План – конспект урока Books in my life

План конспект урока английского языка на тему "Books in my life" составлен мною с целью проведения открытого занятия в 8 классе. В рамках объявленного года литературы в 2015 году учителя английского языка нашей школы решили посвятить неделю английского языка именно книгам и писателям. Коллегам урок понравился. Дети тоже легко включились в работу, хотя по календарному планированию  изучение такой темы в 8 классе не предусмотрено (в Крыму все работают по Spotlight). Дети, как оказалось любят читат...
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План конспект урока английского языка на тему

«Books in my life»

Подготовила учитель английского языка Аединова Э.У.

Дата: 28.04.2015.


учебные: активизировать употребление лексики по теме «Books in my life», повторить модальные глаголы, совершенствовать речевые умения;

развивающие: развивать способность к умозаключениям, развивать умения сравнивать, соотносить, обобщать;

воспитательные: формировать уважительное и ответственное отношение к книгам, мотивировать на дальнейшее изучение языка.

1. Орг.момент.

T: Hello, class! Hello guests! Welcome to English language lesson. Nice to see you today. Take your seats, please.

S: Nice to see you too.

T: How are you doing today, children?

S: We are doing well.

T: How is it going?

S: It is going well.

2. Актуализация темы и задач урока.

T: I believe one of my dreams one day will finally come true. In our new house we'll certainly have a room for a home library. Look at the blackboard, class.

READING MAKES A FULL MAN, said Francis Bacon. Have you guessed the topic of the lesson?

S: Yes, it's books and reading.

T: You're right. At the end of the lesson you'll be able

  • to listen, read and talk about books and reading, types of books

  • to learn how to recommend a book

  • to practice modal verbs

3. Подготовка к усвоению новых знаний. Первичное ознакомление.

T: Every time when I see books on the shelves I recall that there are so many idioms and expressions in English related to books and reading. Would you like to learn some?

We'll begin with a full statement:


Have you heard people say this? It means don't judge people by their appearance. You can't just pick up a book, look at the cover and say "That's not good, it's not interesting." You have to open up a book, look at it, read it, consider it and then judge it. So, in other words, don't form an opinion too quickly about someone or something especially without knowing much about that person or about that thing.

4. Усвоение и применение новых знаний.

T: Let's revise some other proverbs and sayings about books. Complete the sentences, please. Work in groups.

Books are

our best friends

A good book is

a source of wisdom

Reading is to the mind what

exercise is to the body

Wear the old coat

and buy a new book

Choose a book

as you choose a friend

Don't judge a book by its


A room without book is

like a body without soul

The more you read

the more you know

Reading doesn't make a man wise

It only makes him learned

Life without books is

a tree without leaves

T: Let's check. The fist proverb… Well done. Thank you.

5. Развитие устной речи.

T: Now, friends, look at recommendations. Which are positive and which are negative?

Don't miss it!

This one to avoid

It's a masterpiece!

Don't bother with this one

It's a well worth reading

I wasn't at all impressed

It's a must read

It's bound to be a huge flop

It's highly entertaining reading

T: What was the last book you've read? Recommend it to your partner.(work in pairs.)

Which book are you reading now? Who is your favorite writer? Who is your favorite character? What book you think is good reading for everyone?

T: Where can we borrow books?

S: From the library

T: Have you got your own home library? How many books are there?

S: Yes, we have. About 100 books.

T: Let's remember rules of books using. Complete the sentences with the correct modal.

  1. You should carefully use the academic literature.

  2. You cannot bend and pull the page.

  3. You do not have to underline and make notes in the textbook.

  4. You need to inform the librarian in identifying defects in the books.

  5. You must to replace the manual in case of loss or damage with equivalent textbook.

  6. You have to wrap tutorials in covers and use bookmarks.

T: What types of books do you know?

S: Science fiction, plays, poems, love stories, detective stories, biography, fantasy, short stories fairy tales and others.

T: Who creates a book?

S: An author.

T: Be careful now. Match the books and authors, please.

  1. Charlotte Bronte a) King Lear

  2. Daniel Defoe b) Three Men in a boat

  3. Rudyard Kipling c) The Last Leaf

  4. Jonathan Swift d) The Jungle Book

  5. William Shakespeare e) Sherlock Holmes

  6. Conan Doyle f) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

  7. Jerome K.Jerome g) Gulliver's Travels

  8. Lewis Carroll h) Robinson Crusoe

  9. Mark Twain i) Jane Eyre

  10. O.Henry j) Alice in Wonderland

11) J. Rowling k)One hundred years of solitude

12) Gabriel Garsia Marques l) The crime and punishment

13) J. Tolkien m)Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

14) A. Chekhov n) The fellowship of the ring

15) Fyodor Dostoevskiy o) The Lady with the dog

T: Let's check again.

1 i 2h 3d 4g 5a 6e 7b 8j 9f 10c 11m 12k 13n 14o 15l

6. Инсценировка отрывка из романа.

T: Timur is ready to tell us about Charlotte Bronte and her novel "Jane Eyre."

S: Charlotte Bronte was a famous English writer. She was born in a poor family. There were six children in it- five girls and one boy. Their mother died when Charlotte was a small girl. The girls were sent to school for poor children. The children lived at that school in cold dark rooms and were always hungry. Charlotte's two sisters died in that school. Later Charlotte Bronte described the school in her novel "Jane Eyre".

When Charlotte Bronte left school she became a teacher at a school for girls. She lived with her two sisters and the brother. The Bronte sisters wrote poems and novels. Their first book was published in 1846." Jane Eyre" is Charlotte Bronte's second novel. It was published in1848 and made the writer famous.

T: Our pupils prepared a role play for today's lesson. Actors, welcome.

Jane Eyre

Author: Jane Eyre, a little girl of ten, had no mother or father and lived in the family of her uncle, Mr.Reed. When her uncle died, Jane stayed in the family. Mrs. Reed, the uncle's wife had three children, she was not kind to Jane and her children beat the girl. One day Mr. Reed decided to send Jane to school for poor girls. She asked Mr. Brocklehurst, one of the organizers of the school to come to her house.

Scene 1

(in the living room)

Mrs. REED: This is the girl I spoke to you about.

Mr.BROCKLEHURST: She is small. How old is she?

JANE: Ten years.

Mr.BROCKLEHURST: So small? Your name, little girl?

JANE: Jane Eyre,sir.

Mr.BROCKLEHURST: Well, Jane Eyre, are you a good girl?

Mrs. REED: It's better to say nothing about that,Mr. Brocklehurst.

Mr.BROCKLEHURST: That's too bad. I must talk to her. Come here, Jane Eyre (sat in the armchair),

(Jane went to the chair he was sitting on).

Mr.BROCKLEHURST: Do you read the Bible?

JANE: Sometimes.

Mr.BROCKLEHURST: Is it interesting?

JANE: No,sir.

Mr.BROCKLEHURST: This shows you are a bad girl.

Mrs. REED: I told you in my letter that she is not a good child. If you take her to the Logwood school, tell the teachers what kind of girl she is.

Mr.BROCKLEHURST: I'll speak to the teachers.

JANE: (coming to Mrs. Reed) I'll never call you aunt again as long as I live. I'll never come to see you when I'm grown up and if anyone asks me how I like you I'll say that you are a bad woman.

(Mr.Brocklehurst takes Jane away)

Mr.BROCKLEHURST: Have no fear, Mrs. Reed, life at Lowood will do her good.

Mrs. REED: Thank you, Mr. Brocklehurst.

Scene 2

(in the living room)

Miss SCATCHARD: Girls, turn out your toes out immediately. And your chins are poking out. Hold your heads up.

(Jane coughs)

Miss SCATCHARD: Cover your mouth, Jane, don't stay like that.

(coming up to Helen) You, dirty girl, Helen Burns, you haven't washed your hands this morning.

HELEN: The water was frozen.

Miss SCATCHARD: Why are your curls everywhere?

HELEN: My hair curls naturally, you see.

Miss SCATCHARD: Naturally?! But it is God we obey, not nature. Miss Temple, bring me the scissors, the girl's hair must be cut off, I insist!

Scene 3

(Later, Jane finds Helen reading a book)

JANE: Do you want to leave Lowood, Helen?

HELEN: No, why should I. I must learn as much as I can.

JANE: But Miss Scatchard is so cruel to you!

HELEN: Not at all. She is strict and she sees my faults.

JANE: If I were you I'd hate her.

HELEN: I don't think you would. Your relatives would be upset. The Bible tells us to do good, even if other people hurt us.

JANE: You say, you have faults, Helen, what are they?

HELEN: I'm untidy and careless and I forget rules. I read when I should be doing my homework.

JANE: Can I draw a picture of you, Helen?


JANE: Yes.

HELEN: You have a gift, Jane, you are lucky girl!


T: Thank you very much. It was fantastic.

So, you see life without parents is not an easy thing. Girls prepared song to sum up the lesson. Some things are more precious, because they don't last long. Meet Ragbe and Helen.

Песня "Wait me up, till September ends."

7. Рефлексия.

T: Children, what can you do at the end of the lesson?

S: Now I can

  • to listen, read about books and reading, types of books

  • to learn how to recommend a book

  • to practice modal verbs.

T: Your marks: 5 to…4…to 3 to… Write down your homework for the next lesson -to write an essay about your favorite book. That's all for this lesson. Thanks for watching. Happy reading and happy studies.


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