Buying clothes Presentation of the lesson about buying clothes, kind of clothes

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:

Тексерген ------------------Пәні ағылшын тілі Пәні мұғалімі


5 ә



Сабақ реті


Қысқа мерзімді жоспар

Сабақтың тақырыбы:

Buying clothes

Сабақтың жалпы мақсаты:

Presentation of the lesson about buying clothes,kind of clothes

Оқушылар үшін оқу нәтижелері

To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills to learn

Негізгі идеялар

to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

Сабақта қолданылатын материалдар:

Жұмыс дәптерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

Оқыту әдістері:

1Топтық жұмыс

2. Жеке жұмыс

Дерек көздер:

English оқулығы, Teacher's Book, , жұмыс дәптері,


1.мәтінді оқу

2.жаңа сөздерді теріп жазу

3.сұрақтарға жауап беру

4.жаттығулар орындау

Мұғалімнің сабақ бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабақ жүргізіледі:

  1. I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings

-Good morning children?

-How are you?

  1. A talk about on duty

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

c) A talk about the weather?

-What day is it today? -What season is it now?

-What date is it today? - What month is it now?

Test 10 min

II. Warm up: To show picture of clothes and ask their names

Knowledge: Students are going to look at the picture and put them into correct column.Check new words in your dictionary

Coat-пальто hat-қалпақ shoes-туфли,бәтеңке

Shirt-ерлер көйлегі jacket-жакет stockings-

Dress-әйелдер көйлегі gloves-қолбақ nightdress-пежама

Tie-галстук boots-ботинка

Skirt-юбка jeans-джинсы

Trousers-шалбар jumper-жемпір

Socks-носки shorts-шорты

Blouse-блузка T-shirt-футболка







Comprehension: The focus here is to practice

Read and remember!

Sometimes we use "One"not to repeat nouns.

Example: This book is new but that one is old.

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar

can work with electronic textbook and with cards

Analysis: 2.Talk to your partner

Do you like shopping ?

Where do you buy clothes?

Who do you buy clothes with?

Do you like wearing fashionable or comfortable clothes?

How often do you buy clothes?

3.Work in pairs.Read the thank you letter and guess missing clothes.

Dear Auntie!

Thank you for all presents.The brown

a)----is very nice.It's good to wear it to school when it's cold.And the two b)------are fantastic.I'm playing football tomorrow.

Synthesis: checking up their knowledge in understanding the material

Imagine that you received some presents from a relative.Work in two groups(boys and girls) and tell your friend about it.

Boys Girls

Two shorts(white and black) two blouses(pink,blue)

Two T-shirts(white and green) jumper(grey)

VI. Consolidation the material


Make the dialogue.Put the lines in the correct order.

-That's 5.50.


-what about this one?

-Yes,I'm looking for a T-shirt.

-Here's 6 pounds,please.

-Can I help you? 1

-Here's 50 p change and your T-shiert.

-Ok,thanks very much.Good-bye. 10

-What colour are you looking for?

-I'm looking for this colour.It's nice.How much is that?


Read exercises 3 a,5 and find the sentences and read them to your partner.

VI. Home task


Evaluate: summative assessment


I know

I don't know

I have known






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