Грамматические задания: First and second conditionals

Условное предложение I типа (First Conditional) употребляем для выражения возможного условия и предполагаемого результата в будущем, т.е., наши действия ВОЗМОЖНЫ. Условное предложение II типа (Second Conditional) используется для выражения нереальных или маловероятных условий и их следствий в настоящем или будущем, например, когда мы мечтаем о чем-то, но это НЕВОЗМОЖНО. First conditional   1. If I (see) John, I'll tell him your news.   2. He (be) very pleased if it (be) really true.   3. If you ...
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Класс -
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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First conditional

1. If I (see) John, I'll tell him your news.

2. He (be) very pleased if it (be) really true.

3. If you (go) to town on Monday, you ( meet) my brother.

4. If you (need) help, my father (help) you.

5. We (have) a picnic lunch if the day (be) fine.

6. If you a policeman, he (tell) you the way.

7. I (finish) the job tomorrow if I (can).

8. I (not require) an umbrella if it (not rain).

9. If she (think) it over carefully, she (form) a clear opinion.

10. If they (catch) the bus now, they (arrive) at half past nine.

11. He (find) the answers if he (look) at the back of the book.

12. If you (want) me to, I (come) for a walk with you.

13. If he (write) to her, she (answer) at once.

14. If you (wait) for a moment, the waiter (bring) your coffee.

15. He (lose) weight if he (stop) eating too much.

16. If she (be) patient, I (try) to explain.

17. I (wear) a purple tie but only if I (must).

18. If we (leave) at once, we (catch) the early train.

19. If he (do) that again, his father (punish) him.

20. If she (drink) this medicine, she (feel) much better.

Second conditional

1. Her health (improve) if she (sleep) longer.

2. If she (want) to talk to me, she (ring up).

3. I (understand) Mr Brown if he (speak) slowly.

4. If you (give) him good meals, he (not be able) to work hard.

5. It (seem) nearly such a long way if she (walk) fast.

6. You (make) a fortune if you (take) my advice.

7. If I (think) that about him, I (say) so.

8. If he (promise) to behave in future, his mother (forgive) him.

9. If we (can) come on Sunday, we (come)

10. If he (need) help, I (give) it.

11. Life (be) monotonous if we (have) nothing to do.

12. He (not phone) me here unless it (be) urgent.

13. If they (love) each other, they (quarrel) so much.

14. If Peter (ask) Mary, I'm sure she (marry) him.

15. She (get) fit if she (walk) to Trafalgar Square.

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