Методическая разработка по теме Путешествие

Известно, что успешность обучения языку в целом может гарантировать рациональная система упражнений, а не отдельные их типы и виды. Под системой упражнений, направленной на развитие умений личностно-ориентированного общения, опосредованного текстом мы понимаем такую последовательность, при которой обучающиеся совершают логически последовательный переход от непосредственного понимания содержания текста к его проблемному обсуждению и преломлению этих проблем на личность самого учащегося в процессе...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 10 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Галкина Светлана Викторовна

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Гимназия №1 г.Новотроицка Оренбургской области»

Обучение личностно-ориентированному общению на основе прочитанного (методическая разработка)

Известно, что успешность обучения языку в целом может гарантировать рациональная система упражнений, а не отдельные их типы и виды. Под системой упражнений, направленной на развитие умений личностно-ориентированного общения, опосредованного текстом мы понимаем такую последовательность, при которой обучающиеся совершают логически последовательный переход от непосредственного понимания содержания текста к его проблемному обсуждению и преломлению этих проблем на личность самого учащегося в процессе коллективного взаимодействия.

В качестве примера приводим работу с текстом "Old Country Advice to the American Traveller" (тема «Путешествие», 10 класс).

Учащиеся получают задание: прочитайте текст.

Old Country Advice to the American Traveller

One day my uncle Melik travelled from Fresno to New York.before he got aboard the train his uncle Garro paid a visit and told him about the dangers of travel.

"When you get on the train, " the old man said, "choose your seat carefully, sit down, and do not look about. " "Yes, sir," my uncle said.

"Several moments after the train begins to move," the old man said, "two men wearing uniforms will come down the aisle and ask you for your ticket. Ignore them, they will be impostors."

"How shall I know?" my uncle said.

"You will know, " the old man said. "You are no longer a child. "

"Yes, sir," my uncle said.

"Before you have travelled twenty miles, an amiable young man will come to you and offer you a cigarette. Тell him you don't smoke. The cigarette will be doped."

"Yes, sir," my uncle said.

"On your way to the diner a very beautiful young woman will run into you on and almost embrace you, " the old man said. "She will be extremely apologetic and attractive, and your natural wish will be to become friends with her. Don't do this, go into the diner and eat. The woman will be an adventuress."

"A what?" my uncle said.

"An adventuress," the old man shouted. "Go in and eat. Order the best food, and if the diner is crowded, and the beautiful young woman sits at your table, do not look into her eyes. If she speaks, pretend to be deaf."

"Yes, sir," my uncle said.

"Pretend to be deaf," the old man said. "That is the only way out of it."

"Out of what?"my uncle said.

"Out of the whole trouble," the old man said."I have travelled, I know what I'm talking about."

"Yes, sir," my uncle said.

"Let's say no more about it," the old man said."

"Yes, sir," my uncle said.

"On your way back to your seat from the diner," the old man said, "you pass through the smoker. There you will find a game of cards in progress. The players will be three middle-aged men with expensive-looking rings on their fingers. They will nod at you pleasantly and one of them will invite you to join the game. Tell them "I don't speak English."

"Yes, sir," my uncle said.

"That is all." the old man said.

"Thank you very much," my uncle said.

"One thing more," the old man said."When you go to bed at night, take your money out of your pocket and put it in your shoe. Put your shoe under the pillow, keep your head on the pillow all night, and don't sleep."

"Yes, sir," my uncle said,

"That is all," the old man said.

The old man went away and the next day my uncle Melik got aboard the train and went to New York. The two men in uniforms were not impostors, the young man with the doped cigarettes did not appear, the beautiful young woman did not sit at his table in the diner, and there was no card game in progress in the smoker. My uncle put his money in the shoe and put his shoe under the pillow and put his head on the pillow and did not sleep all night the first night, but the second night he gave up the whole ritual.

The second day he himself offered another young man a ci­garette which the other young man accepted. In the diner my un­cle went to sit at a table with a young lady. He started a po­ker game in the smoker, and long before the train got to New York my uncle knew everybody aboard the train and everybody knew him. While the train was travelling through Ohio my uncle and the young man who had accepted the cigarette and two young la­dies sang American songs together.

The journey was a very pleasant one.

When my uncle Melik came back from New York, his uncle Garro visited him again.

"I see you are looking all right, " he said. "Did you follow my instructions?"

"Yes, sir, " my uncle said.

"I am pleased, " he said, "that someone has profited by my experience. "

После того как учащиеся прочитали текст, учитель предлагает им задание на проверку понимания содержания.

Задание: Respond to my statements. Give your reasons. The following phrases may be helpful: (Not) quite so; I fully agree with you; I'm of the same opinion; I should say it's only partly true; I don't think so; On the contrary; I can't agree here; I shouldn't say so.

  1. One day Uncle Garro came to Uncle Melik to discuss his life problems.

  2. Uncle Garro advised Uncle Melik not to talk politely with two men in uniforms.

  3. Uncle Garro recommended to be friends with beautiful women.

  4. Uncle Melik played cards in the smoker with his friends.

  5. Uncle Melik followed all the instructions the first night.

  6. Melik's travelling was good because he had used Garro's advice.

Далее следуют упражнения на интерпретацию прочитанного, которые составляются в соответствии с количеством мыслительных операций по углубленному пониманию текста и предусматривают определение его основной идеи, критический анализ прочитанного и его оценку, предвосхищение содержания, обобщение фактов. На данном этапе можно заранее дать словосочетания, фразы, узуальные формы речи и т.п.

Задание: Complete the sentences:

  • When Uncle Melik gets on the train, he must …

  • When two men in uniforms come to him and ask him for a ticket, he must …

  • When an amiable young man comes and offers him a cigarette, he must …

  • When he goes to the diner and meets a very beautiful young woman, he must …

  • If the diner is crowded and the beautiful young woman sits at his table, he must …

  • When he comes back to his seat from the diner, passing the smoker and sees card-players, he must …

  • When he goes to bed at night, he must …

Затем следуют упражнения на преломление проблем текста на личность учащегося. Им, как правило, предшествуют так называемые лингво-коммуникативная и психологическая разминки. Лингво-коммуникативная разминка может начинаться со спонтанного высказывания своего отношения к проблемам, предложенным учителем. Некоторые из них положительные, другие - отрицательные.

  1. Uncle Garro mustn't have come and given advice to Melik.

  2. Uncle Melik must follow all the advice during the whole trip.

Психологическая разминка может включать в себя составление обоснованного высказывания по проблеме текста с элементами творчества.

Задание: Как бы вы поступили и что бы сказали на месте Uncle Garro (Unce Melik).

В заключении работы над текстом учащимся предлагается исследовать ситуацию и найти выход из неё. Для этой работы используются ролевые карточки.

  1. Вы - отец (мать). Ваша дочь (сын) собирается поехать в путешествие. Вы наслышаны о самых разных вещах. Убедите её (его) отказаться от этой задумки.

  2. Вы - сын (дочь). Вы собираетесь в поездку. Ваши родители против, опасаясь самого страшного. Успокойте их, что всё будет хорошо.


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