How do you spell your name?

The aim of the lesson: 1. To develop communicative skills and abilities through different communicative activities; 2. To encourage real use of language in group and pair work;  3. To check students' ability in using the words covered in the situation “How do you spell you name?" The visual aids: cards, placards, textbook, scales and video project.The plan of the lesson1.     Organization moment2.     Phonetic drill3.     Checking home task4.     New material5.     Exercises6.     The end of the...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет - все для учителя
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Lesson 4

The theme of the lesson: How do you spell you name?

The aim of the lesson:

1. To develop communicative skills and abilities through different communicative activities;

2. To encourage real use of language in group and pair work;

3. To check students' ability in using the words covered in the situation "How do you spell you name?"

The visual aids: cards, placards, textbook, scales and video project.

The plan of the lesson

  1. Organization moment

  2. Phonetic drill

  3. Checking home task

  4. New material

  5. Exercises

  6. The end of the lesson .Conclusion

The procedure of the lesson:


1.1 Greating

H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P әріптерін үйрету, сандарды енгізу 1-10

1. Phonetic drill.

Repeat this poem after teacher Cl--- p-p-p-p-p

II.1Checking home task:


2.2. оқушылардың білімін жан-жақты тексеру

Сөздік жумыс

Сандарды қайталау

Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is " How do you spell you name? "

III.New lesson

How do you spell you name? сұрағын енгізу, оған жауап беруді үйрету

Диалог бойынша жумыс

Carol: Asel, this is Ann. She's my friend.

Asel: Hello.

Ann: Hello, sorry, what's your name?

Asel: Asel.

Ann: Is it your first name?

Asel: Yes, it is.

Ann: And what's your surname?

Asel: It's Satbaeva.

Ann: How do you spell it?

Asel: S-A-T-B-A-Y-E-V-A.


Жаттығуларды орындау

Exercise1-71 Listen and repeat

Ann: Is Asel your first name?

Asel: Yes, it is.

Ann: And what's your surname?

Asel: It's Arman

Ann: How do you spell it?

Asel: A-r-m-a-n

  1. Talk to your friend.

Is your first name?

Yes, it is / No, it isn't. It's my surname.

3. Listen and repeat.

Ann: What's your surname?

Asel: It's Satbayeva.

  1. Talk to your friend

What's your surname?

  • It's


Exercise 11 write. Fill in the card


First name-------------------

Age ------------------------

Address ------------------

VIII.Үйге тапсырма

Exercise 10

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