Конспект урока Charlie Chaplin

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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6 класс «Г» дата: 29.10.15

Тема: "Your future occupation"

Цель - активизация лексических навыков в речи

Обучающие задачи: обогащение и закрепление лексического запаса учащихся по теме «Профессии»

Развивающие задачи: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся через работу в паре;

развитие речевых и языковых способностей, памяти, внимания, восприятия и воображения

Воспитательные задачи: формирование стремления получить профессию, не только необходимую обществу, но и личностно-значимую для каждого учащегося

Практические задачи: активизировать знания, умения и навыки учащихся по теме

Оборудование: доска, учебник.


Речь учителя

Речь учеников

2 мин

2 мин

6 мин

15 мин

2 мин

7 мин

10 мин

3 мин

Организационный момент: Hello, children! I`m very glad to see you!

Речевая разминка: Let`s answer my questions: Ch. Chaplin was a musician, wasn`t he?

J. Turner was a politician, wasn`t he?

W. Shakespeare was a footballer, wasn`t he?

A. Christie was a ballet dancer, wasn`t she?

Фонетическая разминка. Before we start our lesson let`s awake our tongues. Open your books at page 24. There is a yellow frame. We have names of different occupations here. Let`s read and remember them.

Основная часть. So we have read some words. Can you say the subject of our lesson?

You are right! We are talking about your future occupation.

Now we will predict the future. You will say the future occupation of your classmate using the phrases from ex. 52 at page 24. And your classmate will answer if you are right or not.

Well done!

Now let`s look at ex.53, we have 7 children here. You will describe their dominant traits (use the words under the pictures) and say what occupation they will have.


Stand up! You are tired, let`s move.

I can hop like a rabbit.

I can jump like a frog.
I can fly like a bird.
I can run like a foх.
I can walk like a duck.
I can swim like a fish.
And be still as good children

as still as this.

Now let`s play! You will think about your classmate and name his or her dominate traits and his/ her future occupation. And we will guess.

Thank you!

Now you are going to talk about your future. Follow this plan: 1. Occupation. 2. Family/children. 3. House. 4. Country/town. 5. Money. 6. Dominant traits. 7. Pets. 8. Hobbies.

Very well.

Заключение: Well, today we have talked about your future. Your homework will be a test at these sheets. Thank you for lesson! Good bye!

Hello, teacher we are very glad to see you too.

No, he wasn`t, he was an actor.

No, he wasn`t, he was an artist.

No, he wasn`t, he was a writer.

No, she wasn`t, she was a writer.

Читают хором и по одному.


I think you will be a musician.

You are wrong, I want to be a policeman.

It`s Philip. He`s brave, athletic and responsible. I think he will be a sportsman.

Прыгают как кролик

прыгают как лягушка

летают как птичка

бегают как лисичка

ходят как уточка

плавают как рыбка

успокаиваются, садятся.

He`s clever, intelligent, friendly, creative. He wants to be an engineer.

It`s Misha!

I will be a teacher. I will have a family. I will have 2 children. We will have a big house. We will live in Russia, near Moscow. I will have a lot of money because my husband is a businessman. I will be clever, intelligent, sociable, and friendly. We will have a dog. My hobby is painting.

Thank you! Good bye!

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