Урок по английскому языку на тему «Sport in our life»

На данном уроке учащиеся смогут познакомится с новой лексикой по теме «Спорт», а также закрепят его с помощью упражнений. Урок способствует развитию навыков устной речи, развитию умений и навыков коммуникативного общения с использованием лексических единиц по теме «Спорт», развитию диалогической речи, воспитывает у учащихся внимательное отношение к своему здоровью и здоровью своих близких. А также урок позволяет закрепить грамматический материал по темам «Настоящее совершенное время» и «Прошедше...
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Класс -
Тип Конспекты
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Theme «Sport in our life»

Lesson 2

Aims: to practice grammar (Past Simple and Present Perfect);

to practice the vocabulary (Sports);

to practice listening, reading and speaking.

Equipment; MM, CD, cards, table.

I. Organization of the lesson.

Teacher: Good morning, children. I'm glad to see you.

Pupils: Good morning. We are glad to see you too. How are you my dear

boys and girls?

Pupils: We are fine. And you?

Teacher: I'm fine too, children. Thank you. Are you ready fore the lesson?

Pupils: Yes, we are.

Teacher: Let's begin our lesson. Who is on duty today?

Pupil on duty: I'm on duty today.

Teacher: Answer my questions, Sasha, please!

What date is it today?

Pupil on duty: Today is the 2 (second) of March, Tuesday.

Teacher: What's the weather like today?

Pupil on duty: The weather is not very bad, but it is not very good.

Teacher: Is the sun shining?

Pupil on duty: Yes, the sun is shining, but not very brightly.

Teacher: What's season is it now?

Pupil on duty: It's spring.

Teacher: Do you like spring?

Pupil on duty: No, I don't like spring. I like summer.

Teacher: Who does like spring?

Pupil 1: I like spring.

Teacher: What are the spring month?

Pupil 1: The the spring month are: March, April, May.

Teacher: Thank you, children, OK. You are clever. And who is absent today, Sasha?

Pupil on duty: Ivanov is absent.

Teacher: Is he ill?

Pupil on duty: Yes, he is.

Teacher: What is your homework?

Pupil on duty: Exercise 1, page 169, page 168 - Grammar (Present Perfect, Past Simple), page

166-167 - new words and phrases.

Teacher: Thank you, Sasha. Well done! And now children I want to tell you about our aims:

The first: to practice grammar (Past Simple and Present Perfect);

to practice the vocabulary (Sports);

to practice listening, reading and speaking.

Let's begin our lesson from our home work. Do you remember one well known proverb "Healthy is over the riches". Who can translate it? (Pupils try to translate it).

Teacher: If we want to be healthy, we have to do sports. Do you agree with me, children?

Children: Yes, we are.

Teacher: Do you like to do sports?

Pupil 1, 2, 3: Yes, I like to do sports.

Teacher: What kind of sports do you like to do?

Pupil 1: I like horse-riding.

Pupil 2: I like dancing.

Pupil 3: I like swimming.

Teacher: And who doesn't like to do sports?

Pupil 4: I don't like to do sports.

Teacher: What do you like to do?

Pupil 4: I like to play computer games and musical instruments.

Teacher: What musical instruments do you play?

Pupil 4: I play the piano.

Teacher: What do think children, is it a very nice pastime?

Pupil 5: I think it isn't a very nice pastime. It's boring.

Pupil 6: I don't agree with you. Playing the piano is exciting.

Teacher: Well. Now children, work together with your partner. Look at the pictures, ask questions to each other. Go, please, Sasha and Vova to the blackboard, ask questions to the pictures.

(Pupils ask each other different questions about sport).

Teacher: Thank you. Good for you! You are clever.


Teacher: Now children, let's practice the new words. Listen to the cassette and repeat after the speaker. (ex.2, p. 169).

Teacher: You can read these words again. Please, open your books on page 169, ex. 2.

Children, read new words a minute, then close their books and try to remember them.

(Teacher asks to say new words, Pupils remember new words).

Now children, look at the screen. Imagine. Two teams have competition in skinning and skating.

Try to answer my questions.

Teacher's questions:

  • What are the boys doing?

  • Are the girls skating?

  • Do the children compete?

  • What competition do they have?

  • How many points do they earn?

  • What team dose get a cup?

(Pupils answer questions and teacher thanks them and corrects mistakes, if the children make).


Teacher: Are you tired, children? Stand up and do exercises. (Children do exercises with their teacher).

Teacher: Can you run like a dog? (Children run like a dog).

Teacher: Can you jump like a frog? (Children jump like a frog).

Teacher: Can you climb like a monkey? (Children climb like a monkey).

Teacher: We are tide. We must stop. Well done, thank you! Set down, please.


Now let us listen to the dialogue and read it and find the sentences in Past Simple and Present Perfect. Then try to answer the question - Why Mr. Grams does call Misha a tiger?

Pupils listen to Misha's and Mr. Grams talking, then read it and do exercises 6, 7, page 170.


Now let's remember our Grammar. Past Simple and Present Perfect

Teacher: Who can answer when we these tenses use?

Pupils tell Grammar in Russian and find sentences in Past Simple and Present Perfect in dialogue.

Teacher: Thank you, children! Open your diaries, please, and write down your homework. Ex. A, p. 171, new words and now I want to comment your marks (Teacher comment pupils' marks). The lesson is over.

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