Конспект урока по английскому языку Путешествие по США

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Проект урока

«Путешествие по США»

Проект урока.

Учебник- Клементьева Т.Б. «Happy English-2» 3 четверть Unit 5

Тема: «Travelling round USA»

Подтемы: «From the history of the USE; «Sightseeings», «Presidents»

Цуль урока: Развитие умений и совершенствование навыков говорения.

Задачи урока:

  1. Практические: Развитие умений и навыков в устной речи, совершенствование навыков чтения с охватом общей информации; совершенствование грамматических навыков (употребление в речи структур в страдательном залоге)

  2. Образовательные: Расширение общего кругозора учащихся; приобщение к другой культуре.

  3. Воспитательные: Воспитание активности и коммуникабельности; воспитание интереса к предмету.

  4. Развивающие: Развитие познавательного интереса уч-ся; развитие мышления, памяти и воображения.

Языковой материал: а) для повторения

б) для ознакомления

Оснащение: карта США, карта Вашингтона, открытка с достопримечательностями, раздаточные средства; вопросники, тексты для чтения.

Ход урока.

Beginning: How do you do! Nice to meet you! Sit down, please!

1 Warming up activity.

Teacher: Ready? Then, let's begin. You have 3 minutes to find As many people as passible who fit the discriptions on the cards.

P1 P2P3(class work)

Children are given questionnaries.

  1. Some one who got up at 8 o'clock yesterday

  2. Someone who was doing homework for the whde evening yesterday

  3. Someone who has read the story about Washington

  4. Someone who has been to the USA

  5. Someone who will fly to America next summer

  6. Someone who knows smth about the white House

  7. Someone who has been living in this town for 6 years.

Teacher: Will you read some of the points.

2. Introduction of the lesson.

T. Dur today's lesson is called "Travelling round the USA"

Today we'll speak about American history, about presidents, we'll visit Washington and see some sightseeings.

Follow up.

3A First we'll revise words. Cards are given to some pupils

Don't show the cards to the class, describe the word for the rest of the pupils to guess.

P1- memorial- honour of famous people. There are some of them in Washington, built in honour of bincoln and Jefferson.

P2-emancipation proclamation- this is a document, which freed the black from the slavery

P3- the declaration of Independence- this is a document, the author of which was Thomas Jefferson.

P4-huge- another word for it is large, big

P5- Visitor's Guide - It's a paper, or may be a book ora map, you buy this when you come to an unknown city.

3b. Teacher: Now let's think about acrostic poem. The word is boyfriend. You are to give the word, beginning with d.

Cl. Boyfriend-truth-huge- emancipation- national- law- Washington.

  1. Teacher : Before visiting the USA, let's see what you know about this country.

T P1P2P3

The fifty states of the United States, or the USA, join to make one nation. The United States did not always have fifty states, At first there were thirteen, As the united States grew, more states joined the union, The last two states to join were Alaska and Hawaii. They both join in 1959.

The area of the United States covers every type of land. There are forests, deserts, mountains and flat land. The area of the United States also covers every type of climate. The size of each state is different too. Alaska is the biggest state. Rhode island is the smallest state. Alaska is 500 times bigger than Rhode Island.

About 205 million people live in the United States. The people of the United States come from all over the world. People often name their cities after where they come from. For example, in the United States you find Paris, Rome, Delhi and Frankfurt. The state with the highest population is Alaska.

Each state has its name. The name gives the state its identity and personality. More than half the states have names from American indian origin. Each state also has a flag with colors that have a special meaning from the state. The flag is the emblem, or the symbol, or the state. There is also a stat flower, tree bird.

6 Teacher: You know much about America. Now let's see what happened in one of the cafes is Washington.

  1. One day a woman was sitting in a café.

  2. Suddenly a man ran into the restaurant and shouted her name

  3. She looked frightened and caught her bag.

  4. The man rushed up to her and hit her in the face.

These sentences are given to different groups of students.

They are to make stories. Then they make the whole story out of the episodes.

As we have said, this story happened in Washington.

Will you define where that café is situated?

7 Teacher^ What sightseeing in Washington do you know?

T P1P2P3

Will you please, choose one place of interest. Explain where it is located. But don't name the sight.

8 Teacher^ And now make up an excursion round Washington.

P1- Washington, D.C.- the capital of the Use, Washington doesn't belong to a state. It's a city and district- the District of Columbia. Don't confuse it with the state of Washington, which is located it the northwest of the USA. Washington is located on the East Coast, it was chosen by G. Washington as the permant site for the capital.

Washington lies on the left bank of the Potomac River. Washington has many libraries, museums, ant galleries and beautiful buildings. Most of the people work at the offices.

Washington is a city with almost no industry. Wahington is not a typical American city. It has no sky-scrapers as in New York. Nobody will build a house higher than the Capital.

P2- Whila House

P3- Washington Monument

P4-Jefferson Memotial

P5- the national Gallery of Art

P6- Capitol

P7- The NASA Museum

P8-The library of Congress

Finishing the lesson

Open your diaries and write down your homework for the next lesson. You know that speaking is more difficult than writing. So, change your letter to your friend about your travelling round the USA into a telephone conversation.

I am glad so that you've worked hard today

It was nice. Thanks a lot. Your marks for today are…

Good bye!

Психолого-педагогическая характеристика группы.

В группе 12 человек, в том числе 7 девочек и 5 мальчиков. Группа отличается разноуровневой работоспособностью учебных навыков, различным уровнем воспитанности и культуры.

В группе -1 отличник, 8 учится на «4» и «5», 3 уч-ся - на «4» и «3». Нужно отметить довольно высокий уровень успеваемости уч-ся.

В целом группа способна хорошо работать на уроках гуманитарного цикла, на уроках естественно-научного и физико- математического циклов.

Учащиеся аккуратные, трудолюбивые, чувствуется желание учиться. В основном уч-ся творческие, общительные, активные и в учебе , и в общественной жизни.

Группа представляет собой единый, дружный, сильный коллектив, к своим сотоварищам по классу относятся дружелюбно.

Самоанализ урока.

Урок представлен собой обобщение и закрепление цикла уроков по теме «Washington»

Цели и задачи урока были достигнуты и реализованы, благодаря правильному отбору содержания урока, а также уровню знаний учащихся, их умениям, навыкам и возможностями. Учащиеся понимали иноязычную речь на слух, вели беседу по новому тексту, строили высказывания. Весь урок велся на английском языке, поэтому для снятия возможных трудностей был подобран доступный материал. На уроке имел место дифференцированный подход к учащимся. На уроке, благодаря правильной организации общения уч-ся, происходило формирование страноведческих знаний и умений. Были использованы различные формы работы: групповая, индивидуальная, парная.

Следует отметить также и недостатки, которые имели место на уроке. В речи учащихся были допущены фонетические, лексические и грамматические ошибки. Не были использованы технические средства обучения в силу объективных, так и субъективных причин.

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