going…….my friend who are leaving for Vladivostok. (to see off0

5. Yesterday I ….to go hiking. (to promise)

6….. you …to prepare a report about our cosmonauts? (to agree)

Тест №12

15. Напишите слова, образовав их с помощью суффиксов -able, - ful, - less, -ness,- ly

To agree, friend, to enjoy, to count, thank, price, sweet, help. dark, to change, correct, great, to understand.

Тест №13

16.Перепишите предложения, вставляя mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs

  1. That is a classroom. That classroom is….

  2. This is your ice- cream. This ice- cream is ….

  3. This is my sister's money. This money is…….

  4. Those are my birthday present. Those birthday present are …..

  5. This is my father's present. This i present is……..

Тест №14

17. Чтение


The elephant's graveyard

I am going to have a very unusual holiday this year. I m going to photograph elephants in Africa. If you want to do the same you d better book your ticket soon. There won't be any wind elephants in 20 years time. They'll all be dead, except maybe for a few nature reserves.

An elephant is a walking bank as far as he hunters are concerned. The reason is the price of ivory, which was $ 5 a kilogram in the 1960 but is $ 50 a kilogram now. As the price went up, the killings started. Elephant populations are declining fast.

Now there are about 8000, 000 African elephants. In 10 years time, this figure will be halved if hunting continues as in is now. Anther 10 years and the wild elephant will no longer exist.

Sixteen of the 35 African countries which have elephants are going to restrict trade in elephant and some of these are going to start special nature reserves, where elephants are protected. Bu in may be too late. If the hunting continues on its present scale the elephant will soon be a thing of the past.

Anyway, there is a lesson here for human being.

Words: ivory - слоновая кость.

  1. Read he text and write T (true) of F (false) in the boxes (Укажите какие предложения верны, какие неверны)

  1. The writer is going to have an ordinary holiday this year.

  2. The writer is going to hunt elephants.

  3. All the world's wild elephants will be dead in 20 years if hunting continues at the present rate.

  4. Elephants are hunted for their meat.

  5. The price of ivory has fallen since 1960.

  6. In 10 years, there will be twice as many African elephants, as there are now.

  7. The number of elephants is falling rapidly.

  8. Some countries are going o protect wild elephants.

2) Complete the sentences. (Выберите правильный вариант)

1… will die in 20 years time.

  1. All the elephants…

  2. All the wild elephants…

  3. All African elephants…

2. For the hunters an elephant is a source of…

  1. Food

  2. getting money

  3. entertainment

3. More elephants are killed because…

a) the price of ivory went up

b) the number of hunters grew

c) they are not protected by the government

4. The number of elephants will be halved in 10 years if…

a) the hunting is not restricted

b) the price of ivory goes up

c) nature reserves are not started

5. … the African counties are going to restrict trade in elephants.

  1. All

  2. Some of

  3. None of

6. Starting Special Nature Reserves is … to save the population of African elephants.

a) good way

b) no enough

c) too late

Тест №15

18. Выделите случаи употребления времени The Future Simple

  1. Действие произошло когда-то в прошлом

  2. Действие происходит сейчас

  3. Действие произойдет когда-то в будущем

  4. Действие произойдет в определенный момент в будущем

Тест №16

19. Какие вспомогательные глаголы используются во времени The Future Simple

  1. Do, does

  2. To be

  3. Shall, will

  4. To have

Тест №17

20. Основные слова- указатели времени The Future Simple

  1. Yesterday, last day

  2. next year, tomorrow

  3. Today, now

  4. The next day after tomorrow

Тест №18

21. Выделите случаи употребления времени The Future Continuous

  1. Действие cвершилось к настоящему моменту

  2. Действие происходит сейчас

  3. Действие произойдет когда-то в будущем

  4. Действие произойдет в определенный момент в будущем

Тест №19

22. Какие вспомогательные глаголы используются во времени The Future Continuous

  1. Have been

  2. did

  3. Shall, will be

  4. Had

Тест №20

23. Постройте предложения из данных слов во времени The Future Simple

  1. Julia, music, to listen to, tomorrow

  2. We, to the cinema, next week, to go

Тест №21

24. Постройте предложения из данных слов во времени The Future Continuous

  1. To write, our group, the composition, tomorrow, from 9 till 11

  2. At this time, my classmates, to study, tomorrow

Тест №22

25. Установи соответствие. Найди 3 формы глаголов

  1. be

  2. write

  3. go

  4. have

  5. sleep

  6. come

  7. do

  8. leave

  9. think

  10. make

  1. had

  2. came

  3. left

  4. thought

  5. wrote

  6. slept

  7. was, were

  8. made

  9. did

  10. went

  1. done

  2. thought

  3. slept

  4. made

  5. been

  6. gone

  7. come

  8. had

  9. left

  10. written

Тест №23

26. Установите соответствие между глаголом и существительным

  1. solve

  2. pay

  3. tell

  4. get into

  5. make

    1. truth

    2. trouble

    3. mess

    4. problems

    5. bill

Тест №24

27. Установите соответствие между словами и значениями

      1. half-sister

      1. half-baked

      1. half-board

      1. half-term

      1. half-time

      2. halfway

  1. n. providing of a bed and either the midday meal or the evening meal as well as breakfast

  2. n. a short holiday, two or three days, in the middle of a school term

  3. adj. at the midpoint between two things

  4. adj. done with the little interest or enthusiasm

  5. n. a sister related through one parent only

  6. adj. of poor quality, inexperienced

  7. n. the short period of rest between two parts of a game, such as a football match

Тест №25

28. Словообразование. Преобразуйте слова в сyществительные

    1. good

    2. variety

    3. possible

    4. growing

    5. like

    6. provincial

    7. attractive

    8. imaginary

    9. cook

    10. rich

    11. clean

    12. pretty

    13. friendly

    14. excellent

Тест №26

29. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1. You go to the dentist when you feel……

  1. headache

  2. toothache

  3. stomachache

  1. We usually have a TV set, armchairs, flowers in…..

    1. a garage

    2. a living room

    3. a bedroom

  2. A carton of….

  1. Coffee

  2. Chocolate

  3. Orange juice

Тест №27

30. Лексический диктант. Переведите с русского на английский язык

    1. Вчера было холодно

    2. Эта шляпа красивее той

    3. Мама купила мне джинсы вчера

    4. Я думаю, мой друг играет лучше меня

    5. Прятки - самая интересная игра

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