Тест для внутришкольного контроля по английскому языку в 9 классе (Unit 1) по учебнику М. З. Биболетовой Enjoy English

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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Progress Check 9thform

Unit 1

Variant I

1. Translate into English:

1) поддерживать друг друга

2) завидовать

3) игнорировать проблемы друзей

4) избегать конфликты

5) Моя сестра - настоящая болтушка.

2. Make up 4 questions to the sentence: Last summer I was in a language school in Malta.

1) General question

2) Special question

3) Alternative question

4) Tag-question

3.Use the verb in Present Continuous or Future Simple:

1) She (to win) _________this competition, I`m sure.

2) If you come tomorrow, I _________(to show) you the photos that I took in the National Park.

3) I (to leave)__________ for St Petersburg tonight. I have already bought a ticket.

4) My brother (to visit)___________Moscow next week, his hotel is already reserved.

4. Define the form of the verb:

1) will look

2) have seen

3) is reading

4) will have played

5) spoke

6) will be looking

7) was cleaning

8) had spoken

9) have been watching

10) speak

5. Use the verb in Passive Voice

1) English __________(to speak) all over the world.

2) Ice cream________(to make) from milk.

3) Next year my first book __________(to publish) in Moscow.

4) My dogs__________(to wash) at the moment.

5) The church _________(to found) in 1730.

6) This music _________(to write) by Verdi.

6. Rewrite the following messages in their proper form.

1) M8s 4eva

2) CU L8R

3) UR GR8

Progress Check 9thform

Unit 1

Variant II

1. Translate into English:

1) игнорировать проблемы друзей

2) избегать конфликты

3) поддерживать друг друга

4) завидовать

5) Мой брат - настоящий зануда.

2. Make up 4 questions to the sentence: Last summer I was in a language school in Malta.

1) General question

2) Special question

3) Alternative question

4) Tag-question

3.Use the verb in Present Continuous or Future Simple:

1) She (to win) _________this competition, I`m sure.

2) My brother (to visit)___________Moscow next week, his hotel is already reserved.

3) I (to live)__________ for St Petersburg tonight. I have already bought a ticket.

4) If you come tomorrow, I _________(to show) you the photos that I took in the National Park.

4. Define the form of the verb:

1) will look

2) have seen

3) is reading

4) will have played

5) spoke

6) will be looking

7) was cleaning

8) had spoken

9) have been watching

10) speak

5. Use the verb in Passive Voice

1) The church _________(to found) in 1730.

2) This music _________(to write) by Verdi.

3) Next year my first book __________(to publish) in Moscow.

4) My dogs__________(to wash) at the moment.

5) Ice cream________(to make) from milk.

6) English __________(to speak) all over the world.

6. Rewrite the following messages in their proper form.

1) M8s 4eva

2) CU L8R

3) UR GR8

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