Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств ОГСЭ. 03 специальности 09. 02. 02 Компьютерные сети

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Изображения Есть - все для учителя
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Комплект контрольно- оценочных средств ОГСЭ.03 специальности 09. 02. 02 Компьютерные сетиКомплект контрольно- оценочных средств ОГСЭ.03 специальности 09. 02. 02 Компьютерные сетиКомплект контрольно- оценочных средств ОГСЭ.03 специальности 09. 02. 02 Компьютерные сетиГосударственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

Республики Крым

«Феодосийский политехнический техникум»


Заместитель директора

по учебной работе

____ О.Г. Сердюкова

«14» января 2015г.




в рамках основной профессиональной образовательной программы

по специальности среднего профессионального образования

09. 02. 02 « Компьютерные сети»

Феодосия 2015 год

Организация - разработчик: Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Республики Крым «Феодосийский политехнический техникум»

Разработчик: Лазуренко С.В., преподаватель иностранного языка.

Комплект контрольно - оценочных средств по дисциплине ОГСЭ. 03 Иностранный язык рассмотрен и одобрен на заседании цикловой комиссии филологических дисциплин.

Протокол № 6 от « 14 » января 2015 года

Председатель цикловой комиссии З.Ф. Гурьянова

I. Паспорт комплекта оценочных средств

Область применения

Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств (КОС) предназначен для оценки результатов освоения образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК.

КОС включает контрольные материалы для проведения входного контроля, текущего контроля, контрольных работ в форме зачета - 3 семестр и в форме дифференцированного зачета - 4 семестр.

КОС разработан в соответствии с основной профессиональной образовательной программой по специальности среднего профессионального образования 09. 02. 02. « Компьютерные сети»

Результаты обучения

( освоенные умения, усвоенные знания)

Основные показатели оценки результата

общаться ( устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы

составление диалогических и монологических высказываний по заданной тематике; участие в беседе; рассказ; пересказ текста; подготовка презентаций, докладов, рефератов; подготовка и написание эссе.

переводить ( со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности

перевод текстов на практических занятиях, самостоятельная внеаудиторная работа

самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас

выполнение самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы; подготовка презентаций, докладов, рефератов; подготовка и написание эссе

лексический ( 1200- 1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода ( со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности

выполнение тестов, лексико- грамматических упражнений, контрольных работ, диктантов; выполнение индивидуальных заданий и заданий к тестам профессиональной направленности; анализ и оценка выполняемой работы

2. Комплекты оценочных средств

2.1 Входной контроль

Вариант 1.

Choose the correct variant.

1.Unfortunately, I … time to discuss this question with you.

A) have;

B) doesn't have;

C) have no;

D) hasn't;

E) haven't no.

2.Translate: Tы можешь отдохнуть.

A) You must give a rest;

B) You should make a rest;

C) You can't have a rest;

D) You may do the rest;

E) You may have a rest.

3.… advise pupils.

A) Principal and neighbors;

B) Grandparents and shop assistants;

C) Teachers and parents;

D) Classmates and neighbors;

E) Director and pupils.

4.The … in colleges is through tuition.

A) exam;

B) lesson ;

C) curriculum;

D) department;

E) training.

5.The proficiency of student is tested by …

A) the tutor;

B) the Principal;

C) the pupils;

D) the Examining Board;

E) the supervisors.

6.The scheme of study work in a college of education

is based on …

A) examinations;

B) compulsory and optional subjects;

C) additional material;

D) two terms;

E) useless subjects.

7."Провалить экзамен"

A) To pass an exam;

B) To fail in an exam;

C) To take exam;

D) To do one`s test;

E) To miss an exam.

8.At the lecture students …

A) Take notes;

B) Take books;

C) Listen to each other;

D) Do some grammar exercises;

E) Read additional material.

9.During winter and summer sessions students …

A) Get credits and pass exams;

B) Take some rest;

C) Fail in an exams;

D) Help somebody with something;

E) Work by first and starts.

10.Give a synonym: to be good at

A) To work hard at;

B) To do well in;

C) Do one`s best;

D) Work by first and stars;

E) To take notes.

11.To know English today is absolutely … for every educated man.

A) Interesting;

B) Curious;

C) Necessary;

D) Useless;

E) Intellectual.

12.You'll fail in your English if you…

A) Read books;

B) Miss many lessons;

C) Attend many lessons;

D) Learn grammar rules;

E) Know the spelling.

Эталон ответов













Вариант 1













Вариант 2.

Choose the correct variant.

1.The delegates were told that the guide just ... out and back in ten minutes.

A) went / was;

B) had gone / was;

C) has gone / will;

D) had gone / would;

E) went / would.

2.What is the oldest university in England?

A) Cambridge;

B) Oxford;

C) Harward;

D) Sorbonna;


3.Я ожидал, что она переведет текст верно.

A) I expected her translate the text correctly;

B) I expected her to translate the text correctly;

C) I expected she translate the text correctly;

D) I expected she would translate the text correctly;

E) I had expected her translating the text correctly.

4.Where is English used as a second official language?

A) Brazil;

B) Greece;

C) China;

D) India;

E) Sweden.

5." She used to collect stamps", means

A) She doesn't like stamps;

B) She doesn't collect stamps anymore;

C) She didn't like stamps;

D) Collecting stamps is her hobby;

E) She don't like stamps.

6.They aren't French,…?

A) aren't they;

B) haven't they;

C) are they;

D) isn't it;

E) was it.

7.They … an English lesson every day.

A) has;

B) had;

C) have;

D) have had;

E) had have.

8.They … playing football from 5 till 7.

A) were;

B) am;

C) is;

D) will be;

E) are.

9.My father … a programmer. He … interested in politics.

A) was, will be;

B) is, will be;

C) are, were;

D) is, is;

E) were, was.

10.One of the oldest Universities in Britain is…

A) Sorbonna;

B) Harvard;

C) London;

D) Oxford;


11.Выберите слово не подходящее по смыслу.

A) university;

B) lecture;

C) tutor;

D) season;

E) teacher.

12.Выберите слово не подходящее по смыслу.

A) semester;

B) term;

C) kitchen;

D) credit;

E) debts.

Эталон ответов













Вариант 2













2.2 Текущий контроль

Тема « Мой рабочий день. Лексика для повседневного общения. Порядок слов в утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях»

Вариант 1

1.Complete the sentences with words or expressions from the box.

You do not need to use all the words in the box.

adjoining rooms _ airport transfer _ ADSL connection _ balcony _ bar

business centre _ cashier _ check in _ check-in time _ check out

check-out time _ coffee shop _ conference centre _ direct-dial telephone

emergency exit _ en-suite _ exchange / bureau de change _ gift shop _ gym

heated pool _ honeymoon suite _ housekeeping _ key card _ lift / elevator

lobby _ minibar _ non-residents _ no smoking _ pay-TV _ (swimming) pool

Presidential suite _ rack rate _ reception _ reception room _ registration card

reservation _ reservations department _ residents _ restaurant _ room service

safe (noun) _ safety deposit box _ sauna _ tariff

tea- and coffee-making facilities _ vacancies _ wireless connection

1. Our well-equipped __________ has everything for the busy executive, including a photocopier, full

Internet facilities with __________, and __________ to keep you refreshed while you work.

2. If you would like some food brought to your hotel room, call __________, and if you need new

towels or if you want your room cleaned, call __________.

3. The hotel provides a complimentary __________ for all guests, so you don't have to get a bus or taxi

into town when you arrive.

4. If you arrive at a hotel and ask for a room, you usually have to pay the full __________, but you will

probably get a discount if you make a __________ in advance, especially if there are a lot of

__________ on the days you want to stay.

5. Would guests please note that the latest __________ is midday (12 o'clock) on the day they wish to


6. Guests who have just got married might like to use the hotel's __________, although if they've really

got lots of money, they could reserve the magnificent __________.

7. When you arrive at the hotel, go straight to the __________ to __________. They will ask you to fill

in a __________ with your name, address and other information, and then they will give you a

__________, which you need to get into your room. Take the __________ if your room is on a high


8. My room's small, but there's a __________ full of drinks, chocolate and snacks (although I haven't

dared to look at the __________!), a __________ where I can keep my passport and other valuables,

a __________ so I can call my friends, and a __________ where I can stand outside and get a great

view of the city. Oh, and there's __________ so I can watch a movie if I get bored.

9. The hotel's facilities, including the cocktail __________, the Michelin-starred __________ and the

outdoor __________ (which is heated in the winter), can be used by both __________ (guests

staying in the hotel) and __________ (people who are not staying in the hotel).

Вариант 2

Choose the correct variant.

1.Where ... my glasses? - I have just lost ... .

A) is / it ;

B) are / it;

C) is / them;

D) are / them;

E) was / it.

2.He is handsome, ... ?

A) is he;

B) does he;

C) isn't he;

D) doesn't he;

E) has he.

3.It's Thursday today, …

A) is it;

B) doesn't he;

C) isn't it;

D) are they;

E) wasn't it.

4.What places did you visit?

A) I am going to visit the Science Museum;

B) I shall visit London next year;

C) I am not a tourist;

D) I visited Moscow last year;

E) I visited many historical places.

5.Над чем вы смеетесь?

A) What do you laugh at about?

B) What are you laughing at?

C) What do you laugh of?

D) Why do you laugh?

E) What have you laughed at?

6.How often do our students take exams?

A) Once a year;

B) Once a month;

C) Twice a year;

D) Twice a term;

E) Twice a session.

7.Choose the correct variant.

A) Do his brother swim very good?

B) Is his brother swim very good?

C) Does his brother swim very good?

D) Do his brother swim very good?

E) Have his brother swim very good?

8.Choose the correct variant.

A) Do the shops open at 9 o'clock in the morning?

B) Does the shops open at 9 o'clock in the morning?

C) Do the shop open at 9 o'clock in the morning?

D) Are the shops open at 9 o'clock in the morning?

E) Is the shops open at 9 o'clock in the morning?

9.Choose the correct variant.

A) Do his mother cooks tasty?

B) Is his mother cooks tasty?

C) Does his mother cook tasty?

D) Do his mother cook tasty?

E) Has his mother cook tasty?

10.Translate: Где ты был?;

A) Where you were?

B) Where did you was?

C) Where have you been?

D) Where have you be?

E) Where did you go?

11.You can't swim, ... ?

A) can she;

B) can't you;

C) can you;

D) may I;

E) can.

12.Where ... my glasses? - I have just lost ... .

A) is / it ;

B) are / it;

C) is / them;

D) are / them;

E) was / it.

Эталон ответов на тест по теме «Порядок слов в утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях»
























Тема « Моя семья и друзья. Речевой этикет»

Вариант 1.

1. Choose the correct variant.

Read the text.

There is, of course, no such thing as the average British family but statistical data can help us to understand a society and social trends. Every year official statistics based on questionnaires and surveys are published and these provide a lot of useful information on people's habits. This profile is based on one of their recent publications. So what is the average British family?

The average British family lives in a semi-detached house with a garden in the south of England. They own their house, which is situated in the suburbs of a large town. The house has three bedrooms. On average they have two children and a pet. The family drives a two-year-old Ford Cortina.

He works in the office of an engineering company for 40 hours a week and earns ?200 per week. He starts at 9.00 in the morning and finishes at 5.30 in the evening. He goes to work by car, which takes him 20 minutes. He doesn't particularly like his job but there are chances of promotion.

She works three days a week and earns ?95. She works locally and goes there by bus. She quite likes her job as it gets her out of the house, she meets people, and it is close to the children's school.

The children go to a state school which is a few miles from home. A special bus comes to pick them up every day. They are at school from 9.00 to 3.30.

The most popular evening entertainment is watching television or video, which the average person does for two and a half hours a day. After that, the next most popular activity is visiting friends, going to the cinema or a restaurant, or going to the pub. The most popular hobby is gardening and the most popular sports are fishing, football and tennis.

1. Statistical data can help us to

1) understand society and social trends

2) analyze recent publications

3) change people's habits

2. The average British family lives in a semi-detached house in the. of England.

1) north

2) west

3) south

3. They own their house which is situated of a large town.

1) in the center

2) in the industrial part

3) in the suburbs

4 Father in the average British family earns.

1) ?200 a week

2) ?2000 a months

3) ?40 a week

5. Mother in the average British family works.

1) every day

2) several days a week

3) far from the house

6. Is not among the most popular activities of the average British


1) Going to the cinema

2) Going to the pub

3) Going hiking

Вариант 2

2. Choose the correct variant.

1. What are you doing?

A) I'm repairing my son's bicycle B) My son's bicycle I'm repairing

2. While my son was waiting for my call…

A) at the door somebody knocked B) somebody knocked at the door

3. …. You sit here…?

A) How long you sit here B) You sit here how long?

4….. My teacher sits….

  1. Opposite us my teacher sits B) My teacher sits opposite us

5. What size are these boots? … I try them…?

A) May I try them B) I try them may

6. ….Michael, I try ….!

A) To get you Michael I try! B) Michael, I try to get you!

7. I'll call….

A) For ambulance I call B) I'll call for ambulance

8. The children…

A) are not drawing B) no are drawing

9…. Jill was afraid …

  1. She had forgot her key at home Jill was afraid B) Jill was afraid she had forgot her key at home

10. ….. I was meeting Thomas, an old friend of mine…..

A) Yesterday as I was walking down Cherry Lane B) I was meeting Thomas, an old friend of mine yesterday as I was walking down Cherry Lane

Эталон ответов
















Тема « Жизнь современного студента в России и за рубежом»

Вариант 1.

Вставьте в текст слова по смыслу.

Provides learning materials education professional trains the universities standards of living specialists brought up the mass media sciences new approaches

Higher education in Russia

Higher education plays an important part in the life of any country as it ……the country with highly- qualified ……for future development and progress. It …..people to become teachers, engineers, doctors and other ……workers. In all the industrial countries ……are steadily changing; this means that the kind of ….., which was good enough thirty years ago, is not necessarily good for them today. The serious need to find ways and means of ensuring continuous and thorough adoption of ……to contemporary needs in our rapidly changing world is widely recognized. And this means that styles of teaching, quality of …..and organization of the university itself have to be continuously … date and improved. Besides, knowledge and information which comes through ……..must also be taken into consideration. This information explosion has affected every field of study, especially, of course, in the natural and applied ……and in all other sciences as well. The increase of information requires new methods and …….to students' training and instruction.

Вариант 2.

Вставьте в текст слова по смыслу.

education jobs working professionals a distance video conferencing Distance learning knowledge computer system skills values exchanged information

At present a new system of …. is introduced in this country -… system. This …….of learning helps ……to continue their education while remaining at their….. This system enables people to get ……and a good foundation in the sciences basic to his or her field of study. ……has developed from satellite video courses to modern ……through personal computers. Education is a process through which culture is preserved, knowledge and….. are developed, …..are formed, and ……is……..

Тема « Страны изучаемого языка»

Вариант 1.

Choose the correct variant ( T- true, F- false)







1.Some countries which were not part of the British Empire are affected by the Westminster model.

2.The Westminster model may be referred to as the democratic form of governing.

3.The 18th and the beginning of the 19th centuries were marked by the Industrial revolution in Great Britain.

4.Great Britain was a pioneer in urbanization of the nation.

5.The middle class prevailed in Great Britain.

6.Queen Victoria turned the nation into the richest in the world.

The British Empire influenced a lot of countries. Even parts of the world never included in the British Empire have adopted the British system of parliamentary government, often referred to as the Westminster model. Originally a vehicle for royal authority, this system gradually evolved into a representative government and finally became a means through which democracy could be exercised. Today legislative power comes from the lower house of Parliament, known as the House of Commons. The freely elected members of the House of Commons select the nation's chief executive, the prime minister. He or she in turn appoints members of the House of Commons to the Cabinet, a body of advisers. Because the executive is not separated from the legislature, the government is efficient as well as responsive to the electorate.

Britain was a pioneer in economic matters. The first industrial revolution occurred in Britain in the 18th and early 19th centuries and led to the development of the world's first society dominated by a middle class. Britain was the first nation to have more than half of its population living in urban areas. Rapid economic development and worldwide trade made Britain the richest nation in the world during the reign of Queen Victoria in the 19th century. For a long time before and after the Industrial Revolution, London was the center of world capitalism, and today is still one of the world's most important business and financial centers.

Эталон ответов «Страны изучаемого языка»













Вариант 2

  1. Choose the correct word.

  1. Last year we had the …. to travel to China .

  1. occasion b) opening c) benefit d)opportunity

  1. We reached the airport with plenty of time to….

  1. free b) let c) spare d) spend

  1. John spoke …. of the service at this restaurant.

  1. strongly b) greatly c) highly d) extremely

  1. The location of the hotel was a major selling….of the holiday.

  1. detail b) feature c) point d) aspect

  1. The metro makes it easy to get around the …. city centre.

  1. busy b) full c) loud d) energetic

  1. We…. London just before 10 p.m.

  1. reached b) got c) arrived d) had

Эталон ответов на тест













Тест по теме « Времена активного залога»


Choose the correct variant.

  1. I ( wake up) early and got out of bed.

  1. woke up B) had woken up

  1. We were late. The meeting ( start) an hour before.

  1. started B) had started

  1. He knows Africa well because he ( travel) a lot there.

  1. has been travelling B) has travelled

  1. You ( write) this composition for two hours and can't complete it.

  1. have been writing B) have written

  1. They ( quarrel) while they were washing the car.

  1. quarreled B) were quarrelling

  1. Liz's brother said that he ( go) to enter Leeds University

  1. went B) was going

  1. Yesterday as I was walking down Cherry Lane, I ( meet) Thomas, an old friend of mine.

  1. met B) was meeting

  1. Jack lives not far from us, but we ( not/ see) him often.

  1. not see B) don't see

  1. … Pete any juice in the fridge?

  1. Does Pete have B) Do Pete has

  1. John is still repairing his car. He must be tired. He ( repair) it all day.

  1. has repaired B) has been repairing

  1. This time tomorrow they ( sit) in the train on their way to Chicago.

  1. will sit B) will be sitting

  1. … you ( have lunch) with me on Friday?

  1. Will you have lunch B) Will you be having lunch

Эталон ответов на тест по теме «Времена активного залога»

















Тест по теме «Времена пассивного залога»

Вариант 1.

Choose the correct variant.

  1. This play ( write) by B.Shaw.

  1. is written B) was written

  1. I ( give) a book.

  1. give B) was given

  1. The doctor ( sent) for at once.

  1. sent B) was sent

  1. Tables ( make) of wood.

  1. are made B) made

  1. This one ( make) of steel.

  1. is made B) makes

  1. I ( ask) two difficult questions today, so I must do something about it.

  1. asked B) have been asked

  1. This must ( do) at once.

  1. do B) be done

  1. This rule ( explain) to me twice.

  1. explained B) was explained

  1. Nowadays we ( entertain) by professionals.

  1. entertained B) are entertained

  1. In 1941 our country ( attack) fascist Germany.

  1. was attacked B) was attacked by

  1. In 1985 part of Mexico City ( destroy) by an earthquake.

  1. was destroyed B) destroyed

  1. Breakfast ( bring) us to our room.

  1. brought B) is brought

  1. The best selling game Monopoly ( create) the 1930s.

  1. was created B) created

  1. In 1975 Monopoly money ( print) in the USA than real money.

  1. was printed B) were printed

  1. Charlie Chaplin ate his boots in the film " The Gold rush". They( make) of black sugar.

  1. made B) were made

Эталон ответов на тест по теме «Времена пассивного залога»





















Тема «Устройство на работу»

Вариант 1.

A.Поставьте существительные и местоимения во множественное число. Измените соответственно предложение. Поставьте их в вопросительную форму.

  1. I stay at work from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.

  2. Our secretary operates this computer in the morning.

  3. Their engineer is busy all day long.

  4. Our manager meets customers in the afternoon.

  5. She does not write that letter.

  6. Our director does not drive to work every day.

  7. His room is not very large.

  8. You call our secretary too often.

  9. Knowledge of one foreign language is too little for a manager.

  10. Our company is not very old.

B. Поставьте вопросы к каждому члену предложения.

  1. Careless students never do their work well.

  2. Whenever we go to that office they welcome us very warmly.

  3. We produce different products.

  4. Your business proposal is very interesting.

  5. I am too busy to stay with you.

  6. The manager calls to his partners every day.

  7. They often discuss their business matters with clients.

  8. The company sells its goods all over the world.

Вариант 2.

А. Заполните пропуски подходящим глаголом из списка и (по возможности) поставьте также подходящее наречие.

analyze block depend look pay prefer

want sound speak specialize take

  1. The switchboard _______ outside calls from this extension.

  2. We______ to boost our sales in the Western market.

  3. She______strange on the phone, but in reality she is very nice.

  4. Our company_____ in acquiring computers from Japan.

  5. I cannot give you a definite date: it_______ on my boss.

  6. We_____ our agents 10% commission on net sales figures.

  7. We know it_______ like our previous model, but we have updated it.

  8. I_____ the statistics, so I can`t give you a decision yet.

  9. He_____ rudely to me whenever I call him.

  10. We_____ 10% deposit for orders like these.

  11. He______ to be self-employed.

B. Поставьте вопросы к каждому члену предложения.

  1. Careless students never do their work well.

  2. Whenever we go to that office they welcome us very warmly.

  3. We produce different products.

  4. Your business proposal is very interesting.

  5. I am too busy to stay with you.

  6. The manager calls to his partners every day.

  7. They often discuss their business matters with clients.

  8. The company sells its goods all over the world.

Тема « Моя профессия- программист»

Вариант 1.

Complete these definitions with jobs from the box

Software operator hardware engineer network administrator webmaster help desk technician blog administrator computer security specialist DIP operator

  1. A _____________ designs and develops IT devices.

  2. A ______________ writes computer programs.

  3. A ______________edits and deletes posts made by contributors to a blog.

  4. A ______________ uses page layout software to prepare electronic files for publication.

  5. A ______________ manages the hardware and software that comprise a network.

  6. A _____________ designs and maintains websites.

  7. A ______________ works with companies to build secure computer systems.

  8. A _____________ helps end- users with their computer problems in person by email or over the phone.

Вариант 2.

Write down the most important qualities and abilities for each job .

Which three things do you think are most important for each job?


DTP operator

1 accuracy

2.leadership skills

3. creativity

4. drawing skills

5. self discipline

6. imagination

7. being good with figures

8. logical reasoning

9. patience

10. efficiency

Тема « Заявление о приеме на работу. Резюме»

Вариант 1.

Look at the pairs of words and expressions in bold in this article, and decide which one is

best in each situation. In several cases, both words are correct.

When a company has a (1) vacancy / vacant for a job, and it needs to (2) hire / recruit a

new member of (3) crew / staff, it usually (4) publishes / advertises the (5) post /

position. It does this (6) internally / internationally (for example, in the company

magazine or on a company notice board, so that the job is only open to people already

working for the company), or (7) extensively / externally in the 'situations vacant'

section of a newspaper. It might also use a recruitment (8) agency / agenda, which helps

people to find (9) job / work, or in a Job center (which can be found in most large towns).

Companies that have their own website will also list available jobs on that website.

A job advertisement has to give an accurate (10) describing / description of the job and

what the company needs and expects from the (11) applicant / application (the person

who is (12) applying / appalling for the job). These (13) requirements / requisitions

might include (14) qualifications / qualifiers (academic, vocational or professional),

(15) experience / experiences in similar lines of work, and personal (16) qualifications /

qualities (for example, it might say that you need to be (17) practicing / practical,

(18) professional / professorial and have a sense of humor).

Most advertisements specify the (19) rewards / remuneration that the company can offer

in return for your work (including the basic annual (20) wage / salary, any commission you

could receive, regular pay (21) rises / increments, and so on). Some advertisements will

also tell you about other (22) benefits / beneficiaries (including paid annual (23) leave /

holidays, free medical care, a company car, free meals in the cafeteria, etc) that you might

receive. If the (24) packet / package they are offering is very generous and attractive, and

is (25) commensurate/ commendable with the work that is necessary, the company can

expect a lot of people to apply for the job.

Note that a company cannot (26) disseminate / discriminate against someone because

of their sex, nationality, race, colour, ethnic group, religion, sexuality or age, or because

they have a (27) disablement / disability. Any company that rejects someone on these

grounds (either in their job advertisement, during the application process, when they meet

the person concerned, or when that person is already working for them) is breaking the


Вариант 2.

Look at the pairs of words and expressions in bold in this article, and decide which one is

best in each situation. In several cases, both words are correct.

If somebody is interested in the job, they are usually asked to send to send their

(1) curriculum vitae / résumé (which should give details of their education, the points

mentioned in numbers 14 and 15 above, and any skills or interests that might be relevant

for the job they are applying for). This should be accompanied by a (2) cover / covering

letter (also called a letter of introduction). This should be typed rather than handwritten,

and it should explain briefly why they are applying for the job and why they think they

would be (3) suiting / suitable for it. Alternatively, they might be asked to (4) fill in / fill

Employment 1: Job applications

out an (5) application / applicant form and (6) submit / send it to the company. The

managers of the company will read these and then make a (7) short-list / small-list of the

people they would like to attend an (8) interrogation / interview. At the same time, they

will (9) reject / turn down those who they feel are (10) unsuitable / unthinkable.

The people who are responsible for choosing a new employee will consider the different

aspects of the (11) candidates / applicants to decide whether they have the correct

(12) potency / potential for the job. In addition to the points mentioned in 14 and 15

above, these might include physical (13) apparition / appearance (are they smart and

well-presented?), general (14) disposition / disposal (for example, are they friendly and

easy to work with?), special (15) skills / abilities (for example, are they computer

(16) literate / numerate, can they drive, or do they speak any other languages?) and

(17) interests / hobbies (what do they like doing in their free time?). They might also

consider their family (18) backing / background and (19) medicine / medical history,

although it is illegal to refuse someone a job on these grounds. At the same time, they will

probably check on their work history and qualifications (which is why it is very important to

be honest when being interviewed), and may also check to see if they have a (20) criminal

/ crime record. In addition, they may also ask to see some form of (21) identity /

identification, and a work (22) permit / permission if the person applying for the job

does not have British citizenship or comes from a country outside the European Union. The

person who most closely (23) suits / matches the (24) profile / criteria decided by the

managers will then be accepted for the job.

Тема « Интернет»

Вариант 1.

Complete sentences 1 - 14 with words and expressions.

_ bills _ borrowing _ cable _ cash _ Ceefax _ The Citizens' Advice Bureau _ clubs

_ computer _ DAB _ digital _ directions _ directory _ DVDs _ entertainment

_ events _ freeview _ Google _ government _ Internet _ Internet café _ libraries

_ licence _ local newspapers _ lost _ maps _ membership _ national newspapers

_ National Savings and Investments _ organizations _ parcels _ passport _ police officer

_ police station _ post office _ property _ reference _ satellite _ search engine

_ sporting _ stations _ subscription _ tax _ Teletext _ terrestrial _ Thomson Local

_ tourist information center _ vehicles _ website _ Yahoo _ Yellow Pages

1. If you want to find a telephone number for a person or company in your area, you should look in a

telephone __________.

2. The __________ is a book containing the names, telephone numbers and (usually) the addresses of

businesses and __________ in your area.

3. The __________ is a book which gives information on a wide range of local services and businesses,

and often includes __________ of local towns, details about local __________ and organizations, etc.

4. __________ will keep you informed about what is happening nationally and internationally, as well

as reporting on major __________ events and entertainment.

5. __________ are a good place to look for information on things such as __________ to rent or buy

and __________ for sale, as well as letting you know about local news and __________.

6. Most large towns and cities have a __________, which can tell visitors about local events and places

of interest, as well as giving information about local public transport, etc.

7. __________ and __________ are information services which can be accessed on most televisions.

8. There are many local and national radio __________ providing music, __________ and news 24

hours a day. Many of these are __________ stations, which means that they can only be received by

digital radios.

9. There are five __________ television channels (BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5) which

can be received on ordinary televisions. However, this is now changing, and it will soon be necessary

to have __________ television equipment to receive any television station. Many television services

are __________, which means that you do not need to pay to watch them. You need to pay a

__________ in order to watch other __________ and __________ broadcasts. If you have a television

in your home, you must have a television __________.

10. Each major town or city has at least one __________, which can give you free information on a huge

range of topics, including consumer rights, healthcare and money matters.

11. __________ are not just for __________ books. Many now have CDs and __________ which

members can take out, as well as __________ facilities. Most will have a __________ section

containing books and guides that you can read on the premises, but which you cannot remove from

the building. They will also have most of the books and guides mentioned in numbers 1 - 5 above.

__________ of libraries is free, as are most of the services they provide.

12. If you are __________ or need __________ in a town or city, you can ask a __________ to help you

(or if you cannot see one, you can go to the nearest __________ for help).

13. Your local __________ is not just a place where you can send letters and __________. In addition to

many other things, you can __________ cheques, pay __________, pay for your road __________,

and get various forms that you might need (for example, a __________ application form). You can

also save your money at the post office, using __________ (a __________ -backed service).

Вариант 2.

Complete sentences 1 - 14 below with one of these groups .

_ BT Customer Services _ Childline _ Crimestoppers _ DVLA

_ Equal Opportunities Commission _ HM Revenue and Customs _ NHS Direct

_ Parentline Plus _ Refugee Council _ Samaritans _ Seniorline _ Shelterline

_ Transco _ Victim Supportline

1. Mr Michaud and his family came to the UK to escape threats and persecution in their country. They

want to try to get permanent residence in the UK, so Mr Michaud calls the _________ on 0207 820


2. Mr Watkins is self-employed and has some questions about paying tax. He calls _________ on 0845

010 9000.

3. Ms Ranscombe passed her driving test recently, but has not received her new, full driving licence.

She calls the _________ on 0870 240 0009.

4. Mrs Taylor wants to have a telephone line installed in her house. She calls _________ on 0800 800

150, and they put her through to the correct department.

5. Alan Bradley believes that his neighbour is selling illegal drugs from her house. He reports her

anonymously by calling _________ on 0800 555 111.

6. Ms Treby believes that she has been denied a job she applied for because of her age. She calls the

_________ for advice on 0845 601 5901.

7. Mr Wade is a pensioner and would like some advice on the services for older people in his area. He

calls _________ on 0808 800 6565.

8. Tony Sheppard has been evicted from his flat and has nowhere to live and no friends he can stay

with. He calls _________ on 0808 800 4444.

9. Janet White's friend is feeling very depressed after she lost her job and her husband left her. Janet

has done everything she can to cheer her friend up, but with no result, so suggests that she calls the

_________ on 08457 909090.

10. Alice Walker is a single mother who is struggling to raise her two young children. She calls

_________ on 0808 800 2222.

11. There is a strong smell of gas in Mrs Dowling's house. She calls __________ on 0800 111 999.

12. John Withers has very bad flu, but is unable to visit his doctor. He calls _________ on 0845 4647

and asks them what he can do to get over it more quickly.

13. Neil Jefferson, aged 15, is very unhappy and worried because he is being bullied a lot at school. He

calls _________ on 0800 1111 for help and advice.

14. Mr Dyson's house has been burgled twice in the last month. On the second occasion, the burglars

attacked him when he tried to stop them. Naturally he is feeling upset and vulnerable. He calls the

_________ on 0845 30 30 900.

14. The __________ is a good source of information. Most towns have an __________, library or other

computer service provider where you can access this. Use a __________ such as __________ or

__________ to enter key words which will help you find the information you need. The BBC

__________ ().

Тема « Компьютерная терминология. Специальные термины».

Вариант 1.

Match the verbs with the nouns.

1. recharge

2. click on

3. dial

4. give

5. move

6. print out

7. send and receive

8. take some

a. digital photos

b. faxes

c. a number on your mobile phone

d. a presentation

e. something with the mouse

f. the battery

g. the mouse

h. twenty pages

Вариант 2.

Choose the correct variant.

1.. To turn on the computer, __________ the "Start" button.

a. touch b. press c. switch

2.The printer has __________ of ink.

a. finished b. ended c. run out

3.. Unfortunately, my scanner isn't __________ at the moment.

a. working b. going c. doing

4.. Please __________ the CD ROM.

a. insert b. introduce c. inject

5. The projector isn't working because it isn't __________.

a. plugged b. plugged in c. plugged into

6. The batteries in my digital camera are nearly dead. They need __________.

a. to change b. exchanging c. changing

7. I have to __________ a computer screen for eight hours a day.

a. see b. look at c. watch

8. Switch off your computer, and __________ it from the wall socket.

a. de-plug b. unplug c. non-plug

9. I turned off the photocopier and ___________ the plug.

a. pulled out b. extracted c. took away

10 __________ any key to continue.

  1. Kick b. Smash c. Hit

Тема « Что такое компьютерная система»

Вариант 1.

Choose the appropriate word from the box.

chips dual core megabytes megahertz

motherboard processor speed upgraded

The "brain" of a computer is the 1_______________. Most of these are made by Intel and AMD, and are

sometimes referred to as "2_______________". The fastest processors are 3_______________, which means

that there are two processors working together. The 4 _______________ of a processor is measured in

5_______________, which is usually written as MHz.

A computer's memory is measured in 6_______________. If a computer has 1,024 megabytes of memory,

and the memory type is SDRAM, this is written as 1,024 MB SDRAM, and is pronounced "a thousand and

twenty-four megabytes ess-dee-dram".

The processor and memory modules are located on the 7_______________. Changing a computer's

processor is not generally practical, but the memory can usually be 8_______________.

Вариант 2.

Choose the appropriate word from the box.

disconnect fan mains electricity

overheating shock spikes

supply surge protector transformer

1. Laptops are powered by batteries or _______________.

2. Mains electricity is converted to lower voltage by a


3. A _______________ protects electronic equipment from

damage caused by power _______________.

4. If you remove the cover from a computer, make sure you

_______________ the electricity _______________. Otherwise,

you may get an electric _______________.

5. The computer is cooled by a _______________. This prevents

the processor from _______________.

Тема « Основные функции компьютеров»

Вариант 1.

Choose the correct variant.

1. Turn on your computer. It will usually take a few minutes to __________.

a. boot itself b. boot up c. get booted

2. Windows XP, Macintosh OSX and Linux are __________.

a. operating systems b. operating tools c. operators

3. On my computer, I have a picture of my cat as the __________.

a. desktop background b. desktop picture c. desktop scene

4. Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat and CorelDraw are programs or __________.

a. applicators b. appliers c. applications

5. To open Microsoft Word, click on the __________.

a. picture b. symbol c. icon

6.If I leave my computer on without using it, after a while it goes into __________ mode.

a. stand down b. waiting c. standby

Вариант 2.

Choose the correct variant.

1. I keep all my digital photos in a __________ called "Photos".

a. folder b. packet c. box

2. Is it possible to open Microsoft Excel __________ in Word?

a. texts b. files c. pages

3. In Microsoft Word, to start typing a new letter, open a new ___________.

a. document b. page c. paper

4. When you __________ a document, it's sent to the recycle bin.

a. destroy b. erase c. delete

5. Deleted documents stay in the recycle bin until you __________ it.

a. wash b. empty c. clean

6. In Windows, the icon is just a __________ to the application. If you delete the icon, the application will

still be on your computer.

a. connector b. shortcut c. link

7. If the computer crashes, you can try pressing the __________ button.

a. restart b. recommence c. replay

8. When I've finished using my computer, I always __________.

a. close it down b. shut it down c. shut it off

Тема « Компьютерная грамотность»

Вариант 1.

Arrange the paragraphs

1.Informed citizens of our information-dependent society shoud be computer-literate, which means that they should be able to use computers as everyday problem-solving devices.

5.They should be aware of the potential of computers to influence the quality of life.

There was a time when only priviliged people had an opportunity to learn the basics, called the three R's: reading, writing, and arithmetics.

4..Now, as we are quickly becoming an information-becoming society, it is time to restate this right as the right to learn reading, writing and computing. There is little doubt that computers and their many applications are among the most significant technical achievements of the century.

3.They bring with them both economic and social changes. "Computing" is a concept that embraces not only the old third R, arithmetics, but also a new idea - computer literacy.

2.In an information society a person who is computer-literate need not be an expert on the design of computers. He needn't even know much about how to prepare programs which are the instructions that direct the operations of computers.

7.All of us are already on the way to becoming computer-literate. Just think of your everyday life. If you receive a subscription magazine in the post-office, it is probably addressed to you by a computer. If you buy something with a bank credit card or pay a bill by check, computers help you process the information.

6.When you check out at the counter of your store, a computer assists the checkout clerk and the store manager. When you visit your doctor, your schedules and bills and special services, such as laboratory tests, are prepared by computer.

8.Many actions that you have taken or observed have much in common. Each relates to some aspect of a data processing system

Вариант 2.

  1. Переведите словосочетания на русский язык.

An information-dependent society; a computer-literate citizen; an everyday problem-solving device; to be aware; to influence the quality of life; to have an opportunity; to learn the basics; to learn computing; the most significant technical achievements; to embrace computer literacy; to prepare programs; to direct the operations of a computer; to be on the way of becoming computer-literate; to process information; to have much in common; a data processing system.

  1. Преобразуйте следующие предложения в Past Simple.

1. Many people have an opportunity to use computers.

  1. There is no doubt that computers solve problems very quickly.

  2. Instructions direct the operation of a computer.

4. Computers bring with them both economic and social changes.

5. Computing embraces not only arithmetics, but also computer literacy.

6. It is well known that computers prepare laboratory tests.

7. Those persons are computer literate and think of buying a new

8. They receive a subscription magazine once a

9. My mother is ill and visits her doctor every other day.
10. Experts know much about how to prepare programs.

Тема « Возможности применения компьютеров»

Вариант 1.

Fill in the gaps

a great deal decisions military systems computer terminals automatic navigation widespread commonplace the use of computers information guidance research

At present ….of the work force of most countries is engaged in creating, processing, storing, communicating and just working with …..Computers have become ….in homes, offices, stores, schools, research institutes, plants.

… business, industry and communication services is … Computer-controlled robots are able to improve the quality of manufactured products and the work of power stations, plants and docks. They help in making different decisions and in management of economy.

The work of banks depends upon for millions of daily operations. Without these terminals, records of deposits and withdrawals would be difficult to maintain, and it would be impossible to make inquiries about the current status of customer accounts.

Computers form a part of many ….including communication and fire control. They are applied for automatic piloting and…... Space exploration depends on computers for….., on-board environment and…….

Вариант 2.

Fill in the gaps

the assigned task application conventional classroom optical tomography scanners scanning medicine image processing atmosphere research diagnostic tools computers computer technology the screen computer application

Computers find ……in astronomy and upper…... Weather forecasting, library information services can benefit from …..too.

It is interesting to note that computers are widely used in…... They became valuable medical….. Computers are used for …..and image processing, ranging from pattern recognition to….. Technicians can operate computer ……which combine x-rays with ….to give sectional views of the body of patients. The views then can be combined into a single image shown on….

It should be noticed that learning on a computer can be fun. Students spend more time with computer-aided instruction performing the…., as compared with …..

At last air traffic control is impossible without ….It fully depends upon computer-generated information.

Many other uses of computers that we cannot imagine at present will become commonplace in the transition from an industrial to post industrial, or information society.

2.3 Контрольные работы

Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 1.

Choose the correct variant.

1.When did the Great Fire of London take place?

A) 1566;

B) 1768;

C) 1516;

D) 1666;

E) 1856.

2.Who are Prince William and Prince Henry's parents?

A) Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer are;

B) Queen Victoria and Prince Albert are;

C) Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson are;

D) Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips are;

E) Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip are.

3.Nelson's Column is situated in … in London.

A) Fleet Street;

B) Downing Street;

C) Trafalgar Square;

D) Piccadilly Circus;

E) Harley Street.

4.The capital of England is … .

A) Cardiff;

B) Chicago;

C) Washington D.C.

D) London;

E) Manchester.

5.Lake Loch Ness is situated in … .

A) Ireland;

B) England;

C) Wales;

D) Australia;

E) Scotland.

6.London is on the ... .

A) Severn;

B) Irtysh;

C) Mississippi;

D) Thames;

E) Avon.

7.Sherwood Forest is famous for the legendary … .

A) Shrek;

B) Robin Hood;

C) Sir Arthur;

D) Mary Poppins;

E) Harry Potter.

8."Ulster" is another name for … .

A) Britain;

B) Republic of Ireland;

C) Northern Ireland;

D) Wales;

E) Scotland.

9.The national emblem of Scotland is the … .

A) Rose;

B) Thistle;

C) Helmet;

D) Daffodil

E) Shamrock.

10.The word "Albion", the poetic name of Great Britain, means … .

A) green;

B) yellow;

C) white;

D) red;

E) blue.

11.The British currency is … .

A) Dollars;

B) Pounds;

C) Franks;

D) Crones;

E) British dollars.

12.What is the national emblem of England?

A) Maple leaf;

B) Rose;

C) Tulip;

D) Violet;

E) Narcissi.

13.British people celebrate Halloween on the … .

A) 31st of October;

B) 25th of December;

C) 5th of November;

D) 8th of March;

E) 4th of July.

14.A red dragon is the symbol of which country?

A) Northern Ireland;

C) England;

D) Wales;

E) Southern Ireland.

15.How many parts does Great Britain consist of?

A) 2;

B) 5;

C) 4;

D) 6;

E) 3.

16.… is Great Britain's oldest University.

A) Cambridge;

B) Oxford;

C) London University;

D) Leicester University;

E) Birmingham University.

17.What is the capital of Wales?

A) Edinburgh;

B) Coventry;

C) Cardiff;

D) Belfast;

E) Birmingham.

18.The ravens in the Tower of London are taken care of because … .

A) They are very old;

B) They are very rare;

C) Of a legend;

D) The oldest name of the Tower;

E) The ravens.

19.The British Parliament consists of … .

A) The house of Lords and the house of Commons;

B) The Senate and the house of Representatives;

C) The Senate and the Mazhilis;

D) The house of Lords and the house of Representatives;

E) The house of Lords and the Mazhilis.

20.Who is the official head of the state in Great Britain?

A) Parliament;

B) Labour Party;

C) Liberal Party;

D) The queen or the king;

E) Conservative Party.

21.What is "Big Ben"?

A) University;

B) Museum;

C) Exhibition;

D) Clock;

E) Theatre.

22.Which of the following can not be found in London?

A) Trafalgar Square;

B) The East End;

C) The Statue of Liberty;

D) The City;

E) The West End.

23.Westminster Abbey was built by the architect …

A) Sir Christopher Wren;

B) William Wilkins;

C) Rembrant;

D) Rubens;

E) Federik August Bartholdi

24.Many famous people are buried in … .

A) Westminster Abbey;

B) The Clock Tower;

C) The Tower of London;

D) St. Paul's Cathedral;

E) Trafalgar Square.

25.What is Downing Street famous for?

A) There is Embassy of the RK to the UK;

B) The British Prime Minister lives there;

C) Queen Elizabeth II lives there;

D) There is a monument to Admiral Nelson;

E) It is famous for its Poet's Corner.

Эталон ответов













































Вариант 2.

Choose the correct variant.

1.The City is the … .

A) Business part of London;

B) Largest museum in London;

C) Central square of London;

D) Poorest part of London;

E) Industrial part of London.

2.The national flower of Wales is … .

A) Rose;

B) Daffodil;

C) Thistle;

D) Daisy;

E) Lilac.

3.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is … .

A) A federal republic;

B) A parliamentary republic;

C) A bourgeois republic;

D) A constitutional monarchy;

E) An absolute monarchy.

4.The "Speaker's Corner" is situated in … in London.

A) The Westminster Abbey;

B) The Trafalgar Square;

C) Hyde park;

D) The British Museum;

E) The Tower of London.

5.The chairman of the House of Commons in the English Parliament is … .

A) The Lord-Chancellor;

B) The Speaker;

C) Prince of Wales;

D) The Queen;

E) The Prime-Minister.

6.The chairman of the House of Lords in the English Parliament is … .

A) The Lord-Chancellor;

B) The Speaker;

C) Prince of Wales;

D) The Queen;

E) The Prime-Minister.

7.The most popular English sport is … .

A) Tennis;

B) Basketball;

C) Football;

D) Rugby;

E) Swimming.

8.The Building of Westminster Abbey was started by … .

A) King Henry III;

B) The Duke of Buckingham;

C) Queen Elizabeth II;

D) King George III;

E) King William.

9.The British Prime Minister Tony Blair belongs to the … Party.

A) Conservative;

B) Liberal;

C) Democratic;

D) Labour;

E) Nur-Otan.

10.When did Elizabeth II become Queen of Great Britain?

A) 1945;

B) 1801;

C) 1952;

D) 1895;

E) 1977.

11.The Capital of Northern Ireland is … .

A) Dublin;

B) Londonderry;

C) Cardiff;

D) Belfast;

E) Melbourne.

12.Madam Tussaud's is a museum of … .

A) Western paintings;

B) Ancient coins;

C) Wax figures;

D) Sculptures;

E) Tools.

13.Madam Tussaud's museum is in … .

A) England;

B) America;

C) Canada;

D) Russia;

E) France.

14.What country is the nearest continental neighbour to Great Britain?

A) France;

B) Ireland;

C) Spain;

D) Canada;

E) Spain.

15.… separates Great Britain from France.

A) English Channel;

B) Gulf of Mexico;

C) Saint George's Channel;

D) I rish Sea;

E) North Atlantic Ocean.

16.London is divided into ….

A) The City; the West End, the East End and Westminster;

B) The City; the West End, the 5th Avenue;

C) The North End, the South End and Westminster;

D) The North End, the West End, the City and Westminster;

E) Squares, Avenues and Westminster.

17.Who wrote "Hamlet"?

A) Shakespeare;

B) Mark Twain;

C) Jack London;

D) W. Saroyan;

E) Robert Burns.

18.The northern and western parts of the country is … .

A) Mountainous;

B) A vast plain;

C) A plain;

D) Desert;

E) Industrious.

19.The northern and western parts of the country is called … .

A) Highlands;

B) Lowlands;

C) Goldenlands;

D) Desert;

E) Steppes.

20.About … of the population is urban.

A) 80%;

B) 70%;

C) 40%;

D) 50%;

E) 60%.

21… are the most famous educational centres of England.

A) Sorbonne and Oxford;

B) Oxford and Cambridge;

C) Harvard and California University;


E) Cambridge and California University.

22.In practice the United Kingdom is ruled by the … .

A) Prime-Minister;

B) Queen;

C) King;

D) President;

E) Sultan.

23.The longest river in England is the … .

A) Trent;

B) Severn;

C) Thames;

D) Mississippi;

E) Avon.

24.The highest mountain -Ben Nevis (1343)- is in … .

A) Wales;

B) Scotland;

C) England;

D) Colorado;

E) Northern Ireland.

25.The National Flag of the UK is known as the … .

A) Maple Leaf;

B) Union Jack;

C) Stars and Stripes;

D) Red Dragon;

E) Golden Eagle.

Эталон ответов



















































Контрольная работа №2

Вариант 1.

1.Переведите следующие цепочки существительных:

Data resource; storage resource; network resource; security resource; system resource.

Communication facilities; data base facilities; display facilities; management facilities.

Distance control; device control; keyboard control; position control; program control.

Computer storage; laser storage; file storage; disk storage; data storage hierarchy.

2.Вставьте необходимые слова вместо пропусков.

1. Information is given into the computer in the form of

a) ideas; b) characters; c) rules

2. The basic function of a computer is information.

a) to switch; b) to keep; c) to process

3. The data needed for solving problems are kept in the

a) memory; b) input device; c) output device

4. Inputting information into the computer is realized by
means of .

a) a printer; b) letters; c) diskettes

5. A computer can carry out arithmetic-logical operations

a) quickly; b) instantaneously; c) during some minutes

6. Computers have become in homes, offices, research


a) commonwealth; b) commonplace; c) common room

7. Space uses computers widely.

a) information; b) production; c) exploration

8. Computers are used for image .

a) processing; b) operating; c) producing

9. Computers help in of economy.

a) еnvironment; b) management; c) government.

3. Подберите к терминам, данным в левой колонке, определения, представленные справа.

1. Computer a) a machine by which information is received from the computer;

2. Data b) a device capable of storing and manipulating numbers, letters and characters;

3. Input device c) an electronic machine that processes

data under the control of a stored program;

4. Memory d) a disk drive reading the information

into the computer;

5. Output device e) information given in the form of characters.

Вариант 2.

1.Переведите следующие цепочки существительных:

Character sequence; instruction sequence; message sequence; pulse sequence.

Batch file; catalog file; data file; help file; input file; output file; menu file; user file.

Command input; data input; disk input; file input; keyboard input; program input.

2. Подберите к терминам, данным в левой колонке, определения, представленные справа.

1. Computer a) the set of instructions that direct the operations of computers;

2. Computer literacy b) a part of a computer, entering data into the device;

3. A program c) facts unorganized but able to be organized;

4. Data d) the output of a data processing


5. Data processing . e) possessing sufficient knowledge of how computers work and what they can do to use them as problem-solving tools;

6. Data processing f) a series of operations that results

in the conversion of data system into useful information;

3. Подберите вместо пропусков подходящее по смыслу слово

1. Computer data system frees humans from routine

error-prone tasks.

a) counting; b) computing: c),processing

2. Computers can store vast amount of information to organize it and it.

a) to travel; b) to retrieve; c) to respond

3. The entered data can be transmitted by networks.

a) communications; b) conversions; c) procession

4. The possibility of is reduced if data were correctly put into the data processing system,

a) character; b) access; c) error

5. Computer data processing systems can at a fraction of a second.

a) receive; b) respond; c) retrieve

7. As soon as data were entered into the system correctly, the human is limited.

a) computation; b) information; с)manipulation

8. The amount of data stored on magnetic discs is constantly

a) decreasing; b) increasing; c) eliminating

  1. Критерии оценки знаний и умений

При выполнении контрольной работы студент получает

« отлично », если набрано 91% и более правильных ответов, при этом:

- последовательно и аккуратно выполняет работу;

- практическое задание раскрыто в полном объеме;

- даны верные ответы на тесты.

При выполнении контрольной работы студент получает

« хорошо », если набрано 70 - 90% правильных ответов, при этом:

- работу выполняет аккуратно с незначительными замечаниями;

- практическое задание раскрыто не полностью, соответственно поставленной коммуникативной цели;

- ответы на тесты даны неверно ( менее 30- 10 %).

При выполнении контрольной работы студент получает

« удовлетворительно », если набрано 50 - 70% правильных ответов, при этом:

- работа выполнена непоследовательно и неаккуратно;

- практическое задание не раскрыто относительно поставленной задаче;

- ответы на тесты даны неверно (менее 40- 30%).

При выполнении контрольной работы студент получает

« неудовлетворительно », если набрано 49 % и менее правильных ответов, при этом:

- работа выполнена непоследовательно и неаккуратно;

- практическое задание не раскрыто полностью относительно поставленной коммуникативной цели;

- ответы на тесты даны неверно ( более 50 %).

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