Внеклассное мероприятие по теме: Дикие и домашние животные

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 3 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 3 класса .

Тема : «Wild and domestic animals.»

Teacher. Dear, girls and boys! I'm glad to see you. Look at the board and say: What we are going to speak today?

(На доске картинки диких и домашних животных.)

You are right! We are going to talk about animals. What animals do you know?

Ребята перечисляют названия животных. Можно использовать прием игры Snowball.

That's enough. You know a lot of animals. Perhaps you know a few poems about them? What poems do you know?

Дети читают по очереди стихи.

1.I've got a dog,

His name is Jack.

His head is white,

His nose is black.

I take him out

Every day.

Such fun we have!

We run and play.

2. Such clever tricks

My dog can do.

I love my dog,

He loves me too.

3. I like little pussy.

Her coat is so warm,

And if I don't hurt her

She'll do me no harm.

4. I saw,I saw, I saw

A lion at the Zoo.

I saw, I saw, I saw

A baby tiger, too.

I saw, I saw, I saw

A big grey kangaroo.

I saw, I saw ,I saw

I saw them at the Zoo.

5. Quickly, quickly,

Hop, hop, hop,

Up he goes

To the tree top!

Quickly, quickly,

Round and round,

Down he jumps

To the ground.

6.I found a cow.


I found a bear!


I found a hen!


I found a bear,

I found a hen,

I found a cow,


7. I love my cat

It's warm and fat.

My cat is grey,

It likes to play.

8. Pussy cat, pussy cat,

Where have you been?

I've been up to London

To look at the Queen.

9. Little grey mouse,

Where is your house?

I can show you me flat

If you don't tell the cat.

My flat has no door.

I live under the floor.

I cove out in the night.

And go back when it is light.

10. I have a little dog

And his name is Jack.

His head is white,

And his ears are black.

Teacher. Good. I see you know many poems about animals.

Now let's play! Help me gather the animals.

(В зоопарке разбежались звери. Надо их вернуть на свои места. В центр положите обруч, это клетка, а вокруг игрушки животных. Ученики берут игрушку, называют ее и ставят в обруч.)

-Well done. Now all the animals at home.

I prepared some riddles for you. Guess the riddles, please.

  1. A lot of spots.

A long, long , long neck,

A funny scarf.

It's a… (giraffe)

  1. Green and long

With many teeth.

Beautiful smile

It's a …(crocodile)

  1. As red, as a fire,

With fuzzy tail

He likes long walks.

It's a … (fox)

  1. A very long nose.

It grows and grows.

He is huge and likes fun

It is an …(elephant)

  1. So colourful and bright,

Is fond of talking much.

Likes eating carrot

It is a …(parrot).

Now show your drawings and tell us about your pets.

(Ученики показывают рисунки своих домашних животных и рассказывают о них.)

It's time to play. Young painters.

Draw a head, please.

Draw two ears, please.

Draw two eyes, please.

Draw a mouth, please.

Draw a tail, please.

It' a rabbit!

(Ученики по одному выходят к доске и рисуют по команде учителя одну часть тела животного.)

Teacher. Now our little play.

"Three little kittens".


Three little kittens

Lost their mittens.

And they began to cry.

1st kitten.

Oh, mother, dear.

2nd kitten

Oh, Mother, dear.

3d kitten

That we lost our mittens.


Lost your mittens,

Your naughty, kittens!

Then you will have no pie.


Three little kittens

Found there mittens.

And they began to cry.

Three kittens.

Oh, mother, dear,

1st kitten

See here,

2nd kitten

See here,

3d kitten

For we have found our mittens.


Oh, you are good kittens!

Put on your mittens.

And you will have some pie.

But I smell a mouse close by. Good bye!


Well, girl and boys! It's very good you know a lot about animals, that you have pets at home and you take care about them. You must remember that animals are our friends. Never hurt animals.

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