Диагностическая контрольная работа для 5 класса

Данная диагностическая контрольная работа в двух вариантах разработана длях  учащихся пятого класса с целью определения уровня остаточных знаний по изученному материалу за предшествующик 3 года обучения, выявления пробелов в знаниях для дальнейшего повторения и закрепления пройденного лексического и грамматического материала. Содержит лексику по теме "Животные" и "Времена года", а также грамматический материал по временной группе Present Simple. Материал изложен в тестовой форме и содержит текст...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Diagnostic Control Work for 5 form

I Variant

Task 1. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. ..... Peter live in London last year?

1) Did

2) Does

2. ..... all parrots talk?

1) Do

2) Does

3. ..... your parrot talk?

1) Do

2) Does

4. ..... a new museum opened last week?

1) Is

2) Was

5. ..... we have to go to the party yesterday?

1) Do

2) Did

Task 2. Choose the right answer to each question.

6. Who lives in the river?

1) a fish 2) a pet 3) an elephant 4) a hare

7. Who has long neck?

1) a frog 2) a dog 3) a giraffe 4) a crocodile

8. Who is the smallest of them?

1) a bee 2) a kitten 3) a monkey 4) a bird

9. Who is the biggest of them?

1) an elephant 2) a frog 3) a dog 4) a lion

10. Who can fly?

1) a bird 2) a hare 3) a bear 4) a crocodile

Task 3. Choose what season is suitable for each description.

  1. winter 2) spring 3) summer 4) autumn

11. Days are long. The weather is hot. Children don't go to school and visit the Zoo very often.

12. The sun is shining brightly. Birds are singing their merry songs. The cold is over.

13. Days are short. Skies turn grey. Trees are in red and gold leaves.

Task 4. Read the story about little pony Ann and her mother. Define if the statements given below are true (T) or false (F).

Little Ann likes apples. She likes to look at them, she likes to play with them, and she likes to eat them. Her mother gives her apples every day. But today the mother has no apples. She can't give Ann an apple. But Ann wants to have an apple. She goes to her mother.

Ann: Mummy, I want an apple. Give me an apple, please.

Mother: It is evening now, my dear. Apples sleep in the evening. You must go and sleep, too.

Ann: Oh, no, Mummy. Only little apples sleep. Big apples don't sleep. Give me a big apple, please, Mummy.

14. Ann is a little hare.

15. Little Ann likes apples.

16. She likes to look at them, she likes to play with them, but she doesn't like to eat them.

17. Her mother gives her apples every day.

18. Today the mother has many apples.

19. She gives Ann a big apple.

20. Ann wants to have an apple.

21. She goes to her grandmother.

Task 5. Put the verbs in brackets into correct form.

22. Tigers (be) not long or big. But they (be) very strong. It (jump) and (run). It (like) meat.

23. All monkeys (be) clever and funny. Each monkey (jump), (run),( play) and (make) faces. They (like) bananas.

24. Giraffes (be) yellow, brown and black. Each of them (have) a little head, long legs, a long tail and a very, very long neck. They (live) in Africa. It (eat) leaves, grass.

25. Fox (be) a wild animal. It (live) in the forest. All foxes (be) red.

Diagnostic Control Work for 5 form

II Variant

Task 1. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. ..... English people really wear bowler hats?

1) Do

2) Does

2. ..... your grandmother live with you last year?

1) Did

2) Does

3. ..... we have to go to the party tomorrow?

1) Do

2) Shall

4. ..... he got a car?

1) Has

2) Have

5. ..... you learn English in the 1st form?

1) Do

2) Did

Task 2. Choose the right answer to each question.

6. Who lives at home?

1) a fish 2) a pet 3) an elephant 4) a hare

7. Who can bark?

1) a frog 2) a dog 3) a giraffe 4) a crocodile

8. Who is the biggest of them?

1) a whale 2) a kitten 3) an elephant 4) a bird

9. Who is the smallest of them?

1) an elephant 2) a frog 3) a dog 4) a lion

10. Who lives in the river?

1) a bird 2) a hare 3) a bear 4) a crocodile

Task 3. Choose what season is suitable for each description.

  1. winter 2) spring 3) summer 4) autumn

11. Days are short. It is snowing every day. Children wear warm clothes.

12. Days are short. Skies turn grey. Trees are in red and gold leaves.

13. The sun is shining brightly. Birds are singing their merry songs. The cold is over.

Task 4. Read the story about little pony Ann and her mother. Define if the statements given below are true (T) or false (F).

Little Ann likes apples. She likes to look at them, she likes to play with them, and she likes to eat them. Her mother gives her apples every day. But today the mother has no apples. She can't give Ann an apple. But Ann wants to have an apple. She goes to her mother.

Ann: Mummy, I want an apple. Give me an apple, please.

Mother: It is evening now, my dear. Apples sleep in the evening. You must go and sleep, too.

Ann: Oh, no, Mummy. Only little apples sleep. Big apples don't sleep. Give me a big apple, please, Mummy.

14. Ann is a little pony.

15. Little Ann likes pears.

16. She likes to look at them, she likes to play with them, but she doesn't like to eat them.

17. Her mother gives her apples once a week.

18. Today the mother has no apples.

19. She gives Ann a small apple.

20. Ann wants to have an apple.

21. She goes to her grandfather.

Task 5. Put the verbs in brackets into correct form

22. Tigers (be) not long or big. But they (be) very strong. It (jump) and (run). It (like) meat.

23. All monkeys (be) clever and funny. Each monkey (jump), (run),( play) and (make) faces. They (like) bananas.

24. Giraffes (be) yellow, brown and black. Each of them (have) a little head, long legs, a long tail and a very, very long neck. They (live) in Africa. It (eat) leaves, grass.

25. Fox (be) a wild animal. It (live) in the forest. All foxes (be) red.

Keys (ответы)

I Variant

Task 1:

  1. 1;

  2. 1;

  3. 2;

  4. 2;

  5. 2.

Task 2:

  1. 1;

  2. 3;

  3. 1;

  4. 1;

  5. 1.

Task 3:

  1. 3;

  2. 2;

  3. 4.

Task 4:

  1. F;

  2. T;

  3. F;

  4. T;

  5. F;

  6. F;

  7. T;

  8. F.

Task 5:

  1. are, are, jumps, runs, likes;

  2. are, jumps, runs, plays, makes, like;

  3. are, has, live, eats;

  4. is, lives, are.

II Variant

Task 1:

  1. 1;

  2. 1;

  3. 2;

  4. 1;

  5. 2.

Task 2:

  1. 1, 2;

  2. 2;

  3. 1;

  4. 2;

  5. 4.

Task 3:

  1. 1;

  2. 4;

  3. 2.

Task 4:

  1. T;

  2. F;

  3. F;

  4. F;

  5. T;

  6. F;

  7. T;

  8. F.

Task 5:

  1. are, are, jumps, runs, likes;

  2. are, jumps, runs, plays, makes, like;

  3. are, has, live, eats;

  4. is, lives, are.

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