Разработка урока по английскому языку The Future (11 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Поделитесь с коллегами:

Date ______________

From: 11

Theme: The future.

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: assimilation new lexical theme, to read the text, new vocabulary connected

with the topic of the lesson

Developing: To develop pupils' speech habits, through speaking, reading and writing.

Upbringing: to bring up pupils'

Communicative: to teach pupils' reading, writing , speaking & practice, talking, to use new words in the interview to practice them the oral speech

Type of the lesson: combination

Methods of the lesson: demonstration, exercises

The procedure of the lesson.

Stages of the lesson

Teacher's activity

Pupil's activity


I. Introduction

II. Speech drill

III. Checking-up of the home task

IV. Speaking.

V. Reading

VI. Vocabulary

VII. Reflection

VIII. Home task


-Good morning children.

-Thank you! Sit down please.

2.Talking to duty

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

-What date is it today?

-What day is it today?

S-s list the main problems affecting the world today.

Do you think the problem we will face in the future will be the same or different?

-OK. Very nice! What was your home task?

-are you ready?

Who is read? You, please.

Open your books p. 142.

We have new theme the future.

Open your books p. 142, ex.2

Read the following predictions. Will they make the world better or worse? Tick in the necessary column. Add 3 more predictions of your own.

Choose the five of the predictions.

Do you agree with them or not?

Read the text. They are written as though we are already in 2025. which one, A,B,C describes the following?

The end of human society as we know it.

The most peaceful world society.

The longest life expectancy for the rich.

The most dramatic developments in science.

Famine - голод

Poverty- нищета

Destruction - разрушение, гибель

Earthquake - землятресение

Weapon - оружие

Flood - наводнение

Nuclear -ядерный

Slavery - рабства

Read the words in the box and match with their definitions. (ex. 6, p.145)

-Open your diaries.

p.145, ex.9.

So. Guys. I'll give your marks. I want to evaluate your activities.

Stand up, please!

Our lesson is over. Good - bye

- Good morning teacher.

-I am on duty today.

-All are present.

-Today the _____

Today it is _____

Answer the questions

Work in pairs.

Do exercise individually

(in a written form)

Date ______________

From: 11

Theme: The future.

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: assimilation new lexical theme, to read the dialogue, new vocabulary

connected with the topic of the lesson

Developing: to develop pupils' speech habits, through speaking, reading and writing.

Upbringing: to bring up pupils' to love English

Communicative: to teach pupils' reading, writing , speaking & practice, talking, to use new words in the interview to practice them the oral speech

Type of the lesson: combination

Methods of the lesson: demonstration, exercises

The procedure of the lesson.

Stages of the lesson

Teacher's activity

Pupil's activity


I. Introduction

II. Checking-up of the home task

III. Vocabulary.

IV. Reading

V. Writing.

VI. Speaking.

VII. Reflection

VIII. Home task


-Good morning children.

-Thank you! Sit down please.

2.Talking to duty

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?

-What date is it today?

-What day is it today?

-OK. Very nice!

-What was your home task?

-are you ready?

Who is read? You, please.

Open your books p. 148.

We continue the theme the future.

Explain new idioms.

Go for - стремиться к чему либо

Put in - проводить много времени

Behind the wheel - за рулем

Go through - тщательно разбирать что либо

Start up - заводить

Васк up - давать задний ход

Look out for - беречь

Road signs - дорожный знак

Take advantage - воспользоваться

Take one's time - не торопиться

Ex.13. Read the dialogue paying attention to the underlined idioms.

Read the definitions. Write the correct word from the underlined words into each gap.

Write the idioms from the dialogue that correspond t o the words in parentheses.

Try to acquire - go for

Spent- put in

Driving a vehicle - behind the wheel

Study - go through

Begin to operate the car - start up

Driving backwards - back up

Watch for - look out for

Benefit from - take advantage of

Test that examines her driving ability -road test

Not hurry - take one's time

Answer the questions.

p. 149.

-Open your diaries.

p.149, ex.13 f.

So. Guys. I'll give your marks. I want to evaluate your activities.

Stand up, please!

Our lesson is over. Good - bye

- Good morning teacher.

-I am on duty today.

-All are present.

-Today the ____

Today it is _____

Work with class.

Do exercise individually

(in a written form)

Work in pairs.

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