Презентация по англ. яз. на тему Food Issues

сопоставительная культурология англо-говорящих странЗадачи урока: овладение элементами культурологического содержания иноязычной культуры – география, культура.создание модели иноязычной культуры, духовное совершенствование учащихся на базе поликультурного образовательного пространства,активизация аналитико-синтетической деятельности учащихся, формирование механизма сравнения, актуализация и контроль запланированных речевых умений и навыков,совершенствование творческой деятельности учащихся.
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конспект урока по теме:

«Culture and Traditions. Food Issues»

(сопоставительная культурология англо-говорящих стран)


Максимовой И.Н.

в 8 классе

Тип урока: комбинированный на основе компьютерной презентации.

Цель урока: способствовать формированию эмоционально-ценностного отношения к окружающей действительности.

Задачи урока:

  • овладение элементами культурологического содержания иноязычной культуры - география, культура.

  • создание модели иноязычной культуры, духовное совершенствование учащихся на базе поликультурного образовательного пространства,

  • активизация аналитико-синтетической деятельности учащихся, формирование механизма сравнения, актуализация и контроль запланированных речевых умений и навыков,

  • совершенствование творческой деятельности учащихся.

Формы работы: самостоятельная, парная, коллективная, групповая.

Методы урока:

  • словесный - объяснение,беседа

  • наглядный - демонстрация презентуемого

  • логический - анализ и сравнение в виде обобщений и нахождения различий в сведениях о разных странах

  • исследовательский



T: The most important feature of character of a person today is how he or she can work in a command. Let's learn if you have ESPRIT DE CORPS. Our motto is "ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL".

Stand in two rows, everyone make a step if someone answers a question.

Go ahead.

Who? When? Whom with? What are we having? What time?

T: Goёte - a great German poet was lying in a bed all day long on Friday, 13th.

Napoleon - a French commander didn't sign any documents.

But we don't believe this superstition and are having our happy lesson today.

I wish you good luck.



T: LOOK at the 1st slide.

LISTEN , watching at the 2nd one what George Mikes, Hungarian-born British humorist said:

"On the continent people have good food; in England people have good table manners"

And now, CHOOSE, hypothetically, the words logically connected to the theme of our today's lesson.


If you try food you can identify it as: cold, tender, sweet,

hot, spicy, mild, salty, bitter, sour, tough.

Make pairs of opposites.

(cold- hot; tender- tough; sweet- salty, sour, bitter, mild- spicy)

So, tastes differ.



T: And now let's look at some of the most important food issues of the 21st century.

GM food is that one with manipulated DNA structure of plants and animals to produce more food or improve resistance to disease. But long-term effects may be ruined for human being s health.

Organic food is that one with pesticides and additions not used in the production process, a booming business of growing is not only vegetarian food but also meat and dairy food.

Eating out this food issue is on increase, esp. with the Internet it became easier, because you can make a reservation and look at menu before you go.

Eating in becomes popular thanks to TV chefs, their cookery books as bestsellers, using not only cooking but also ready-made, take-away meals.

If you'd like your health to be protected or improved, or muscles to be built, f.ex, you have to think about special ingredients-so called, health food.


T: Our topic today is Food-Britain-Traditions -Cultural guide to travel around Britain.

Let's compare, as it is suggested in your culture focus, Scotland and Wales as places to celebrate.

(comparative table)


The first common feature is that both two countries are parts of the UK.

But they have got their own Parliaments.


The second common feature is that neither Scotland nor Wales were conquered by the Romans.

Scotland remained independent longer then Wales.

Wales remained independent less then Scotland.

Hadrian's Wall was built there to protect the empire.


The specific features concern some data and facts about territory, population, capitals and symbols of countries.


The most informative is the topic about cultural traditions in Britain. I mean festivals:

The Highland Games at Cowal (may-september).

Nearly weekend in the summer there are highland games somewhere in Scotland but the biggest games are at Cowal. People from all over the world come to watch or take part. Over three thousand of bagpipers and drummers play all day and there is a wonderful atmosphere. There are dancing competitions as well as events like throwing the hammer or 'tossing the caber'-a large tree trunk as far as possible. All the athletes wear traditional skirts called kilts.

The Edinburg Festival (august).

Edinburgh is famous all over the world for its arts festival. There is an official festival for theatre, opera and classical music.

The 'Fringe' festival with the Military Tatoo.

There you can see a large variety of plays, films, comedians, dance companies and concerts. Finally, there is the Military Tattoo, a military parade in Edinburgh Castle.

    T: Surprise! Guess, what there is in the black box? And what for?

    (milk, sugar, eggs)

    P1: For custard.

    Custard …

    is the simplest pudding you can make .

    It is one of …

    the most popular sweet sauces in the UK.

    It's a yellow mixture of…

    milk, sugar and eggs which you can eat cold or hot, on its own or with a pie.

    Custard is quicker to make…

    than most other desserts .

    It is definitely…

    the easiest of all, especially when you use the ready-made custard powder.

    Of course, it's better to use fresh ingredients-

    the sauce is then much tastier.

    Frankly, vanilla custard …

    is the best food in Britain.

      T: Let's turn to our screen now.

      'What food it could be don't forget about the time .

      …oh! Yet

      Stands the Church clock at ten to three?

      And is there honey still for tea? ' R.Brooke

      Now stir the fire, and close the shutters fast,

      Let fall the curtains, wheel the sofa round,

      And, while the bubbling and loud-hissing urn

      Throws up a steamy column, and the cups,

      That cheer but not inebriate, wait on each,

      So let us welcome peaceful ev'ning in. W.Cooper, English poet

      s.№5 So, tea and custard is everywhere in Britain, but "haggis" is only in Scotland.

      1 Why "haggis"?

      - "haggis" is a Scotland's national dish made from liver, cereals and fat served in a sheep's stomach.

      2 What holiday do the Scots eat 'haggies'?

      - the Scottish people have a big dinner every year to celebrate birthday of Robert Burns on the 25th of January. The main part of the meal is "haggis".

      Then everyone reads poems and sing songs written by the great 'Rabbie ' Burns.

      3 What about other Scottish festivals?

      -Hogmanay, 31 December

      The Scots celebrate the New Year with the music of bagpipes, Scotland 's traditional instrument, and dancing in the street, throughout the night, with fireworks and everyone's singing 'Auld Lang Syne'. Soon after midnight , Scottish families go 'first footing', visiting the houses of relatives and friends to continue celebrations.

      Supplement №1

      1 Custard …

      is the simplest pudding you can make .

      2 It is one of …

      the most popular sweet sauces in the UK.

      3 It's a yellow mixture of…

      milk, sugar and eggs which you can eat cold or hot, on its own or with a pie.

      4 Custard is quicker to make…

      than most other desserts .

      5 It is definitely…

      the easiest of all, especially when you use the ready-made custard powder.

      6 Of course, it's better to use fresh ingredients-

      the sauce is then much tastier.

      7 Frankly, vanilla custard …

      is the best food in Britain.

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