Окружающая среда и ты

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Интегрированный урок по английскому языку

тема «Окружающий мир и ты. »

"The Environment and You.

part I

OBJECTIVES: Students will understand the following:

  1. The threat to ecosystem is a complex problem because many factors contribute to its pollution and destruction.

  2. The condition of our environment and what they can do to help to improve it.

The students will

  • demonstrate an interest in the environment.

  • identify sources of pollution.

  • understand why it is important to keep the environment free of pollution.

  • complete research on at least one topic with the beginning letter which they select and write an informative article.

Overview: During the past hundred years, due to new technologies, the world has changed in many ways. Some changes have improved the quality of life and health for many people. Others have affected people's health care adversely causing different kinds of pollution that have harmed the environment.

This lesson will promote an awareness of environmental issues and ways in which each pupil can help to improve our earth.

Resources/Materials Needed: lesson vocabulary cards, photographs of water, air, and land pollution, text book and crossword.

1. Begin the activities by displaying and reviewing the lesson vocabulary. (pollution, surroundings, litter, environment)

2. Discuss the displayed pictures of water, air, and land pollution


I. Greetings - Good morning, boys and girls! I'm glad to see you. How are you today?

Are you ready to begin our lesson?

Brainstorming. Discussion questions.

Below is a group of words. Which of them can you use speaking about your country?

Beach, city, coast, countryside, factory, farm, field, flat, forest, hill, industrial, industry, island, lake, mountain, noisy, peaceful, poor, quiet, region, rich, river, sea, town, village.

II. Warming-up.

Ask your partner.

1. Where do you like to spend your free time: in the forest, by the river, by the lake or at home?

2. Do you like to look at the beautiful flowers, trees, green grass and blue water around you?

4. What makes our planet wonderful?

4. What has changed for the worse on the Earth?

5. Why is there less fish in the rivers and fewer wild animals in the forests?

6. What damages the nature most of all do you think?

7. Who must take care of nature?

8. Do you know how to protect nature?

9. Have you ever planted a tree?

III. Lead-in.

I know that you like solving puzzles. Would you like to solve one? Everybody gets a card with a crossword and questions. You have 1-2 minutes to solve the puzzle and to define the key word of the lesson.































































1. We should…..nature. 2. It is very important to keep the world….and tidy. 3. …..throw rubbish on the ground. 4. Always put..…in the rubbish bin. 5. Never..…plants and baby trees. 6. Keep..…dogs under control. 7. Help birds in…… . 8. Do not frighten..… . 9. We can……glass bottles. 10. Keep the..….tidy. 11. We should……our nature.

The main word of the lesson is "environment". So it is the subject of today's lesson. Boys and girls how do you understand the word "environment"? What does it mean? What does it stand for you? (the pupils give their ideas.)

ENVIRONMENT [in'vαiərənmənt] the natural world that people, animals, and plants live in.

VI. Vocabulary in practice.

Match the words of the two columns in their opposite meaning and translate them.

1) industry a) clean

2Окружающая среда и ты) earth b) happiness

3) pollute c) water

4) destroy d) protect

5) dirty e) agriculture

6) threat f) safety

7) disaster g) build

Build word combinations using the words of the two columns and translate them.

Example crowded places - многолюдные места

1) ecological a) damage

2Окружающая среда и ты) poisonous b) conditions

3) toxic c) the wildlife

4) climatic d) problems

5) great e) protection

6) contamination f) mushrooms

7) damage g) of some areas

8) deforestation h) conditions

9) nature i) of the environment

10) threaten j) gases

So, boys and girls, it's time to summarize what is the world?

Thank you! Now, let's have a break.

VI. Five minute English.

Let's have a phonetic drill. Listen to the poem very attentively and try to understand what does it mean - change to green.

Rub your eyes and look around,

Litter lying on the ground,

Bottles, cans and polythene-

Take the tip and change to green!

Animals and plants have died,

People starve to feed our pride,

For the life that might have been

Take a stand and change to green!

There's so much that isn't right,

It could get you well uptight,

So make a start and change the scene-

The lights are flashing - change to green!

VII. Pre-reading task.

Agree or disagree with the idea. Give your opinion.

We want our planet to be clean. It's nice to see dirty seas.

People must care about the Earth. Kids must leave cans in the parks.

It's nice to care about rivers and forests. People must breathe dirty air.

It's healthy to drink dirty water. People should protect nature.

VIII. While reading.

Read the text and say what threats people are worried about.

Our Earth

The Earth is the only planet in our solar system where there is life. If you look down at the Earth from a plane, you will see how wonderful our planet is. You will see blue rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. You will see high snowy mountains, green forests and fields.

There is more water on the Earth than land. Everything what is alive on the Earth needs water, air and the Sun. The nature around us is called environment.

In this world around us, there are two things that do not belong to any one country: air and ocean water. In both the air and the water, there is much pollution. People are concerned about the air and the water that are used by everyone, and about the future of the Earth.

One of the most important pollution problems is air pollution. Pollution is something that makes air, land or water unclean or unsafe.

Cars and factories pollute the air we use. Their fume also destroys the ozone layer which protects the Earth from the dangerous light of the Sun. Burning coal and oil leads to global warming which may bring about a change in the world's climate.

The second important problem is the oceans. Many ships sail in the ocean water - fishing ships, some ships carrying people, some carrying oil. If a ship loses some of the oil in the water, or waste from the ships is put into the ocean, the water becomes dirty. Many sea birds die because of the polluted water and many kinds of fish die in the sea.

Fishermen catch contaminated fish which may be sold in markets, and people may get sick if they eat it. Lakes and rivers are becoming polluted, too. Some beaches are dangerous for swimming.

A person can do some damage to the environment but the greater part of pollution certainly comes from industry. Modern industry production is the main threat to nature.

At present there are different organizations and parties in Europe and America that actively work to protect the nature from the harm. They want to stop the damage that is done by man to the nature in the result of nuclear tests and throwing poisonous waste into the seas and rivers.

It's time we asked ourselves a question: What can I do to protect nature? If we want our children to live in the same world we live in, or in a better and healthier world, we must learn to protect the water, the air and the land from pollution.

IX. After reading. Let's do some exercises.

Complete the sentences according to the text.

1. If you look down at the Earth from a plane, ……. 2. Everything what is alive on the Earth needs…... 3. People are concerned about……. 4. Many birds and fish die because…... 5. Polluted air destroys……. 6. Burning coal and oil leads to….... 7. Modern industry production is…….. 8. Different organizations try to……..

Read the text again and find English equivalents to the following.

единственная планета, в свою очередь, называется, более здоровый мир, с древних времен большая часть, вокруг нас главная угроза, во многих отношениях озоновая дыра, беспокоиться о, проблемы загрязнения, из-за земледелия, на рынках, в настоящее время, заболевают в результате, опасное излучение пора, приводить к.

Say if the sentences are true to the text or false.

1. The area of land is the same as the area of water on our planet.

2. Technical progress pollutes nature.

3. People are concerned about the future of the Earth.

4. The most important pollution problem is the land.

5. The ozone layer protects the Earth from the Sun.

6. People know how to protect the air, the water and the land from pollution.

7. The greater part of pollution comes from cars.

8. Chernobyl disaster affected Belarus greatly.

XII. Marks giving.

XIII. The homework giving:

My Idea of a Healthy Environment

Write what "a healthy environment" means to you.


XI. Round-up.

I'm very glad to realize that the most of the class are worried about the problems concerning the environment. I'm sure, that almost everybody takes care about the nature and animals, and makes contribution to the protection of the environment. In conclusion, I'd like to say that everybody should be responsible for his/her actions in order to make the world better. If we are conscious of our actions, we can take care about the present and future life of all living species in the world.

The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Интегрированный урок по английскому языку

тема «Окружающий мир и ты. »

"The Environment and You.

part II

Цели урока: Продолжать формирование целостного представления о проблемах экологии и путях их решения.


Формирование навыков всех видов речевой деятельности: умение работать с новой лексикой, аудировать и читать незнакомый текст с извлечением нужной информации; обсуждать проблемы по данной теме в монологических высказываниях, письменной речи при выполнении теста.


Развивать способности к логическому изложению содержания высказывания, к формулированию выводов из прочитанного, услышанного и увиденного; развивать способности к коммуникабельности как выражению своего отношения к окружающей среде и экологии; развивать у детей познавательную активность.


Продолжать ориентировать учащихся на экологически обоснованную деятельность, способствующую рациональному использованию и охране окружающей среды.

Учебные пособия и оборудование: УМК по английскому языку для 8 класса Кузнецова Т.В., Козлов П. Г., компьютерная презентация, кроссворд, раздаточный материал, видеофрагмент.

Методы: словесный, наглядный, объяснительно - иллюстративный, частично - поисковый, практический.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Ход урока:

I. Greetings. Good afternoon, pupils. Nice to see you. Sit down, please. How are you?

II. Announcing the aims of the lesson. Today we are going to continue talking about environmental pollution. We'll revise some facts about it. Then we'll learn more information.

III. Warming up. Let's practice our tongues!

Read the lines of words with the same sound in the stressed syllable. Pay attention to the spelling.

[ə:] serve, observe, term, nerve, concern

[ou] goal, soap, road, load, coat, coal

[oi] noise, voice, coin, avoid, oil

[u:] rude, include, pollute, pollution

[e] head, already, dead, instead, threat

[a:] park, harm, sharp, starve

[εə] bare, stare, compare, share, rare

At this lesson we are going to discuss one of the main problem of the time- the ecological problem. The word "ecology" came from Greek word which means "home". This idea of home includes the whole planet of ours.

IV. Discussion of the ecological problem. The role play.

Reporter What do you think does the greatest harm to nature?

Pupil 1 I think industry. They've created a lot of machines and cars that poison the air.

Pupil 2 In my opinion it's nuclear power. There is a threat of nuclear war, or nuclear stations may explode anywhere.

Pupil 3 And I think it's throwing waste into oceans, seas and rivers. Clean water is the most important thing on the Earth.

Pupil 4 I am sure it's extinction of rare animals and plants. All this ruins the balance of nature.

Reporter What should be done to protect nature?

Pupil 1 A lot depends on us. People should take measures in exploring nature.

Pupil 2 Those who do harm to nature must be punished.

Pupil 3 We should do something but not just speak about it.

How can we have comfortable life with cars, planes, electricity without destroying?

V. Speaking skills.

Let's talk about environment.

What will you do if you want to protect nature?

What will you do if you see your environment is polluted?

What will you do if you know that the lake near your village is polluted with oil?

What will you do if you see that the wood is set on fire?

What will you do if you come across a wounded bird?

What will you do if you are not able to help it?

T: Right. Thanks a lot.

Read the sentences below which will tell you what we should and shouldn't do

to protect our environment. .

We _____ learn how to become environment educated people.

We _____ preserve natural resources.

We _____ pollute the atmosphere on the land or on the sea.

We _____ cut down trees around our houses and villages.

We _____ use less energy - petrol, electricity and gas.

We _____ protect woods and forests.

We _____ set fields and forests on fire.

We _____ take care of living things and help damaged birds and animals.

We _____ use so many chemicals on the land or in our food.

VI. Read the sentences below which will tell you what we should and shouldn't do to protect our environment.

Окружающая среда и тыWe see many things before us such as large lands and mountains, blue or cloudy sky, the sun rising or setting woods and rivers, seas and lakes on the Earth. We know that water is a source of life o the Earth. People, animals, birds and other beings are not able to live without water. Water is necessary for all living beings.

Many people usually think that there is much water on the Earth but it is wrong. There is little clean and drinkable water in many rivers and lakes. Many of them are polluted and now cannot be used for drinking. Every year this problem is becoming more important and difficult. Many people try to find the ways to keep seas, lakes and rivers clean and fresh. Most of them understand the importance of this problem for the future of the Earth and do their best to save the nature.

At the same time we can see that some people's activities do a lot of harm to the environment. People cut down trees, set on fire forests and fields, make rivers and lakes dirty. Time has come to cry for a help. The Earth is in danger!

VII. Work in pairs. Ask your partner some questions about the text like the following

What do you think when you say the words "The world around us"?

What do you see before you when you say the words "The World around us"?

Do you agree with the statement that water is a source of life?

Why do many people think that there is little water on the earth?

Do you think that every year the problem of water is becoming more important and difficult?

What does a lot of harm to the environment?

Do you agree that the earth is in danger?

VIII. Do exercises.


1. Environmental protection is an…………….. problem.

a) easy, b) important, c) pleasant.

2. Factories pour a lot of ………………. into air and water.

a) a shortage, b) waste, c) pollution.

3. What caused the …………. of wildlife?

a) destruction, b) poison, c) population.

4. Many rivers and lakes are …………. .

a) poisoned, b) filled c) used.

5. Many scientists try …………… ecology problems.

a) to solve, b) to know, c) to protect.

Fill in too, much, many, enough.

1. It's ... quiet for me in the countryside.

2. There aren't ... forests in the world.

3. The country I live in is ... flat. I like mountains.

4. There are too ... factories in big cities.

5. It is ... noisy in the city.

6. There's ... pollution in the sea.

7. There aren't ... clean rivers.

8. The air isn't clean ... .

Wordsearch on "Pollution". How many words connected with pollution can you find?

Окружающая среда и ты

IX. Marks giving.

X. Relaxation.

Окружающая среда и ты

Thank you for your work.

You were brilliant.

Now I'll give the marks for your works.

Our lesson is over. You worked hard. Thank you! I hope you'll remember that "To hurt the Earth is to hurt yourself".

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