Разработка урока

Разработка интегрированного урока (английский язык + профоринтированный курс) по теме «Выбор профессии» предназначен для проведения в 10-м классе. Этот урок был разработан мною с использованием интернет ресурсов. Урок был проведен на городском семинаре. По мнению присутствующих гостей и по моему мнению урок был очень насыщенным, интересным и полезным для учащихся, так как именно в 10-м классе им предстоит делать жизненно важный выбор. И каждый урок, каждая беседа каждые наши учительские советы м...
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Интегрированный урок (английский язык + профориентированный курс) по теме "Выбор профессии" в 10-м классе

Образовательные цели:

- активизировать употребление в речи учащихся лексику по теме "Выбор профессии" через разные виды речевой деятельности: чтение, говорение, письмо;
- познакомить учащихся с новой лексикой по теме "Личностные качества" и с новыми современными профессиями, способствовать употреблению их в речи учащихся.

Развивающие цели:

- развивать у учащихся умение анализировать свои личностные качества, применительно к данной профессии;
- способствовать развитию умения определять профессиональные качества личности.

Воспитательная цель:

- способствовать воспитанию понимания у учащихся важности и необходимости реализации своих умений и способностей через выбранную профессию.

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийные проектор, интерактивная доска, презентация урока, раздаточный материал.

1. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово учителя.

Teacher: Good morning! I am very glad to see you and hope that you are ready for the lesson. How are you today?

Teacher: I hope that you are fine. On your desks you can see pictures of different moods. You can choose one which really shows how you are feeling at the moment. You can put a tick in front of it.(Отметить настроение) SLIDE 1

Разработка урока

Dear students, I want to introduce you the guests of the lesson, teachers from schools of our district.

Teacher: At the beginning of our lesson I'd like to present you a video-file which shows the economic growth of our country on the years of independence. This year Kazakhstan is celebrating its 20th anniversary. VIDEO-KAZAKHSTAN (1 MINUTE)

Teacher: Today we have an unusual lesson. We'll combine 2 lessons: English and the course of choosing profession. SLIDE 2

One of the most difficult problems for you is to choose you future profession. You are in the 10th form and you should decide what to do after finishing school. Today we are going to speak about your plans for future and your future professions. When you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It's not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. What do you think? Is it easy to choose a profession? SLIDE 3

Ulbosyn 1: To my mind it's difficult to choose a profession according to abilities and character. As far as I know many school leavers are inclined to choose a popular profession and having done so, they are sure this is just what they want. But soon afterwards they realize they have made a mistake which is sometimes difficult to correct. That is why choosing a profession is not a simple matter, but a very important one. Teacher: You are absolutely right.

2. Актуализация имеющихся знаний заполнение кластера "Professions".

Teacher: Students, let's revise all the professions you know.

Write down the names of professions in your notebooks. (Затем ученики по цепочке читают название профессий, которые они вспомнили). SLIDE 4

Разработка урока

Teacher: SLIDE 5 But our world is changed. There are a lot of new things and new professions too. The names of some professions came to our language from English. Now our psychologist will tell us about new professions.

3. Знакомство с новыми современными профессиями. Их классификация.

Психолог: Здравствуйте, ребята. Я сегодня расскажу вам о новых современных профессиях, которые могут вас тоже заинтересовать:

Кризис-менеджер SLIDE 6

Одно название уже говорит само за себя. Кризис-менеджер - это "спасательный круг", без которого никак не обойтись авторитетному предприятию. Его первейшая задача - помочь фирме восстановиться. Когда предприятие запускает в производство новый товар либо заключает крупную сделку, оно заведомо идет на риск. И порой случается так, что расходы оказываются неоправданными и предприятие попадает в сложное положение. Тогда кризис-менеджер - специалист первейшей надобности. Специфика работы предусматривает и наличие соответствующих личностных качеств. Кризис-менеджер - человек со стальными нервами, хладнокровный, уравновешенный, сдержанный, объективно мыслящий в самых напряженных ситуациях.

Маркетинг SLIDE 7

Маркетинг - комплексная система управления предприятием, исходящая из учёта ситуации на рынке сбыта, а также организация сбыта товаров. В обязанности маркетолога входит: отслеживание цен на продаваемую продукцию, анализ её конкурентоспособности, сбор информации о текущем состоянии рынка, организация стратегии продаж, поиск и анализ данных о производителях продукции, поставщиках, потенциальных конкурентах. Наличие предпринимательской жилки для этой профессии обязательно. Маркетолог должен уметь получать информацию, обрабатывать ее, анализировать и принимать на этой основе правильные решения.

Аудитор SLIDE 8

Осуществляет независимую вневедомственную проверку бухгалтерской и финансовой отчётности, а также проверку соответствия различных финансовых и хозяйственных операций действующему законодательству. Большая часть рабочего времени рядового аудитора уходит на работу с огромным количеством документов. Эта профессия требует большой ответственности, скрупулезности, аккуратности.

Имиджмейкер SLIDE 9

Специалист, обладающий одновременно знаниями стилиста, дизайнера, визажиста и психолога. Чаще всего имиджмейкер требуется крупным и авторитетным фирмам, которые заботятся о лице своей компании. Его основная функция - разработка рекомендаций каждому сотруднику, особенно руководящему составу, относительно их индивидуального образа, который будет органично восприниматься как сослуживцами, так и партнерами по бизнесу. Причем работа имиджмейкера не ограничивается только подбором комплекта одежды. Хорошие, приятные манеры, уверенные движения, располагающая улыбка - всё это входит в работу имиджмейкера.

Менеджер по персоналу SLIDE 10

От менеджеров по персоналу зависит атмосфера в коллективе, а это - немаловажная составляющая успеха любой компании. Поэтому предприятиям требуется специалист, способный организовать работу каждого сотрудника с максимальной отдачей. В обязанности менеджера по персоналу входит разработка и поддержание корпоративного стиля компании, подбор кандидатов на вакантные места, создание системы поощрения и наказания работников предприятия. Ведь самое главное - это результат, а чтобы были результаты, нужна серьезная мотивация. Основные требования к менеджерам по персоналу - это высшее образование. Особое внимание уделяется и таким моральным качествам, как проницательность, организованность, практичность, коммуникабельность, умение понять других. Менеджеру по персоналу должно быть хорошо с людьми, а людям - с ним.

WEB-дизайнер SLIDE 11

Специалист в области компьютерных технологий, который отвечает за то, как выглядит и воспринимается Интернет-сайт. Эта профессия становится все более и более актуальной в наше время всеобщей компьютеризации и выхода в Интернет-сеть.

Ребята, а теперь давайте вспомним классификацию профессий (на экране проектора ребята видят классификация профессий SLIDE 12:

Человек - природа; Человек - техника. Человек - человек;
Человек - знаковая система;
Человек - художественный образ; Ребята, скажите, пожалуйста, к каким типам вы отнесете новые профессии, о которых я вам рассказала (ответы учеников).

Teacher: Спасибо. When we speak about profession we use such words as A job A profession An occupation A career A trade. Who can explain the differences between them?

l. Ha доске даются основные понятия данной темы. Учащиеся дают определение каждому из понятий. SLIDE 13

Ridvan 2: A job- is the work that a person does regularly in order to earn money.

Gulnaz 3: A profession -is a job that requires special training, often a university

education and brings a rather high social status. An occupation -is a job or profession.

Ansar 4: An Occupation - is the most general term, it is used to name any job, employment.

Balgerim 5: A career - is the series of jobs that a person does in his or her life usually in one and the same field.

Mishka 6: A Trade - is used for physical labour, the use of machinery and tools.

4. Закрепление изученной лексики.

(С использованием упражнения на подставку на интерактивной доске)

Teacher: Now let's revise the words SLIDE 14

Fill in this information about career education with job, profession, or career.

a) In their last three years at school, teenagers receive much advice. There are a lot of_______________to choose from.
b) Teacher helps teenagers discover their interests and make the first steps to future__________.

c) A lot of teenagers have a part-time________________

Teacher: Yes, you are right. Everybody wants to get a good job. What do we need to get it? SLIDE 15

Possible answer: We need a good education, a good training, knowledge of what you want, ...

Teacher: - What would you like to get from your job? SLIDE 16 (Students' answers)

  • Satisfaction. - Удовольствие

  • Good salary. - Хорошая зарплата

  • Additional benefits. - Дополнительные выгоды

  • Flexible working hours. - Гибкое рабочее время

5. Беседа в режиме Т-Р1, Р2.... с использованием тематического вокабуляра.

Вопросы для беседы: SLIDE 17

Teacher: - Where can people look for a job? (from the magazines,newspaper advertisements,TV-shops)

Teacher: - What kind of jobs can people have? (full-time, part-time, regular, odd jobs)

Teacher: - Different jobs require different things. What does a job of a teacher require?

Nazerke 7: The profession of a teacher requires special education; the person should be kindhearted, careful, courageous, sensitive to the need of others; should be sympathetic to the pain of other people; should be very handy, devoted to this duty, selfless.

Teacher: -What does a job of a doctor require?

Sukhrob 8: This profession requires special education; the person should be kindhearted, careful, courageous, sensitive to the need of others;

Teacher: - Who and what can help you to make your choice? (our teachers, parents, friends)

Teacher: - What are the most popular and important jobs at the turn of the century?

Aigerim 9: Jobs change and new ones are constantly appearing. By reading and talking to people who have different kind of jobs we'll learn great opportunities. There will be for us. The most popular and important jobs at the turn of the century are designers, WEB designers, interpreters, doctors and others.

Teacher: Sure. And what is the best way to prepare for any job?

Sukhrob 10: To my mind the best way to prepare for any job is to get a good education - to do well at school and to learn all you can outside of school.

Teacher: Have you made up your mind what to be in the future?

Ismail 11: It is difficult for me to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my mind a lot of times about which science or field of industry to specialize in. It's not easy to choose one of hundreds jobs to which I might be better suited.

6. Listening for specific information.

Teacher: You are right. You have said that there is a great variety of jobs. And some of them are very popular in our country. Now listen and say which profession is described in each of the following examples. SLIDE 18

I. a). This profession requires special education; the person should be kindhearted, careful, courageous, sensitive to the need of others; should be sympathetic to the pain of other people; should be very handy, devoted to this duty, selfless. (a doctor)

St.-s: To my mind this is a profession of… I think… It seems to me…

b). This profession requires special education; the person should be kind, generous, strict and just; should love children; should possess deep and broad knowledge of a subject; should be responsive, honest, tactful, reserved, patient and tolerant. (a teacher)

c). This trade requires special qualities; the person should be careful; should have quick reactions; should have vision and hearing; should know and observe the traffic rules; should be a good mechanic. (a driver)

d). This profession requires special education and physical qualities; the person should be very well educated in physics, mathematics, astronomy; should be in a perfect state of health; should have good endurance and the ability to stand great strain and the state of weightlessness; should be courageous and daring. (a cosmonaut)

II. Guess what these people are going to become. SLIDE 19

7. Компьютерная презентация результатов опроса мнений учащихся о выборе профессии и карьеры.

Одна из учащихся класса заранее получила задание провести opinion poll среди учащихся по следующим вопросам: SLIDES 20,21

- распределите 10 следующих профессий по степени важности и престижности для вас:

- electrician, teacher, journalist, computer operator, accountant, fireman, travel agent, lawyer, designer, model;

- распределите по степени значимости по мере убывания что может повлиять на ваш выбор профессии: follow someone's advice, be encouraged by teachers, parents, friends, be inspired by some famous people, follow someone's footsteps;

- что важнее для вас - lt is better to have well-paid, but not interesting job or It is better to have badly paid, but interesting job.

Обратите внимание на ответы ваших одноклассников. Почти все выбрали профессию учителя самым важным. На выбор профессии влияют учителя и родители и самое главное все выбрали ответ на вопрос что важнее для вас It is better to have badly paid, but interesting job. ПЕРЕВОД

8. Role-play (Press-conference ). SLIDE 22

Teacher: Of course, the first profession you came across from your childhood is the profession of a teacher. You don't realize the importance of it. The best way to know this profession better is to have a talk with a teacher. So we are going to do this just now. Diana will be a journalist and you'll talk to Gulnara Seidullaevna. She is an English teacher of our school.

Journalist (Diana): Good morning and welcome to our programme "Worldly Wise". Today our attention turns on teaching. Many young people consider teaching as a career. It's not surprising: after your parents the teacher may be the most important person in your life. With all the teachers you meet you think there isn't anything you don't know about the work. The teachers must be devoted to their work and privately think, though they may not like to admit is openly, that they serve humanity doing the most vital job of all. Gulnara Seidullaevna is a teacher of English in our school found time to come and take part in our programme.

Get ready to ask questions, pupils.

Ridvan12: Why have you chosen teaching as a career?

G.S: Well, as for me, I made my choice long ago. My choice of this occupation didn't come as a sudden flash. If you like people, you will like teacher you must be genuinely interested in what you are doing. The most important things in the world are awareness and learning - wanting to know every day of your life more and more. Because every time you learn something new you become something new. A teacher catalyzes in his pupils the burning desire to know and love the truth and beauty.

Sukhrob 13: Who has influenced your choice of profession?

G.S.: My parents, my English teacher and of course, my love of English. During all school years English was favorite subject.

Ibragim 14: Teaching is a very difficult job, it is not well paid. Besides most jobs can be done within the usual office hours from 9 to 5, but teacher's work is never done. As far as I know evening are mostly spent making exercise books and preparing for the next lesson. It is quite a stressful job and a bit boring to my mind.

G.S.: Nothing of the kind speaking about boring. It's the most noble and rewarding job. Can you imagine your life without teachers, ah? Yes, that's impossible. There are of course two categories of teacher teachers who have a job and teachers who have a calling. There are teachers who can't wait for wait of the day to begin.

Nazerke 15: John Steinbeck once said a great teacher is an artist and you know how few great artists there are in the world. Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts.

G.S.: You are absolutely right. That's why humanity has the deepest respect for teachers. Teachers do not only teach their subjects, they develop their pupils' intellect, from their views and characters, their attitudes to life and to other people. It's a great responsibility to bring up children. I think that's the reason why teachers are deeply respected.

Ulbosyn 16: What qualities do you think are necessary for a good teacher?

G.S.: Oh, many of them. First of all a good teacher should know perfectly the subject he teaches, must be well-educated and well informed, because an ignorant teacher teaches ignorance, a bored teacher teaches boredom. Teachers should be understanding and patient, must be kind. A teacher must love children and respect them.

Ibragim 17: I am fond of English. But I think that teaching is not for me. Which of professions require the knowledge of foreign language?

G.S.: There are a lot of professions for which a good knowledge of a foreign language is absolutely necessary, but I must say that many of them deal with people, for example: an interpreter, a translator, a diplomat, a journalist as well.

Journalist (Diana): Time of our programme comes to end. Thank you…. for coming.

G.S.: Summing it up I'd like to say" Many roads are open before you. The most important thing is to work well. The English proverb goes " He works best who knows his trade". But it is a mistake to think that all your work is in future. Try to take an active part in life now. Good luck to you. Thank you.

9. Work with proverbs:

a) Guessing words by the context.

Teacher: Our "English teacher" has already mentioned one of English proverbs. There are many other proverbs to do with work. SLIDE 23 Now you'll come to the board, match English and Russian versions of proverbs.

b) Speaking

Teacher: Have a look at proverbs again and try to explain how you understand these proverbs.

ULBOSYN 18. A bad workman blames his tools.

Плохой работник всегда винит свой инструмент

A careless or unskilled person blames his tools to excuse himself for bad work, white it is his own carelessness or lak of skill which is really to blame.

DIANA 19. Many hands make light wok.

когда рук много, работа делается легко

(Дружно не грузно а, врозь хоть брось)

A job, duty, everything is to do if many people share the work.

AIGERIM 20: Action speak louder than words.

Поступки говорят громче, чем слова

(Не по словам судят, а по делам)

People can say many things, because talking is easy, but it is more important what a person does than what he says he will do.

IBRAGIM 21: Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Не откладывай на завтра то, что модно сделать сегодня.

You must carry out a lot a task or duty as soon as you can. If you leave it till tomorrow, you may forget about it or not find time to do it and it may never be done.

ISMAIL 22: Jack if all trades master of done.

Джек на все руки мастер , а ни одним мастерством не владеет.

(За все браться ничего не cделать)

A person who works at many trades never becomes really expert at any one of them. If is better to be really skilful at one trade than to have small knowledge of many.

SUKHROB 23: The early bird catches the worm.

Ранняя птичка словит червяка. (Кто рано встает , тому Бог дает)

The person who get up early to work will be successful:

Those that arrive early at a place have the advantage over the latecomers.

Teacher: SLIDE 24 Message of the President of the country to the people of Kazakhstan. Let's read it!

Ridvan 24: Біздің жас мемлекетіміз өсіп-жетіліп, кемелденеді, біздің балаларымыз бен
немерелеріміз онымен бірге ер жетеді. Олар қазақ, орыс және ағылшын тілдерін
бірдей жақсы меңгеретін болады. Біздің балаларымыз білігі жоғары жұмысшылар
мен фермерлер, инженерлер, банкирлер және өнер қайраткерлері, магазиндердің иелері, мұғалімдер мен дәрігерлер, зауыттар мен фабрикалардың иелері, биржа делдалдары және спортшылары болады.

Ibragim 25: Our young state would grow up and reach its manhood and with it our children and
grandchildren would also become grown up people. They would have an equally good command of the Kazakh, Russian and English languages. Our children would become
highly skilled workers and farmers, engineers, bankers, men-of-arts, owners of shops,
teachers and doctors, owners of plants and factories, stock brokers and sportsmen.

Ismail 26: Наше молодое государство вырастет и возмужает, наши дети и внуки вырастут
вместе с ним. Они будут одинаково хорошо владеть казахским, русским и
английским языками. Наши дети станут высококвалифицированными рабочими
и фермерами, инженерами, банкирами и деятелями искусства, владельцами магазинов,
учителями и врачами, владельцами заводов и фабрик, биржевыми маклерами
и спортсменами.

10. Improve your grammar SLIDE 25

Teacher: As we speak about your future let's revise future perfect tense and make grammar practice.

We use Future Perfect - will+have+V3 (ed) for the action, that will be complete on, or before, a certain date or time in the future. It is normally used with time expressions like by then, by the end of the century, by the year 2012, by 8 o'clock, etc.

11.Complete these sentences with the future perfect form of the verbs below: SLIDE 26

Develop build perfect introduce finish

1. By the end of the century, this village will have developed into a small town

2. By the end of this year, the transport authorities will have introduced a ban on smoking in buses & taxis

3. They will have built houses on this land by the end of the century.

4. Come & see me at ten. I will have finished my homework by then

5. When he has been in England for ten years, he will have perfected his English

12.Reading the text: My plans for Future SLIDE 27

MISHKA 27 What do you want to be in Future? - I have often heard this questions. Sometimes it is difficult to answer this question, sometimes not. Little children usually dream of an unusual profession. Some of them want to become spacemen, others want to discover new lands, thirds - to dive in deep seas. But most of them want to be famous, so they usually want to become a star - a film star, a pop star, a football star and so on.

AIGERIM 28 I don't know for certain what I shall do, but I think the best way to prepare myself for a future job is to get a good education. Jobs are changing and constantly appearing. In a few years, there will be more new jobs and nobody knows what they will be. But good cannot solve the problem alone. It is important to have good health to face difficulties and changes. That's why I pay great attention to sports.

13. Формирование лексических навыков и активизация их в речи.

Teacher: Do you know that personal qualities and your character traits are very important for choosing profession.

Now we'll read, translate and remember the personal qualities. (Students read the new words all together, then one by one. The teacher asks student translate into English and into Russian some of the words).

Character traits SLIDE 28

Attentive - внимательный Confident - уверенный Cooperative - умеющий сотрудничать Considerate - внимательный к другим, сострадательный Creative - творческий Deferent - почтительный Fair - честный, порядочный Flexible - уступчивый, гибкий Forgiving - снисходительный Friendly - дружелюбный Generous - благородный Gentle - мягкий, добрый Polite - вежливый Practical - практичный

Clever - умный Talkative - разговорчивый

Reliable - надежный Honest - честный Kind - добрый Patient - терпеливый Punctual - пунктуальный Responsible - ответственный Sincere - искренний Tactful - тактичный Temperate - сдержанный Tolerant - терпимый Sociable - общительный Optimistic - оптимистический Sensible - благородный

14. Работа в группах.

Ученики делятся на 3 группы по 4 учащихся, и каждая группа получает карточку с заданием.

The task: You should advise your classmate to make the right choice. You should consider the personal qualities of your classmates and the traits of character. Discuss the task in groups.

Card № 1.

Ismail wants to be a computer programmer.
What personal qualities should he have? (NAZERKE 29)

Card № 2.

Ulbosyn wants to be an English teacher What personal qualities should she have? (ISMAIL 30)

Card № 3.

Aigerim wants to be a journalist.
What personal qualities should she have? (DIANA 31)

(Ученики выполняют задания в группах 3-4 минуты. Затем отвечают вслух)

I: Well done. And now our school psychologist will play the game with you.

15. Игра: "Самая - самая"

Психолог: Ребята, сейчас мы с вами поиграем. Вы должны подумать и назвать профессии, которые, по вашему мнению, в наибольшей степени соответствуют данной характеристике, и обосновать свой ответ. SLIDE 29

  • Самая зелёная;

  • Самая денежная;

  • Самая детская;

  • Самая общительная;

  • Самая серьёзная;

  • Самая творческая.

Teacher: Now our lesson is coming to the end and I'd like to ask you "What do you want to be? What profession do you want to choose?" SLIDES 30,31

16. Рефлексия. SLIDE 32

Score your results



Were you active at the lesson?


Did you get any new information at the lesson?


Were your classmates satisfied with your work in the group?


Were you satisfied with your job at the lesson yourself?


Did you like the lesson?

Teacher: Very good. I am very satisfied with your work today and you will mark yourselves.



Профессии все важны, Профессии все нужны, Надо только браться за дело Очень старательно и смело.

17. Итог урока. Домашнее задание. SLIDE 34

Teacher: Take your pictures of different moods once more and choose one which shows your mood at the moment. Is it different? Can you explain why? It's time we finish our lesson.

The homework is to make the presentation about your future job and make a quiz at home. Answering the questions yes or no you'll collect scores and adding the scores up you'll find out what profession suit you. I wish you good luck! Good-bye!

Quiz for home task SLIDES 36,37,38,39


What would you like to be? Do you know what type of job you would like to have? Answer the questions and see what our career specialist says about you! You must answer Yes or No.

1. Do you like to travel ?

2. Do you prefer to work indoors?

3. Do you like talking to people?

4. Do you prefer to work alone?

5. Are you energetic?

6. Do you like organizing things?

7. Are you patient?

8 Do you like animals?

9. Are you noisy?

10. Do you like to work with your hands?

11. Are you artistic?

12. Do you like working with numbers?

13. Do you like children?

14. Do you like looking after people?

15. Are you calm?

16. Are you musical?

17. Do you like sport?

18. Do you like working at night?

19. Do you mind seeing blood?

20. Do you like talking on the telephone?

Check your answers and add up (подсчитать) your score. SLIDE 37































































If your score is between 5-45 SLIDE 38

You enjoy working with people and helping them. You are also a practical person. One of these careers will suit you: teacher, doctor, nurse, social worker, psychologist, zoo keeper, policeman

If your score is between 45-90

You like to work quietly and concentrate on the task. You prefer to work on your own. One of these careers will suit you: laboratory technician, librarian, artist, bank clerk, hair-dresser, architect.

If your score is between 90-135

You like to be very busy. You like to be with people and you like organizing things for them. One of the following careers will suit you: travel agent, journalist, hotel manager, salesperson, fireman.


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