Открытый урок на тему Learning languages

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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The theme: Learning languages.

Teacher : Mackambetova. G. K.


2014-2015 Mangustau


Educational aim: to give information about different styles of learning languages; to enrich students' speaking habits on theme; to activate their background knowledge in order to help them predict likely vocabulary in a given text. Development aim: to develop students' critical thinking skills; to develop perception, logic, imagination and creativeness, understanding cause and effect. Up bringing aim: to bring up students to be the patriots of their motherland, to love and respect the nature language, motivate the students to learning English and other foreign languages.

Procedure of the lesson Introduction a) The speech with the students. Answer the questions: What date is it today? What season is it now? What can you say about the weather? What is the weather like today? b) Control the home task: What can say about the previous lesson? Exersise 1; to answer to the questions. Exersise 5; to compare schools in GB and in Kazakhstan

Warm- up Match these English sayings and proverbs ; 1) What the heart thinks, a) to learn 2) Better short of pence b) what fortune is 3) As the workman c) than words 4) It is never too late d) the tongue speaks 5)Action speak louder e) than short of sense 6) Misfortune tell us f) so the work

I Presentation of the new material -Now listen to me attentively! Teacher reads the text, and students will define what about is the text Тақырыпты анықтап болғаннан кейін мұғалім оқушылардан тіл үйренудің маңызын, себебін сұрайды. -Мен не үшін ағылшын тілін үйреніп жатырмын?

Оқушылардың жауабынан кейін мұғалім тіл үйренудің маңыздылығын түсіндіріп өтеді

II Vocabulary work visual ['viзjuәl ] (визуальный) көру арқылы auditory ['o:ditәri ] тыңдау арқылы kinaesthetic [kinәs'Өetik] кинестетикалық амал

Discussion the text about diferrent learning styles

Visual learners - prefer reading, looking at pictures or watching TV Auditory learners- prefer listening to teachers, cassettes etc Kinaesthetic learners- prefer moving around the room, touching things etc III Task 1 Look at the pictures and say what kind of learners are they? 1-Watching 2-Writing 3- Speaking 4- Listening

Task 2 What kind of learners are you? Why?

Task3 Read the advices from a group of English teachers and put each piece of advice next to the correct heading Speaking-2.7 Listening- 3,6 Reading 5.8 Writing1.4

IV Grammar Reference

So do I! Neither do I! When we agree or disagree using So.../Neither....I,we repeat the auxiliary verbs. If there is no auxiliary verb, use do/ does/ did. Agreeing. I like swimming. So do I. I am writing. So am I. I can cook. So can I. Disagreeing I don't like milk. I do. We're leaving. We aren't. I can ski. I can't.

V Conclusion.

VI Marks for the lesson.

VII Home task

1) to work out own advice how to learn languages. 2) Exersise: 1

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