Контрольная работа Present Continous

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
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"The Present Continuous Tense".

Variant I

  1. Add "-ing" to the following verbs:
    1. drink 4. play 7. travel
    2. make 5. lie 8. cook
    3. swim 6. cut 9. come

  1. Translate into English:

    1. Сейчас 6 часов вечера, моя бабушка и мой дедушка смотрят телевизор.

    2. Папа не читает газету в данный момент, он слушает музыку.

    3. Сейчас у меня урок английского.

    4. Аня не идёт домой в настоящее время.

    5. Они играют в футбол сейчас.

  1. Write sentences in the Present Continuous affirmative (+), (-), (?).

  1. I (read) a book now.

  2. She (do) her homework.

  3. They (eat) supper.

  4. The girls (play) with their dolls.

  5. The dog (sleep) on the chair.

  1. Раскрой скобки, поставив глаголы в форму Present Continuous.

  1. They _____ (drive) the car to work now.

  2. She _____ (write) a letter to her English friend.

  3. We _____ (make) a new school project now.

  4. My mum _____ (tell) my little sister a night fairy-tale at the moment.

  5. Listen! The girl _____ (play) the piano so nicely.

  6. - What _____ you _____ (eat)? - A banana!

  7. The children _____ (not\sleep) now. They _____ (have) lunch.

  8. Look! The sun _____ (shine)! It _____ (not\rain).

  9. Tom _____ (wear) a nice new uniform now.

  10. _____ you _____ (listen) to music now?

  1. Ask and answer the questions. Use the verbs in brackets:

    1. What the cat (to do) now? (sleep on the mat)

    2. What you (to do) now? (make a snowman)

    3. What they (to do) in the garden now? (dig)

  1. Fill in the necessary form of the verb to be:

    1. _______ Molly and Phil going to a coffee bar now?

    2. _______ I lying in bed now?

    3. _______ the father hunting the ducks now


"The Present Continuous Tense".

Variant II

  1. Add "-ing" to the following verbs:
    1. study 4. sit 7. take
    2. travel 5. tie 8. write
    3. swim 6. drink 9. eat

  1. Translate into English:

  1. Моя мама не вяжет сейчас, она читает книгу.

  2. Я не делаю домашнее задание в данный момент.

  3. Они обедают сейчас.

  4. В настоящее время его сёстры играют с игрушками.

  5. Лена помогает бабушке мыть посуду сейчас.

  1. Write sentences in the Present Continuous (+), (-), (?).

  1. You (listen) to me.

  2. Frank (play) football.

  3. I (do) my homework.

  4. They (work) in the garden.

  5. You (study) Spanish.

  1. Раскрой скобки, поставив глаголы в форму Present Continuous.

    1. He _____ (not\walk) in the park at the moment.

    2. I _____ (read) a book about animals now.

    3. The little girl _____ (dance) at the moment.

    4. I see the bird _____ (fly) in the sky.

    5. What _____ he _____ (do) now?

- He and his friends _____ (watch) a new film.

      1. _____ she _____ (cook) dinner now?

      2. The child _____ (drink) milk at the moment.

      3. Listen! She _____ (learn) the poem by heart.

      4. The pupils _____ (not\run) around the classroom.

      5. The group _____ (sing) my favourite song now.

    1. Ask and answer the questions. Use the verbs in brackets:

  1. What David (to do) now? (ski in the forest).

  2. What your family (to do) now? (sit round the table).

  3. What his Granny (to do) now? (knit a new sweater).

    1. Fill in the necessary form of the verb to be:

  1. ______ they listening to opera now?

  2. ______ my little kittens sleeping now?

  3. ______ mother cooking dinner now.

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