Индивидуальная работа со студентами по английскому языку в учреждениях среднего профессионального образования

Методические рекомендации содержат тексты, упражнения и диалоги, предназначенные для выполнения индивидуальных заданий студентами средних специальных учебных заведений на занятиях английского языка и дома. Материал методических рекомендаций  предполагает дальнейшее развитие гуманитарного направления в системе профессионального образования г. Железногорска Курской области и может быть использован преподавателями в качестве раздаточного материала. Данный дидактический материал может быть использо...
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Индивидуальная работа со студентами по английскому языку в учреждениях среднего профессионального образования.

Методические рекомендации.

Сальникова Т.А., преподаватель английского языка ОБПОУ «Железногорский политехнический колледж»


2015 г

А н н о т а ц и я

Методические рекомендации содержат тексты, упражнения и диалоги, предназначенные для выполнения индивидуальных заданий студентами средних специальных учебных заведений на занятиях английского языка и дома.

Материал методических рекомендаций предполагает дальнейшее развитие гуманитарного направления в системе профессионального образования г. Железногорска Курской области и может быть использован преподавателями в качестве раздаточного материала.


Индивидуальная работа со студентами на занятии способствует прочному овладению знаниями, умениями и навыками, а также помогает заинтересовать их в изучении английского языка. Необходима такая организация учебного процесса, которая непосредственно на занятии создавала бы условия для прочного усвоения знаний каждым студентом в соответствии с его способностями. Разработка индивидуальных заданий для студентов - составная часть подготовки преподавателя к занятию.

Преподаватель заранее готовит задания, выполнение которых требует проявления самостоятельности мышления студентов. Задания дифференцируются по степени трудностина следующие: копирующие, выборочно-воспроизводящие, творческие. Особое внимание следует уделить творческим заданиям, при выполнении которых проявляются творческие способности студентов, расширяются и углубляются их знания.

При работе над текстами необходим дифференцированный подход к студентам, что позволяет развивать индивидуальные способности каждого из них. Одним студентам даются несложные тексты для чтения или отдельные абзацы текста, другим - более сложные тексты и следует предложить следующие виды работ над текстом:

  1. Ответить на вопросы по содержанию текста.

  2. Поставить вопросы к отдельным предложениям.

  3. Поставить вопросы к отдельным словам данного предложения.

  4. Составить план пересказа текста.

  5. Пересказать текст по плану или по ключевым словам.

  6. Пересказать текст по вопросам.

  7. Продолжить рассказ.

  8. Составить диалог с новыми словами.

  9. Сделать рисунок, начертить схему, снабдив их комментариями на английском языке.

  10. Разделить текст на несколько частей и озаглавить каждую часть.

  11. Аннотировать прочитанное.

  12. Определить, с помощью каких слов автор выражает свое отношение к происходящим событиям и к действующим лицам.

  13. Прочитать текст и сказать, когда происходит действие (в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени).

Данный дидактический материал может быть использован как для чтения текстов с полным извлечением информации, так и для развития навыков устной речи студентов.


Phonetic drills

to occupy - занимать

natural resources - полезные ископаемые

climate- климат

natural gas - природный газ

rich - богатый

heavy industry - тяжелая промышленность

per cent-процент

light industry - легкая промышленность

oil - нефть

coal - уголь

multinational - многонациональный

iron - железо

to wash- омывать

lake - озеро

shore - берег

deep - глубокий

copper - медь

sights - достопримечательности

legislative branch - законодательная ветвь (власти)


Russia is my native country. It is the largest country in the world. Russia occupies one-seventh part of dry land. Its area is about 17 million square kilometres. The Russian Federation borders on many countries. The shores of the country are washed by 12 seas and 3 oceans.

There are different types of climate on the territory of the country. There are a lot of rivers and deep lakes in Russia. The Volga is the largest river and the Lena is the longest one. Some parts of the country are covered with mountains and hills.

Russia is very rich in natural resources such as oil, coal, iron, natural gas, copper, etc. We have highly developed heavy and light industries.

Our country is multinational. The population of Russia is about 150 million people.

Russia is a parliamentary republic. The President is the head of the state. The State Duma and the Council of Federation are the legislative branches of the government.

Moscow is the capital of Russia. There are many sights in Moscow. Moscovites are proud of the Kremlin.


  1. Is Russia one of the largest countries in the world?

  2. What is the territory of the country?

  3. What do you know about the climate in Russia?

  4. How many rivers are there in Russia?

  5. Is our country rich in natural resources?

  6. What kind of natural resources does Russia have?

  7. Is our country highly developed?

  8. Is our country multinational?

  9. Who is the head of the state?

  10. What is the capital of our country?

  11. Are there any sights in Moscow? What are they?


  • Good morning, Mr.Black!

  • Good morning, Mr.Brown. I am glad to see you in Russia. Are you here for the first time?

  • Yes, I am. And you?

  • So am I. I am surprised that it is such a large country.

  • Well, what is the area of Russia?

  • The Russian Federation is larger than our country. Its territory is about 17 million square kilometres.

  • Besides, this country is multinational.

  • Russia is rich in natural resources, isn't it?

  • Yes, you are right. And that is why Russian people have highly developed heavy and light industries.

  • It goes without saying that Russia is a wonderful country.

Text 2

Phonetic drills

to consist of - состоять

the English Channel -канал Ла-Манш

to separate -отделять

Glasgow - Глазго

Bristol -Бристоль

Hull -Гуль

Manchester -Манчестер

Liverpool - Ливерпуль

Birmingham -Бирмингем

Scotland- Шотландия

England - Англия

Wales -Уэльс

The Labour Party -лейбористская партия

the Conservative Party -консервативная партия

mountain - гора

the Thames -Темза

Parliament -парламент

the House of Lords -палата Лордов

the House of Commons -палата Общин

Queen Elizabeth-королева Елизавета

St. Paul's Cathedral - собор святого Павла


mild -мягкий

the Tower -Тауэр


the Gulf Stream -Гольфстрим

Great Britain.

The official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is situated on the British Isles. Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The English Channel separates the country from the continent. As it is an island there are often fogs there.

The climate in Great Britain is milder than in our country. It is influenced by the Gulf Stream. There are beautiful lakes, rivers, mountains and valleys in Great Britain. The mountains are not very high. The rivers are short but deep. The largest river is the Thames. Big ships go up and down the Thames.

Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country with such industrial centres as London, Manchester, Birmingham, etc. London is one of the largest ports in the world. Liverpool, Glasgow, Bristol, Hull are ports too.

The population of the UK is about 56 million people.

London is the capital of Great Britain. It is situated on the Thames. There are many places of interest there: St. Paul's Cathedral, the Tower, the Houses of Parliament and others.

The UK is a constitutional monarchy. The nominal head of the state is Queen Elizabeth the Second. The real law-making body is the Parliament. It consists of two Chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Conservative and Labour parties rule the country.


  1. How many parts does Great Britain consist of?

  2. Is Great Britain an island?

  3. What ocean is it washed by?

  4. What separates Great Britain from the continent?

  5. Are there often fogs there?

  6. What do you know about the climate in Great Britain?

  7. What do you know about the mountains and rivers in the UK?

  8. What is the largest river in Great Britain?

  9. Is Glasgow the capital of Great Britain?

  10. What places of interest do you know there?

  11. What ports in Great Britain do you know?

  12. Is Great Britain a highly developed industrial country?

  13. What big industrial centres are there in Great Britain?

  14. What parties rule the country?

  15. How many Houses are there in the Parliament? What are they?

  16. Who is the head of the state?


  • How do you do, Mike!

  • How do you do, Steve! Where are you going from?

  • I'm going from college, and you?

  • So am I. What's the news?

  • No news. But today I have learned something new about Great Britain.

  • Well, tell me something about Great Britain.

  • Do you know that Great Britain consists of four parts?

  • No, I don't. What are they?

  • They are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  • Really? Is Great Britain an island?

  • Yes, It is. And it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the English Channel.

  • Great Britain is not a cold country, is it?

  • You are right. The climate in Great Britain is milder than in our country.

  • What is the capital of Great Britain?

  • London is the capital of the UK.

  • Is London situated on the River Thames?

  • Yes, it is. Don't you know it?

  • Well, thank you. Good-bye.

  • Good-bye.

Text 3

Phonetic drills

The North American continent -североамериканский континент

area -площадь, территория

the Pacific Ocean -Тихий океан

the Atlantic Ocean -Атлантический океан

population -население

official language -государственный язык

George Washington -Джордж Вашингтон

the Great Lakes -Великие Озера

the Cordilliers -Кордильеры

the Mississippi -Миссисипи

Washington(D.C.) -Вашингтон (округКолумбия)

New York -Нью-Йорк

Boston -Бостон

Chicago -Чикаго

machine-building - машиностроение

ship-building - кораблестроение

agriculture - сельское хозяйство

a federal republic -федеральная республика

a state -государство, штат

Congress -Конгресс

the House of Representatives -палата Представителей

The United States of America.

The USA is one of the largest countries in the world. It is situated in the central part of the North American continent. The area of the USA is over 9 million square kilometers. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean and by the Atlantic Ocean.

The population of the United States is about 250 million people. The official language of the country is English. The capital of the country is Washington (D.C.). It was named in honour of the first President, George Washington.

The climate is different in different regions as the USA is a large country. There are many mountains in the USA. The highest peak is in Cordillers. The main river of the country is the Mississippi. There are five Great Lakes between the USA and Canada.

There are many big cities in the country. They are Washington (D.C.), New York, Boston, Chicago, etc.

The USA is rich in mineral resources. The USA is a highly developed industrial country. Such industries as machine-building and shipbuilding are highly developed in the country. American agriculture produces a lot of food products.

The USA is a federal republic. It consists of fifty states. Congress is the American parliament. There are two Chambers there. They are the Senate and the House of Representatives.

There are two political parties in the United States: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.


  1. Is the USA one of the largest countries in the world?

  2. What kind of area does the USA have?

  3. What is the population of the USA?

  4. The capital of the country is Washington, isn't it?

  5. Are there many mountains in the country?

  6. What is the main river in the United States ?

  7. Is the USA a highly developed industrial country ?

  8. What big cities do you know in the USA ?

  9. What does American agriculture produce ?

  10. Is the USA a federal republic ?

  11. How many states are there in the USA ?

  12. What Chambers are there in the American parliament ?

  13. How many political parties are there in the USA ?


  • Hello ! How are you ?

  • Hi ! I'm fine, thanks. And you ?

  • Oh, I have a problem. I need to prepare a report about the USA. Could you help me, please ?

  • OK. The USA is one of the largest countries in the world. It is situated in the central part of the North American continent.

  • The USA is washed by the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. Is that so ?

  • You are right.

  • What do you know about mountains and rivers in the USA?

  • The Mississippi is the main river in the USA. There are many mountains in the USA. The highest peak is in the Cordilliers.

  • And what about the climate of the USA?

  • The climate is different in different regions.

  • What can you say about American industry and agriculture?

  • The United States of America is a highly industrial country. The major branches of industries are machine-building and shipbuilding. American agriculture produces a lot of grain, fruit and vegetables.

  • What do you know about the political system of the USA?

  • Congress is the American parliament. It is divided into two parts, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

  • Thank you very much for your help.

  • You are welcome.

Text 4.

Phonetic drills

provincial -провинциальный

a miner -горняк

modern -современный

to cobble -чистить

vegetation -растительность

a poplar -тополь

a chestnut -каштан

a linden -липа

iron ore -железная руда

the Michailovsky mining-and-processing integrated works -

Михайловский горно-обогатительный комбинат

to be located -располагаться

a native town -родной город

an enterprise -предприятие


My native town is Zheleznogorsk. I agree with the English proverb «There is no place like home». I have a birthplace and I'm proud of it.

Zheleznogorsk is the youngest town in Kursk region. It was founded in 1957 as a miners'settlement. Zheleznogorsk is located in the northern part of Kursk region. My native town is not very large. There are 100,000 people living here.

Zheleznogorsk differs a lot from other provincial towns of Central Russia. There are a lot of nice squares and beautiful streets in it. The streets are long, modern and green. You can see many old and new buildings, wonderful vegetation along cobbled streets in the centre: poplars, lindens and chestnuts.

There are thirteen schools, a lot of libraries and two Palaces of Culture in Zheleznogorsk. It has two colleges. People in Zheleznogorsk go in for sports. There is a modern stadium in my town.

Zheleznogorsk has many industrial enterprises. The Michailovsky mining-processing integrated works is one of the best enterprises of the metallurgy.

People in Zheleznogorsk are hospitable and friendly. They love their native town and hope it will be better.


  1. What town do you live in?

  2. Where is Zheleznogorsk situated in?

  3. How many people live in Zheleznogorsk?

  4. When was Zheleznogorsk founded?

  5. What can you see in the town?

  6. How many schools are there in Zheleznogorsk?

  7. Does Zheleznogorsk have any industrial enterprises?

  8. What kind of plant is the best enterprise of the metallurgy?

  9. People in Zheleznogorsk are hospitable and friendly, aren't they?

  10. Do you like your native town?


  • Good morning, Victor! Where are you going to?

  • Hello! I am going to the library. I need some material about my native town.

  • What would you like to know about Zheleznogorsk? Why? I have read the history of Zheleznogorsk and can tell you something about it.

  • It's great! When was Zheleznogorsk founded? Why?

  • Our native town was founded in 1957 as miners' settelement. The Michailovsky mining-processing integrated works is one of the best enterprises of the metallurgy.

  • How many people live in Zheleznogorsk?

  • As you know, Zheleznogorsk isn't a large town. That's why the population is 100,000 people.

Text 5.

Phonetic drills

college -колледж

storey; floor -этаж

cloak-room -раздевалка

gym (gymnasium) -спортзал

to treat metal -обрабатывать металл

to be well equipped with -быть хорошо оборудованным

milling-machine -фрезерный станок

lathe -токарный станок

turner -токарь

miller -фрезеровщик

fitter -слесарь

secondary education - среднее образование

Our college.

I study at college. It is an old four-storey building. There is a sports-ground behind our college. To the right and to the left of the building you can see wonderful vegetation . As we come into the college, we take off our coats and leave them in a large cloak-room, which is on the ground floor. There is a canteen on the ground floor of our college. All the students have their lunch there. There is a gym on the ground floor where we have our physical training.

The workshops where we learn to treat metal are on the ground floor too. All the workshops are well equipped with modern machines and instruments. There are milling machines and lathes in our workshops. All the machines help us to master such professions as turners, fitters and millers. There are a lot of classrooms, labs and the assembly hall in our college. In the classrooms we can see desks and blackboards, tables, pictures and diagrams. At our college we learn such subjects as: literature, mathematics, chemistry, physics, history, English or German, computing technology, technical subjects and many others. After finishing college I'll get a secondary education and a profession. I like our college very much.


  1. Where do you study?

  2. Is your college an old four-storey building?

  3. What can you see to the left and to the right of the building?

  4. Where do you leave your coat as you come into the college?

  5. Where is the canteen situated?

  6. Where do you have your physical training?

  7. Where are the workshops situated?

  8. Are the workshops well equipped with modern machines and instruments?

  9. Are there many milling machines and lathes in your college?

  10. What professions are you mastering at your college?

  11. How many classrooms are there in your college?

  12. What can you see in the classrooms?

  13. What subjects do you learn at college?

  14. Will you get a secondary education after finishing college?

  15. Do you like your college?


- Hello Victor! I am glad to see you. Do you study at this college?

- Good morning, Nick! Yes, you are right. I study at this college. Do you want to study here?

- Yes, I do. Tell me please, what professions can I get here?

- At our college you can get any of such professions as turners, fitters and millers.

- Are there any workshops in the college?

- Yes, there are. They are well equipped with modern machines and instruments.

- And what subjects do you learn at college?

-At our college we learn such subjects as: literature, mathematics, chemistry, physics, history, English or German, computing technology, technical subjects and many others.

- Thank you very much for the information I have got.

- Don't mention it.

Text 6.

Phonetic drills

to choose -выбирать

opportunity -возможность

to realize - осуществлять

honourable -почетный

electrician - электрик

toolmaker - инструментальщик

lathe - токарный станок

to operate - управлять

file -напильник

the pliers -плоскогубцы

My future profession.

Many young people think about their future profession. Some of them choose a popular trade. But very soon they realize this is not for them and they have made a mistake. It's very difficult to choose a profession and we are to do it ourselves.

There are many good professions - surgeons, architects, postmen, shop assistants, etc. And every young man has an opportunity of mastering the profession he chooses.

As for me, I've already chosen my profession. I'll be a worker. That is why I study at college. After finishing college I shall get a matriculation card and the profession I've chosen. In some years I'll work at a plant. The workers work much and hard there and soon we'll help them in their honourable work.

There are many trades at our college: turners, electricians, millers, fitters, toolmakers, drivers and repairmen.

I want to be a turner. I like to operate a lathe. While working we use different lathe tools - hammers, files, pliers, etc. There are different lathes in our shop.

I'm proud of my important and honourable profession.


  1. Do young people think about their future profession?

  2. Is it very difficult to choose a profession?

  3. What professions do you know?

  4. Do all young people have an opportunity of mastering the profession they choose?

  5. Have you chosen a profession?

  6. Do you work or study?

  7. Where do you study?

  8. Will you get a matriculation card after finishing college?

  9. Where will you work?

  10. How do the workers work there?

  11. What trades are there at your college?

  12. What trade do you like?

  13. What tools do you use while working?

  14. Are you proud of your profession?


  • I've just finished secondary school and I want to work at a factory.

  • That's a good idea, you may become a turner. It is a very good profession. In a year I shall work at a plant.

  • What can you tell me about the plant where you will work?

  • Our plant is very large. It is equipped with modern machines.

  • It must be very pleasant to work at such a plant.

  • Certainly, it is.

  • What trades do you master at your college?

  • We master such trades as turners, electricians, toolmakers, millers, fitters, repairmen, etc.

  • You must be very busy with your lessons. Do you have free time for cinema or concerts?

  • Of course, I do. I go to the cinema on my day off. I like music very much and I often go to concerts. Besides, I study English.

  • Do you know English well?

- No, I can't say I do. But I'll do my best to know it better.

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