Конспект урока по английскому языку Еда

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 3 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат zip
Изображения Нет
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Цели и задачи урока


1. Создать условия для повторения и закрепления лексики по теме «Food»;

2.Содействовать развитию навыков аудирования;

3. Способствовать развитию умения выбирать нужную информацию из прочитанного текста.


1.Содействовать развитию языковой догадки, памяти, внимания.

2. Создать условия для развития умения работать в группе.


1. Создать условия для повышения мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.

Оборудование: Power Point презентация по теме, компьютер, проектор, рабочие листы с заданиями, УМК "Enjoy English 5-6" М.З.Биболетова, Н.В.Добрынина, Н.Н.Трубанева - Обнинск: Титул, 2013





1.Организационный момент

1 минута

Good morning, boys and girls.

I am glad to see you!

Sit down, please.

My name is Anna Aleksandrovna. Today, I will be your teacher and if you are ready, let's start our lesson.

Речевая разминка

5 минут

1. What is your name?

2. How are you?
3. What is your favorite season?
4. Do you like autumn?

5. Where are you from?

6. What season is it now?

7.What do thing about the weather today?

8.What day is it today?

9. What date is it today?

Thank you.

Look at the blackboard.

Do you understand the theme of our lesson? You are right. And today we will cook a sandwich. Each ingredient has a task that you should do.

The video

Фонетическая зарядка.

4 минуты

Before we start our work, I want to divide you into three groups.

These stars I will give you, if you do exercises without mistakes. Now I'd like you to remember some English sounds. Please, look at the blackboard and name the common sound to each line of words.

Words for the first group: ([tʃ]) Chips- cheese - chop - sandwich. What sound is it?

Words for the second group: ([u:]) - Tooth - food - juice - spoon. What sound is it?

Words for the third group: ([i:]) - Sweet - tea - meat - mean. What sound is it?

How clever of you! Thank you!

And now, please, read the tongue-twister, that you can see on the blackboard:

How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

2. Основная часть.

Закрепление лексического материала, совершенствование навыков монологической речи и письма.

20 минут

Look at the blackboard. The task is called "Odd one out".

Choose one odd word from the line. For each right answer, I'll give you a star.

How clever of you, thank you!

The next task is called "Food Quiz". I will ask each group some questions. If the answer is right, your car will move. If your car is on the finish, you are the winner. Let's start.

  1. It's round and red. People like it in a salad. People like sauce with it. - tomato

  2. It's white. Some people like coffee with it. - milk

  3. It' s oval and white. It can be eaten boiled or fried. It has yellow stuff inside it. - egg

  4. What was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles favorite food? - Pizza.

  5. What is the sweet substance made by bees? - honey

  6. Do coconut trees grow better in cold or warm climates? - warm

  7. It's yellow and long. It's a fruit. Monkeys eat it. - banana

  8. Which fruit does Snow White eat, causing her to fall into a deep sleep? - an apple

  9. Which gourd (тыква) magically transforms into a carriage for Cinderella? - a pumpkin

  10. Which sweet delicacy is Winnie-the-Pooh's favourite? - honey

  11. What is the main ingredient in bread? - flour

  12. Eating before sleeping is healthy or unhealthy? - unhealthy

The next task is "Sandwich Recipe". How to make a sandwich? In your worksheet do Task 4. This is the recipe of a sandwich but all the lines are mixed. Put the lines in the correct order. Change your papers and check the answers. If you have no mistakes you'll get 3 points. If you have one or two mistakes you'll get 2 points. If you have more than two mistakes you'll get one point.

Кликаем на желтую стрелку, выезжает несколько слов, определяем лишнее, чтобы проверить, кликаем на выбранное слово, появляется слайд со смайликами и т.д.

За каждый правильный ответ - 1 балл.

Устно задаем вопросы, если ответ на вопрос верный, нажимаем на прямоугольник соответствующего цвета, выигрывает та команда, которая первая окажется у финиша.

Для выигравшей команды по 3 балла каждому игроку, для второй - по 2 балла, для третьей - по одному.


2 минуты

So you are a bird. Fly!

You are a monkey. Climb!

You are a dog. Run!

You are a cat. Jump!

You are a fish. Swim!

Thank you.

Совершенствование навыков чтения

Совершенствование навыков говорения.

8 минут

Please, open your books on page 133, let's read the text ex 34.

Close your books, take the worksheet and do Task 1. Complete the short summary of the text with the words from the box.

Change your papers and check the answers. If you have no mistakes you'll get 3 points. If you have one or two mistakes you'll get 2 points. If you have more than two mistakes you'll get only one point.

And of course, everybody of us has own favorite recipe of a sandwich. Please, tell us how to cook it.

3.Заключительная часть


5 минут

I am pleased with your work. Good of you. Let's count your stars. Congratulations, the first (second, third) group. You are the best cooks. Excellent job. Your mark is….

Thank you, the lesson is over.

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