Тест по английскому языку на тему Артикль с географическими названиями

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Тип Тесты
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Артикли с географическими названиями 7 класс

Choose the right answer

1. What is … longest river in the world?

а) a b) the c) -

2. Moscow is … capital of Russia.

a) a b) the c) -

3. Where is … Everest situated?

a) a b) the c) -

4. … moon goes round … sun.

a) a b) the c) -

5. ... Volga is ... longest river in ... Russia.

a) -, the, the, b) the, the, - c) the, - , -

6. I'd like to go to excursion to ... Crimea.

a) - b) a c) the

7. The highest mountains are ….. Alps.

a) the b) - c) a

8. Many ships come to ... London along ... river Thames.

a) - , the b) - , - c) the, the

9. You can see beautiful pictures in … Tretyakof Gallery.

a) a b) the c) -

10. ... UK is an island state.

a) a b) the c)

11. ... Australia is ... world's largest island and its smallest continent.

a) the, the b) - , the c) -, -

12. ... California is one of ... most attractive places in ... USA.

a) the, the, the b) - , - , the c) - , the, the

13. ... Canada is situated in ... North America.

a) - , - b) - , the c) the, the

14. The capital of ... United States of America is ... Washington D.C.

a) the, - b) the, the c) - , -

15. The three main parts of ... GB are ... Scotland, ... England and ... Wales.

a) the, the, the, the b) the, - , - , - c) - , - , - , -

15. __Asia and ____ Africa are continents.

a) the, the b) a, a c) --. -

16. Can you show me the way to …. Kunstkammer?

a) a b) the c) -

17. The Civil War was fought between ____ North and ___ South.

a) a, a b) --. -- c) the, the

18. _ Alps are covered with snow.

a) a b) the c) --

Употребление артиклей

Choose the right answer

1. What …. funny advice!

a) -- b) a c) the

2. My mother is ...... doctor.

a) a b) an c) the d) -

3. I have ...... apple.

a) a b) an c) the d) -

4. There is a red pen on the table. Give me … pen.

a) a b) the c) -

5. Where is …. nearest bookshop?

a) the b) a c) -

6. An African cheetah is believed to be … fastest ani­mal on … earth.

a) the, the c) --, --

b) the, -- d) --, the

7. ___north of Scotland is known for its wild beauty.

a) -- b) a c) the

8. My favourite subject at school was___biology.

a) a b) -- c) the

9. Where is ... Mr Brown now?

a) -- b) a c) the

10. Are the elephants … largest land animals?

a) -- b) the c) a

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