Тест по английскому языку

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Поделитесь с коллегами:
  1. Use definite article where it is necessary:

  1. USA;

б. Russia;

в. Australia;

г. San Francisco.

  1. What is the English equivalent for «сильная засуха»?

а. floods;

б. severe droughts;

в. mountain range;

г. desert.

  1. What is the Russian equivalent for "useless desert"?

а. бесполезная степь;

б. горный хребет;

в. бесполезная пустыня;

г. наводнение.

  1. What is the English equivalent for «это островное государство»?

а. it is an island state;

б. it was an island state;

в. it is a huge country;

г. it has a mild climate.

  1. Translate into English «Так как Австралия отрезана от остального мира, ее дикая природа такая уникальная»:

а. So Australia is cut off from the rest of the world, its wildlife is so unique;

б. That's why Australia is cut off from the rest of the world, its wildlife is so unique;

в. Because Australia is cut off from the rest of the world, its wildlife is so unique;

г. Because Australia was cut off from the rest of the world, its wildlife is so unique.

  1. What is the Russian equivalent for "self-confidence"?

а. самонадеянность;

б. покорность;

в. подвижность;

г. самоуверенность.

  1. The ability to wait for something calmly for a long time is ……

а. mobility;

б. toughness;

в. patience;

г. submission.

  1. How to say in English: чтобы понять русских, нужно знать, откуда они пришли?

а. To understand the Russians, one must know where they come from;

б. Understand the Russians, one must know where they come from;

в. Understanding the Russians, one must know where they come from;

г. To understand the Russians, one must knows where they come from.

  1. Translate into English: К сожалению, у меня нет друзей из Испании:

а. Firstly, I haven't got any Spanish friends;

б. So I haven't got any Spanish friends;

в. Unfortunately, I haven't got any Spanish friends;

г. Well, I hasn't any Spanish friends.

10. Choose the correct sentence:

а. Could you tell me when the nearest train to London is, please?

б. Can you tell me when the nearest train to London is, please?

в. Tell me when the nearest train to London is, please?

г. May you tell me when the nearest train to London is, please?

  1. Which is the odd word out?

а. Forest;

б. Wood;

в. River;

г. Tree.

  1. Which is the odd word out?

а. Sea;

б. Coast ;

в. Beach;

г. Field.

  1. Which is the odd word out?

а. Valley;

б. Mountain;

в. Park;

г. Prairie.

  1. Which is the odd word out?

а. Ocean;

б. Sea;

в. River;

г. Mountain.

  1. Choose the correct sentence:

а. Mississippi is a river in the USA;

б. The Mississippi is a river in the USA;

в. Mississippi is a river in USA;

г. Mississippi is a river in USA.

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