The St. Valentines Day 4 grady

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 4 класс
Тип Рабочие программы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет - все для учителя
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Theme of lesson: "The Valentine's Day."

Вид урока: урок - соревнование

Цель урока: Развитие умений монологической речи по теме.



1. Провести практику монологической речи на основе изученной темы.

2. Научить учащихся логическому построению высказывания на английском языке.


1. Развивать творческую фантазию, познавательный интерес, инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности.

2. Развивать межпредметную связь с другими учебными предметами (историей, литературой, изобразительным искусством, музыкой).


1. Воспитывать у студентов уважение к культуре и традициям других стран.

Речевой материал:

- названия праздников: Christmas, New Year, Easter, St. Valentine's Day, Halloween, Independence Day.

Оборудование: карточки с заданиями, картинки и открытки с изображением праздников.

Ход урока:

- Hello boys and girls.

Glad to see you! Sit down, please.

- Today is the 14th of February, a special day for lovers. Of course everyone likes this holiday. So the topic of our lesson is Saint Valentine's Day. People send Valentine's Cards to the girls or boys they like a lot. And you will write your own Valentine's Cards at the end of the lesson.

- Every country has tradition, symbols or attributes.

Каждая страна имеет свои традиции, обычаи, символы и приветствие. Приветствие символизирует доброжелательность, открытость и доверительное отношение друг другу.

Ребята, давайте вспомним, как приветствуют люди друг друга разных стран.

Например: Казахстан, Россия, Англия , Зеландия, Япония, Северная Африка.

It's wonderful! Now, take your seat, please!

- Boys and girls, we have a holiday competition today. That's why I want to devide into two groups: the first name's group is «Snowflakes»(снежинки) and the second name's group is «Snowmen»(снеговики)

Let's begin our competitions.

Take, please, the first cards! Listen to me and repeat after me. Read, please, the lines one by one

There are many holidays in the world. They are very interesting and funny.

- Tell me, please, what holidays do you know?

( карточки и магниты на доске)

- Very good. - Students, look, please, at the pictures and do the next task. Guest what holiday is it? Say when we celebrate it.

- Now I will give you the cards. In these cards you have to put the letters in the correct order to get a words. I give you 2 minutes. Who will be ready the first, hands up, please!

- Students, do you like presents?

- Let's play the game - What present I.

Слайд 1, Слайд 2

Teacher. Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? We know many legends of how St. Valentine's Day began. Today in our lesson we discuss some of them.

Слайд 3

Student 1: This is a very popular holiday in Europe and America. It's a day of love and friendship. We send greetings cards to our sweethearts and friends and ask them "be my Valentine". It means "be my beloved", or "be my friend". We also decorate classrooms with big red hearts and give red roses and sweets to our sweethearts, friends and family.

Student 2:Этот праздник очень популярен в Европе и Америке. Этот день любви и дружбы, но не только возлюбленных, но и членов семьи, друзей, родственников. Мы посылаем в этот день открытки возлюбленным и друзьям и призываем их «будь моим Валентином». Это означает «будь моим (моей) возлюбленной или другом (подругой)». Мы украшаем помещения, где проходят праздники, красными сердцами, и дарим цветы, сладости как символ любви и счастья.

Teacher: What's happened in this day many years ago? Today, you will know some facts about the history of this holiday!

Слайд 4

Student 3. According to one very popular legend, Valentine was a priest in Rome who lived during the reign of Emperor Claudius II. Under his regime, Claudius is said to have engaged Rome into several bloody battles. Claudius found that not many soldiers were keen to join the army because of attachment with their wives and families. Claudius cancelled all marriages and engagements in Rome. Valentine - a romantic at heart priest, defied this callous decree of Claudius by secretly arranging marriages of young men and women. When Valentine's defiance was discovered by the Emperor, he was brutally beaten up and put to death on February 14, about 270 AD.

For his martyrdom and dedication for the cause Valentine was named a Saint after his death.

Слайд 5

Student 4. В конце 3 века нашей эры император Римской империи Клавдий издал указ, который запрещал молодым людям жениться. Клавдий вел постоянные войны и поэтому нуждался в боеспособной армии, а женатые солдаты, по его мнению, были плохими воинами. Один из христианских епископов, Валентин, пастырь и духовник воинов тайком благословлял пары и, несмотря на запрет, освящал отношения церковным обрядом. Непокорного священника казнили 14 февраля 270 года. С тех пор этот день празднуется как праздник всех влюбленных. А спустя 200 лет Валентин был причислен к лику святых и назначен покровителем нового праздника

Слайд 6

Student 5. Another famous legend on Saint Valentine states that Valentine was an early Christian in Rome who was very popular among children. But during the time when Valentine lived, Roman regime was not in favor of Christianity. In spite of this strict law, Valentine continued to practice his faith and refused to worship Roman Gods. This enraged Emperor Claudius II and he put Valentine into prison.

Valentine is said to have spent a year in imprisonment during which he was missed a lot by children. They began to toss loving notes and flowers between the bars of his cell window. To an extent, this legend may explain the tradition of exchanging notes and flowers on Valentine's Day

Student 6. Другая известная легенда гласит, что в эпоху зарождения христианства в Риме Валентин очень нравился детям (своей добротой и библейскими сказаниями). И не смотря на запрет, он продолжал проповедовать христианскую веру. Разгневанный Император Клавдий посадил его в тюрьму. Там он провёл год, во время которого дети писали ему письма и передавали цветы через оконные решётки. Это объясняет традицию обмениваться открытками и цветами в этот день.


Student7. Some scholars believe that during his stay in prison Valentine made friends withjailer's blind daughter who at times brought to him notes and flowers from children. Whenever, possible Valentine also replied to the notes. Days before his execution, Valentine prayed for the jailer's daughter and she regained her sight. Before his death, Valentine is also said to have written a farewell note for the jailer's daughter and signed it "From Your Valentine". This expression is popular even till date. Valentine was beheaded on February 14.

Далее история гласит, что пребывая в заточении, Валентин подружился с дочерью тюремного надзирателя, которая была слепа. Иногда она приносила ему послания и цветы от детей, а он передавал через неё ответы им. За день до казни Валентин благословил девушку, и ей вернулось зрение. Он также написал сказку для неё и назвал «От Вашего Валентина». Это выражение популярно и в наши дни. Казнили Валентина 14 февраля.

Teacher: Some facts about traditions and customs of this holiday.


Student 8. Romantic festival of St Valentine's Day is celebrated with enthusiasm and fond regard in several countries around the world. Most commonly observed Valentine's Day tradition and custom is expressing one's love with an exchange of cards, flowers and gifts. Pampering one's beloved and making a romantic proposal to one's sweetheart is the other popular tradition of the festival that celebrates love.

На Руси, в православном мире. Днем любви считается 8 июля (по новому стилю) - День памяти святых Петра и Февронии. Князь Муромский и его супруга жили долго, счастливо и умерли в один день

Слайд 10.

Teacher: There are several symbols attached to the romantic festival of Valentine's Day. The most commonly attached Valentine's Day Symbols include Roses, Hearts, Cupid, Lovebirds and Dove besides Love Knots and Laces. Each of these Valentine's Day Symbols has an interesting story about how they become attached with the festival. Over the years these symbols have become a part of the Valentine's Day Tradition. The present generation may not know the story behind these symbols but they surely recognize the festival with its traditional symbols.

Valentine's Day Roses

Valentine's Day Hearts


Lovebirds & Doves

Love Knots

Valentine's Day Lace, слайд 11

Слайд 12

Teacher: Rose is one of the most popular flower and one of the most powerful symbol of Valentine's Day. Since time immemorial rose flower has been a favorite of poets and romantics at heart. For them, the lovely rose stand for beauty, passion and love.


Teacher: There are exist f lot of meanings of different colors of roses

Meaning of Different Colors of Roses

Rose flower is found in different colors and it is fascinating to note that each of these different Rose colors have been assigned different meanings by the society. Hence one needs to be careful while presenting rose to someone.

Red Roses - Love and passion

White Roses - True love, purity of the mind and reverence

Yellow Roses - Friendship, celebration and joy

Pink Roses - Friendship or Sweetheart, admiration

Peach Roses - Desire and excitement or appreciation

Lilac Roses - Love at first sight and enchantment

Coral Roses - Desire

Orange Roses - Enthusiasm and desire

Black Roses - Farewell or "It's Over"

Bouquet of Red and Yellow Roses: Happiness and celebrations

Bouquet of Red and White Roses: Bonding and harmony

Bouquet of Yellow and Orange Roses: Passion

3. Проведение конкурсов со студентами.

Teacher: Now let's divide into 2 teams and have fun. Now you will have some games. If your team answers on one question, you will take a point. At the end of our games, our jury will count them. The team will win, if this team has more points, than other one.

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