Тесты по английскому языку по специальности Пожарная безопасность

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 12 класс
Тип Тесты
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Тестовые задания по английскому языку

1. Exploration carried out continuously since fire and to eliminate it. During the exploration necessary to establish

A) The location and area of fire that burns, as well as the spread of fire

B) Location of the nearest water source and possible use

C) The state and behavior of building structures at the site of fire, where they are opened and disassembly

D) Winter

2. Man-made disasters. On the project.

A)"Industrial" (explosions and leaks of toxic substances in the plants chemical or food industry breakthrough in pipelines or nuclear accident)

B)"Transport" (plane crash, train wreck, shipwreck, accident, etc.)

С) A book collection

  • D) To present

3. Find the right answers

Fighting firefighting commence upon receipt of a fire fire-brigade, to be deemed complete upon returning units fire at home station, and include:

A) Call handling

B) exit and proceeding to take a call (fire)

C) rescue of people and property

D) bird

4. Man-made disasters. At the place of (basic)

A) Accident at the destruction of production facilities and radioactive contamination of the territory

B) Aviation, water and railway disaster

C) A power failure

D) detective story

5. Translation .A power failure.

Most extensive number of victims is considered Bhopal disaster in India occurred as a result of vapor emissions of methyl isocyanate at a chemical plant Union Carbide. The tragedy on the very day of the accident killed 3000 people, 15,000 died in the following years. The total number of victims is estimated at 150-600 thousand people.

6. Translation.

Fire - uncontrolled combustion causes material damage, damage to life and health of citizens and the interests of society and the state.

The causes of fires:

A) careless handling of fire;

B) failure to comply with the rules of operation of production equipment and electrical appliances;

C) spontaneous combustion of substances and materials;

D)There is much snow in winter.

7. Translation. Into English.

A)Торфяные пожары

B)Верховые пожары

C)Лесные пожары

D)Низовые пожары

8.Fire prevention is reached. Choose.

A) Development ,introduction and control of observance of fire norms and rules .

B)Conducting designing and planning taking into account fire safety of created objects .

С) improvement and the conte3nts in readiness of fire-prevention means.

D)It was a rainy day in November .

9. The causes of fire. Choose:

A) Careless handling of fire;

B) Spontaneous combustion substances and materials;

C) The discharges of static electricity;

D) There is a map on the wall;

10. Types of fires on place of origin. Choose:

A) Fires in vehicles;

B) Underground fires in mines;

C) Fires in buildings and constructions:

  • External (open), They are well looked through the flames and smoke;

  • Internal (private), characterized by hidden ways of flame propagation.

D )I like to read detective;

16. Area of space, which is covered by fire. Choose:

A) The zone of an active fire the (fire);

B) The area of the thermal treatment;

C) Zone of smoke;

D) I love reading English classical literature;

17. Classification of fires by type. Choose:

A) Industrial (fires at plants, factories and stores);

B) Household fires (fires in homes and on objects of cultural-household purpose);

C) Natural fires (forest, steppe, turf and landscape fires) ;

D) Physical training is a compulsory subject.

11. Conditions of flow and the stage of fire. Choose:

To a fire occurred, requires conditions:

  1. Combustible substances and materials;

  2. Ignition source - open fire, a chemical reaction, the electric current;

  3. The oxidizer, such as oxygen in the air;

  4. Englishmen like football;

12. The main factors affecting. Choose:

  1. Flames and sparks;

  2. Heat flux;

  3. High temperature environment;

  4. The weather in England is very changeable;

13. Classification of fires by type. Choose:

A) Industrial (fires at plants, factories and stores)

B) Household fires (fires in homes and on objects of cultural-household purpose)

C) Natural fires (forest, steppe, turf and landscape fires)

D) The film was much spoken about

14. Classification of fires on the density of building. Choose:

A) Individual fires. (Urban fires) - burning in a particular building at low density. (Building density - the percentage of built-up areas to the total area of the locality. Safe consider building density to 20%)

B) Solid fires - view of the fire, covering a large territory with a density of more than 20-30%

C) Corruption in the rubble

D) The letter was sent yesterday

15. Classification depending on the type of combustible substances and materials. Choose:

A) Fire class «А» - burning of solid substances

B) Fire class «B» - the Burning of liquid substances

С) Fire class «C» - the burning of gaseous substances

D) English is spoken in many countries.

16. Rescue people from fire organized and carried out in the event that. Choose:

A) People can not independently leave dangerous areas

B) There is a threat of the spread of fire and smoke to escape routes

C) Provides for the application of life-threatening fire extinguishers and smoke compositions

D) He told me that he would meet me at the college

17.Procedures during an earthquake. Choose:

A) If an earthquake catches you in the room, try as soon as possible and leave it to be on the street, preferably away from the buildings.

B) Stay away from windows, they can not withstand the vibration and you get hurt with broken glass.

C) Do not use the elevators, they can at any time withdraw from the system, and you can get stuck in them.

D) Universe square law.

18. Decisive in determining the direction of military operations in the event of fire must be based on the following principles. Choose:

A) Fire hazards threaten human life and rescue is not possible without the use of technology and the introduction of rescue firefighting vehicles - the forces and resource are concentrated and injected for rescue work

B) Creates a risk of explosion - the power and resources are concentrated and injected into areas in which it operates will ensure prevention of explosion

C) Burning of the subject covered, and it spreads to other parts or neighboring - the power and the means to focus and enter the areas where further spread of fire can cause the most damage

D) The pollution of air and destruction of the ozone layer are the results of man's attitude towards Nature

19. Recommendations to the population on safe behavior in case of emergency situations of natural character at home. Choose:

A) Peter goes in for sports

B) To take refuge under a sturdy table, close to the main walls and columns, because the main risk comes from the fall of the internal walls, celling, ceilings, chandeliers.

C) Stay away from the windows, appliances, pots on the fire, which must be immediately put out.

D) Immediately extinguish any source or fire.

20. Recommendations to the population on safe behavior in case of emergency situations of natural character in car. Choose:

A) Not to stop under bridges, overpasses, power lines; Parking machines do not block the way for other vehicles.

B) Improper use of a gas stove.

C) Go and stop the car away from the balconies, eaves and trees.

D) If you can, it is better not to use the car and move around on foot.

21. Recommendations to the population on safe behavior in case of emergency situations of natural character on the way to. Choose:

A) Sent to the free-space remote from buildings, power grids and other facilities

B) Closely monitor the eave or walls that could fall, stay away from the towers, bells, reservoirs

C) A ray of sunshine, acting through various optical systems

D) Watch out for dangerous objects that may be on the ground (live wires, glass, broken boards and so on)

22. Recommendations to the population on safe behavior in case of emergency situations of natural character in the schools and other educational institutions. Choose:

A) Follow a plan developed civil defense

B) To keep the situation under control, to be able to help others and to protect children: self-ownership situations and allow adult children to follow his instructions, without succumbing to panic.

C) The teacher has to be a complete list of participants and students at the exit it must verify the presence of his children

D) Other funds, secondary and special machinery

23. Recommendations to the population on safe behavior in case of emergency situations of natural character in a public place. Choose:

A) The main danger is the crowd that, panicked, runs blindly

B) In this case, thy to choose a safe exit, have not seen the crowd

C) Try not to fail, otherwise to you run the risk of being trampled, not having any opportunity to climb

D) Systems and devices special communication and management

24.How to prepare for an earthquake. Transalation.

Premeditated plan of action during an earthquake when the home, at work, in film, theater, transport and on the street. Explain to you family members that they should do during an earthquake and teach them the rules of first aid.

Keep in a convenient location documents, money, flashlight and extra batteries. Keep the house of drinking water and canned goods based on a few days. Remove the beds away from windows and exterior walls.

Secure cabinets, shelves and racks in the apartments, and on the upper shelves and mazzanines remove heavy objects. Hazardous substances (pesticides, flammable liquids) are stored in a safe, well-isolated place. All tenants should know where the switch,main gas and water valves, in case you need to turn off electricity, gas and water.

25. Forest fires: Translation.

Forest fires - burning vegetation spontaneously spreading to the forest area.

The main causes of forest fires is a human activity, lightning, spontaneous combustion of peat crumbs and agricultural burns is hot weather or in the so-called fire season ( the period from the melting of the snow cover in the woods until the full green cover or the occurrence of a stable rainy autumn weather ). Forest fires destroy trees and shrubs. Harvested wood in the forest. As a result of reduced fire protection, water protection and other useful properties of forests destroyed fauna, plants, and in some cases and settlements. In addition, a forest fire is a serious threat to humans and farm animals.

26. Signs of an earthquake. Translation.

Some features of the behavior of animals can tell the person that is approaching earthquake. Feeling inevitable terrestrial pushes, pushes, dogs howl, the horse may incur, and birds uneasily describe circles in the sky. In 1975, the inhabitants of one Chinese city drew attention to the strange behavior of animals and just left their homes- a few hours later there was an earthquake.

In seismically dangerous zones scientists regularly take water samples from wells and boreholes. Fracturing a subterranean species may be preceded by the breaking of their crystal structure when formed through a gap in the groundwater (and then- in the well) is adjudged to radon gas. Increasing the level of radon in well water indicates the possibility of fast earthquake. Earthquake may be preceded by the release of electrically charged gas. Such gases may have a characteristic glow. Scientists also found that before the earthquake on a fault line can produce hydrogen gas- in quantities exceeding the usual ten times.

Special devices- strain gauges- to help detect any deviations in the power voltage fault line and resulting from these processes are huge cracks that may extend for several kilometers underground and on the surface. Inclinometer, like a carpenter's level, determines the movement of the earth's crust? And placed under a fault line wire sensors alert you to any unusual movements in the Earth's thicker.

The most accurate device for detecting an approaching earthquake is the seismograph.

27.Rescue on the water. Translate.

Causes of death of the person on the water or ice can be different: the inability to swim, misconduct on the water, swimming in a drunken state, fear, fright, etc. Man, overwhelmed by fear, is not capable of a sober assessment of the situation, it makes meaningless movement, quickly weakens and sinks. In order to help a drowning man, you need to swim and dive, to know and correctly apply the methods of salvation, liberation from seizures and tow the victim. Rescuing the man on the water, you need to act thoughtfully, carefully, soberly assessing the situation, not to be lost in case of danger. To properly take into account the distance to the drowning, the flow rate, the availability of life-saving appliances, the excitement of water, etc.

28. The notion of natural emergencies. Translate.

Natural emergencies - situation in a certain territory or waters as a result of natural disaster source, that may cause or entail the loss of human life, damage to human health or the environment, significant losses and disruption of living conditions of the people.

Natural disaster are distinguished by the nature and magnitude of the source.

Themselves natural emergencies are very diverse. Therefore, on the basis of reasons (conditions) of occurrence, they are divided into groups;

  1. Hazardous geophysical phenomena;

  2. Geological hazards;

  3. Hazardous meteorological phenomena

  4. Marine dangerous hydro meteorological phenomena;

  5. Dangerous hydrological phenomena;

  6. Wildfires.

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