Урок английского языка по теме Numbers

Предлагаемый вашему вниманию урок входит в учебную программу 6 класса средней школы (второй год обучения)по английскому языку.Одной из целей урока является развитие умений и навыков обучающихся правильно использовать количественные и порядковые числительные в их устной и письменной речи, а также развитие навыков аудирования и говорения. Форма урока - практикум. Вид урока- развитие речи.Тип урока - закррепление изученного учебного материала.Педагогическая задача -повышение мотивации школьников к ...
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Урок английского языка в 6 классе

Тема - "Numbers"

Цели урока:

1)Добиваться твёрдого знания учащимися числительных от 1 до 1000,особенностей их употребления в английском языке.

количественных и порядковых числительных в устной и письменной речи, а также навыки аудирования и говорения.

3) Воспитывать у детей чувство ответственности, трудолюбие и взаимопомощь на уроке.

Педагогическая задача:

Повышение мотивации школьников в изучении английского языка и привитие интереса к предмету путем использования элементов игровой технологии.

Тип урока: закрепление учебного материала

Форма урока: практикум

Вид урока: развитие речи

Ход урока:

  1. Организационный момент. Сообщение темы. Good morning, children! Sit down, please. Today we shall speak about numbers, figures and numerals

  2. Речевая зарядка Let's count - One potato, two potatoes.

Three potatoes. Four.

Five potatoes, six potatoes,

seven potatoes more.

(banana. tomato)

Look at these English proverbs! Let's read them:

Two heads are better than one.

If you run after two hares you will catch neither.

Find Russian equivalents to the proverbs, please!

  1. And now we shall practice in using of numerals:

a) My telephone number is …

b) My address is…..

c) What time is it now? -Its 11:30

d) The Great October Socialist Revolution was in 1917.

e) The great Patriotic war began in 1941.

f) We celebrate Victory Day on the 9th of May.

4) Lesson of mathematics - doing sums

125-28= 546-78= 93+441= (pronouncing numbers in English by the students)

Fill the necessary figures in this crossword - writing of the numbers as if they words -with letters)

  1. To my mind you need some moving…Stand up please! Let's go!

Ten little Indians standing in a line

One toddled home and then there were nine.

Nine little Indians swinging on a gate

One tumbled off and then there were eight.

Eight little Indians gayest under heaven

One went to sleep and then there were seven.

Seven little Indians cutting up their tricks

One broke his neck and then there were six.

Six little Indians all alive

One kicked the bucket and then there were five.

Five little Indians on a cellar door

One tumbled in and there were four.

Four little Indians up on a spree

One got fudied and then there were three.

Three little Indians out on a canoe

One tumbled overboard and then there were two.

Two little Indians fooling with a gun

One shot the other and then there was one.

One little Indian living all alone

He got married and life was going on.

  1. Summing up- Where are the numbers using? What spheres of life need numbers?

Science - Mathematics Algebra, Geometry, Chemistry.

Measures - kilometers, kilogrammes, minutes/seconds

Money -dollars, pounds, roubles

Dates. Calendar

Personal information -telephone number, address.

  1. Are you ready to play the game with me? Well let's begin!

Imagine that you are very rich ladies and gentlemen. You are taking part in auction. (the game)

  1. And now you are taking part in the lottery "Bingo". Everybody has his lottery-ticket.

Good luck! I have got nice prizes - toys and souveniers.

  1. Giving marks with teacher's commentaries.

  2. Reflection- ☺☺☺

Учитель - Дергач Анна Викторовна

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