The Best of all Possible Worlds

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
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The best of all possible worlds

The Best of all Possible Worlds


The Best of all Possible Worlds

Краткая аннотация

Предлагаемый урок разработан на основе УМК Кузовлева В. П. для 10-11 класса.

Предлагаемы урок можно использовать при изучении темы, включив информацию о любом другом городе.

Урок является итоговым при изучении темы "How Different the World is!"

К уроку некоторые учащиеся готовили информацию о своем городе.

Учебный предмет(ы)

английский язык

Уровень образования школьников

10 класс, базовый уровень

8-9 класс углубленного изучения

Форма учебной работы (проектная, классно-урочная, факультативная и т. д.)


Полное описание разработки, включая:

приобретаемые навыки детей,

особенности роли учителя,

технологические особенности (технические условия, используемое оборудование и т. д.),

организация работы

См. ниже

Приложение (графические, аудио, видеоматериалы и т. д.)

В приложении к уроку предлагается путеводитель по городу, который можно использовать при подготовке информации о своем городе.

The Best of all Possible Worlds

Разработка урока для 10-го класса

Тема: "How Different the World is!"

Подтема: "The Best of all Possible Worlds".


  • активизировать ранее изученные лексические единицы по теме "My Town", "My Region"; развивать умение применять материал в практических ситуациях;

  • развивать умение запросить информацию, способность к догадке, воображению, память; расширять кругозор учащихся;

  • развивать мотивацию к дальнейшему овладению английским языком; обеспечить в ходе урока изучение таких вопросов, как патриотизм, интернационализм и т. д.

Наглядный материал: иллюстрации, дающие представление о достопримечательностях города; магнитофон, аудиокассета с музыкой; раздаточный материал; карта Белгородской области.


1. Организационный момент.

Good morning, girls! I am glad to see you.

2. Вводное слово учителя.

Your week-ends are over. It seems to me that they are always great. Young people have free time to do what they want and just to relax. Let's start our work with your news.

(Учащиеся делятся своими новостями)

3. Объявление темы и цели урока.

Well, the subject matter of our lesson is "The Best of all Possible Worlds". It seems to me that our world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page. Today we are going to visit different places (our texts and exercises will help us). I hope that we'll speak about Gubkin and its famous sights. That's why the motto of our lesson is

There are a lot of great names on a map:

Rostov, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol,

Rich and famous from most ancient times,

But I like each your poplar, my town.

Ludmila Kutnyakova

At the end of our lesson you will say your opinion of the lesson. Besides, I want to know your opinion of our Gubkin Sightseeing Tour.

4. Беседа с классом.

T: Answer the questions, please.

  1. What is your native town?

  2. Is your native town a small ancient place or a big modern city?

  3. Where is it situated? Is it far from Moscow?

  4. What is your native town famous for?

  5. Are there any architectural monuments in your town? What are they?

  6. Are there any industrial enterprises in your native town? What goods do they produce?

  7. What can you say about cultural life of your town? How do people spend their leisure time?

  8. Are you proud of your native town?

5. Устная речь.

Упражнение направлено на развитие воображения, догадки.

T: Teenagers from different countries have different opinions about the places they live in.

Here are some opinions of young people. Are they positive or negative? Why do you think so?

  1. It's too hot and dry and there's nothing to do.

  2. It's a great life out here. We can be outdoors all day.

  3. It's all so clean and natural here. We find plenty to do. We're not bored.

  4. So far there are no large hotels and the village has avoided the effect of mass tourism.


Выражения, которые могут использовать учащиеся:

In my opinion…

From my point of view…

I consider…

I think…

To my mind…

I absolutely agree.

I am with you there.

I'm of the same opinion (mind).

I don't think so.

I don't quite agree with…

I can't agree with…

I don't think that…

6. Чтение.

Here are some more opinions. Read and say if you like (or don't like) the place.

The Best of all Possible Worlds

The Best of all Possible Worlds

7. Pair work

Name three places you would like to live in and three reasons that make you want to live there.

(В случае затруднения - карточка помощи)

There is/there are

I'd like to live in a city where

a nice quiet river.

Clean and green streets.


Food problems.

Entertainment for young people.

Many museums, theatres and parks.

Free public transport.


  1. Could you tell me where you would like to live in, please? Name three places and three reasons that make you want to live there.

  • … And what about you?

  • As for me, I think that the best place to live is…


Could you tell me…, please?

I'd like to know, please…

Can you tell me…, please?

+ -

Good! That's not a (very) good idea

Wonderful! I can't believe it



I think that's wise.


I'd like to live in the South of France because it's warm there.

I'd like to live on a lake somewhere far from big cities because it's clean and quite there.

I'd like to live in New York because there is a lot of entertainment and this city never sleeps.

8. Derby writing.

T: You know that it's a race. At the end of a predetermined time for writing, each student will count the number of words he or she has written. The student with the most words wins.

  1. Take out a piece of paper and a pen.

  2. Write as fast as possible until I say "Stop!"

  3. Write about the topic "If you happen to choose a place for living, what kind of place would it be?".

  4. Write in sentences, not just lists of words.

  5. Do not worry about connecting ideas logically. Just write whatever comes into your mind.

  6. Do not stop writing. If you do not know what to write, write the sentence, "I do not know what to write" until you think of something.

  7. Do not erase or cross out words, and do not use contractions because they count as only one word rather than two words.

  8. Do not worry about spelling, grammar, or punctuation.

  9. If you do not remember a word in English, write that word in your native language and continue in English.

After the specified time of writing, the teacher says, "Stop!" Each student then counts the number of words he or she has written. These will be the totals used for the competition or race. The amount of time depends on the level. Advanced students will need about five minutes, but lower-level students may need more time because they write more slowly.



I would like to live in a place with warm climate. Somewhere where the sun always shines. I think it would be some island. I could go swimming whenever I wanted to or go fishing. I could enjoy watersports. I would choose to live in a quite green village with reach vegetation. Some exotic fruits would grow in my garden. It would be very peaceful there and people would be very hospitable. But I suppose I would be bored sometimes so not far from the village there would be a town with a great number of entertainment. I could go to the movies or to a disco if wanted.


I like to live in Gubkin but f I happen to move somewhere I would move to Moscow. Moscow is the centre of culture and entertainment. You will never have anything to do. It's never boring here. You can go to different museums, theatres, art galleries and cinemas. The city itself is very beautiful. The city hardly ever sleeps. And if you want nature it'll take you about half an hour and you will forget that there is a large city near you, so peaceful is the countryside.

T: P is the winner of the task. But remember that you all are the best. You can appreciate your writing yourself, choose the praise you like most of all:

Well done!

I knew you could do it!

I'm proud of you!

Good job!

Beautiful work!

Fantastic job!

Hip, hip hurray!

Creative job!

What an imagination!

You tried hard!

9. Устная речь.

(Получение письма)

TThe Best of all Possible Worlds

: Dear children! Here is a letter for you.

T: Well, it's time for our sightseeing tour.

(Используя свои проекты о достопримечательностях города, учащиеся совершают воображаемое путешествие по Губкину)

10. Подведение итогов урока

I hope that you remember the subject matter of our lesson. It is "The Best of all Possible Worlds". I want to know your opinion of our town and our Gubkin Sightseeing Tour.

Can you explain the following words: "The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page".

11. Заключение.

Our time is up. We've got to stop.

I am happy to say we've done a good bit of work during this lesson.

You worked well during the lesson. I'll give you a five.


You didn't know the material;

You couldn't represent it with good pronunciation; Your mark is bad.

Домашнее задание:

  1. Your hometask for the next lesson is to write an article about your native town for an English newspaper.

  2. Prepare Gubkin sightseeing map.

Gubkin sightseeing tour

I welcome you to Gubkin! Let me introduce myself. I am your group leader. I work with Gubkin authority. My name is Helen Smith. Please, call me Helen. I'm very pleased to meet you.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to our Gubkin sightseeing tour. There are a lot of places to see and visit here.

First of all, I'd like to give you a few general facts about Gubkin. Its history goes back to 1939. So Gubkin, let me see, is 63 years old. Today Gubkin is the centre of Gubkin district. It is one of the main economic centres of Belgorod region.

We are now in Lenin Square. It is the best starting point of the tour around Gubkin, the central and the most beautiful square in our town. It is the place of parades, meetings and demonstrations.

On your right you can see the City Hall. The building in front of you is the Town Palace of Culture - the most popular place of recreation. It is now a centre for the town's amateur arts groups, in which some thousand people take part.

Among the most well-known groups attached to the Palace of Culture are the People's Drama Theatre, the People's Dance School, a number of vocal ensembles.

Gubkin leads a varied cultural life. It has 2 cinemas, 4 Palaces of Culture, a lot of libraries, monuments, a Museum of Regional Studies.

Now let's go along Lenin Square. It is the town's main street. The impressive building to the left is the Gubkin hotel 'Swan'.

A few moments' drive brings you to one of the most beautiful spots in Gubkin - Victory Square.

We are now in Victory Square. In the centre of the square there is a magnificent memorial to the heroic defenders of Gubkin in the Great Patriotic War. The monument in the centre of it was erected in honour of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. Russian people fought courageously against fascism. A lot of people from my native town took part in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. Six of them are the Heroes of the Soviet Union. They are N. A. Vyalykh, E. N. Dergilev, F. E. Zhulov, N. A. Skvortsov, I. A. Khvorostyanov, and P.T. Shkodin. Every fourth citizen of our town was killed during the war. The people of Gubkin will never forget those who defended it in the battles of the Great Patriotic War. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier… The monument to the miners of Gubkin… Their glory will live forever!

We also remember those, who lost their lives in Afghanistan.

There are many memorial itineraries in the environs of Gubkin, but they all meet here at Victory Square.

Well, Gubkin has grown greatly during the last 10 years. People of different nationalities live in Gubkin. Today it has a population of about 88 thousand people. And it is growing very fast.

In fact, there are 2 institutions of higher learning in Gubkin and 18 secondary schools, 2 lyceums and 1 technical secondary school. It can be said that Gubkin is a big student campus.

Any town has, of course, a lot of problems. We have done a lot. As you can see we want to make our town a nice place to live in. As a matter of fact, many new blocks of flats and shopping centers are built in Gubkin every year.

Now we are in the micro-district 'Zhuravliki'. It is a new district.

Let's have a stroll in the park, shall we? 'Chudo-Yudo- Grad' was built within 5 months, and was opened on June 1, 1997.

The sport ground on the opposite side is the tennis court. Our citizens are fond of going in for sports. So, rest and sports are no problem in Gubkin. The town has a large stadium and many small sports grounds. Thousands of people go there. Some of them are young, others, as you see, are not too young. But all of them love sport. The biggest sport place is called 'Dolphin'. It is a palace of sports, a swimming-pool, etc.

Now let's go along Korolev Street. On your left you can see Pushkin Square with a monument to the great Russian poet in the middle of it. As for me, I fell in love with Pushkin and his works at first reading. When I read Pushkin's poems I am absorbed in the music of his poetry. I have a feeling that I understand what Alexander Sergeevich wanted to tell me personally.

As I said, Zhuravliki is a new modern district and Pushkin Square is the main street of it.

By the way, that large impressive building over there is the disco-bar "Tale". Actually, I have an idea. What about going to the bar tonight! I think we ought to go to "Tale". To my mind it's the best. Of course, I don't mean to say other bars are worse. They are quite popular too.

Oh, but I forgot to tell you about our industrial enterprises. You know, Gubkin produces everything from food and clothes to iron-ore. The production of such enterprise as Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant (LGOK) is well known not only in our country but abroad.

LGOK has made a great impact on the development of our town and district. New schools, roads, houses, children's park, shops have been built with the help of LGOK employers. Lots of qualified specialists work there and get high salaries. The administration of the enterprise use new economical approaches in their work. It takes care of all the citizens of the town, children and adults. Of course, it's impossible to change our life conditions in 5-10 years; it requires many years of hard and serious work. And the appearance of such enterprises as LGOK assures us of political stability in future, in spite of all economic hardships of the period.

And now let's go to one of the nicest places and one of the splendid attractions of Gubkin, Cathedral of Transfiguration of the Saviour. It is situated in the picturesque place.

We'll stop here so that you can visit the Cathedral.

Thank you very much. It's a pity, but our Gubkin Sightseeing Tour is over. I hope very much that you have enjoyed it.

Derby Writing

Derby Writing is based on a strategy presented by Holt (1992) called the Composition Derby. Holt developed this writing task for elementary-level children to help them overcome the fear of making spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes.

The general explanation of the task is that it is a race.

The class can be divided into two teams. At the end of a predetermined time for writing, each student will count the number of words he or she has written. Then the teacher will add up the number of words of each team member and write the total on the board. The group with the most words wins.

Another possibility is to have each individual race with himself or herself.

Each time the class does a Derby Writing exercise, the students compare their scores to their own earlier scores to see the improvement in the number of words written.

Steps in this activity:

1. The students take out a piece of paper and a pencil or pen.

2. Before the activity begins, the teacher advises the class of the few rules they must follow:

a. Write as fast as possible until the teacher says "Stop!"

b. Write about any topic, but write in sentences, not just lists of words.

c. Do not worry about connecting ideas logically. Just write whatever comes into your mind.

d. Do not stop writing. If you do not know what to write, write the sentence, "I do not know what to write" until you think of something.

e. Do not erase or cross out words, and do not use contractions because they count as only one word rather than two words.

f. Do not worry about spelling, grammar, or punctuation.

g. If you do not remember a word in English, write that word in your native language and continue in English.

3. After the specified time of writing, the teacher says, "Stop!" Each student then counts the number of words he or she has written. These will be the totals used for the competition or race. The amount of time depends on the level. Advanced students will need about five minutes, but lower-level students may need more time because they write more slowly.

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