Eating in Britain and in Kazakhstan

Theme: Eating in Britain and in Kazakhstan Мақсаты:Баланыңбойынатілгедегенқызығушылығыноныүйренугеқұштарлығынсіңіру, сөздікқорларынкөбейту, саналатынжәнесаналмайтынзатесімдерді much, many есімдіктерінқолдануғаүйрету. Дамытушылық: Оқу, жазуарқылыағылшынтілінедегенқызығушылықтарындамыту. Білімділік: Фонетика, грамматика, лексикасалаларыбойыншабілімдерінкеңейту. БританиядағыжәнеҚазақстандағытағамтүрлеріментаныстыру. Тәрбиелік: Оқушылардыпәндісүюге, жауапкершілікке, ұлттықтәрбиенібойларынасіңіру....
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
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Eating in Britain and in KazakhstanEating in Britain and in KazakhstanEating in Britain and in KazakhstanDate:

Grade: 6

Theme: Eating in Britain and in Kazakhstan

Мақсаты: Баланың бойына тілге деген қызығушылығын оны үйренуге құштарлығын сіңіру, сөздік қорларын көбейту, саналатын және саналмайтын зат есімдерді much, many есімдіктерін қолдануға үйрету.

Дамытушылық: Оқу, жазу арқылы ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылықтарын дамыту.

Білімділік: Фонетика, грамматика, лексика салалары бойынша білімдерін кеңейту. Британиядағы және Қазақстандағы тағам түрлерімен таныстыру.

Тәрбиелік: Оқушыларды пәнді сүюге, жауапкершілікке, ұлттық тәрбиені бойларына сіңіру.

Сабақ түрі: Аралас сабақ

Әдіс тәсілдері: жұптық жұмыс, оқу, жазу, топтық жұмыс, сұрақ-жауап

Көрнекілігі: интерактивті тақта

The course of the lesson

1.Organization moment Good morning! I'm glad to see you. Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day is it today? Who is absent today?

2Checking up homework

3. Training words

Roast beef - қуырылған сиыр еті

Yorkshire pudding - Англия пуддингі (Ұн немесе)

Lunch - екінші ас

Cornflakes - қуырылған жүгері дәндері

Toasts - майға қарып пісірілген нан

Sausage - еттен жасалған шұжық

Bacon - шошқаның қақталған төсі, бекон

Peas - - chief

Beans - cuisine

4.Explaine Countable and uncountable nouns.

Sand and water - олар саналмайтын зат есімдерге жатады, оларды санау мүмкін емес. Саналатын зат есімдерге s, -es жалғаулары жалғанады. Мысалы: potatoes6 cups6 tables6 pens6 pencils6 desk etc.

Саналмайтын зат есімдер: tea, milk, water, bread, meat, coffee, air, snow, rain, fish, hair.

Саналмайтын зат есімдер көпше және жекеше түрде болуы мүмкін. Біз an, apple, one apple немесе two apples деп айтамыз. Себебі алманы санай аламыз. Біз water немесе some water деп атаймыз, бірақ a water немесе two waters деп айтпаймыз.

Many - саналатын зат есімдердің көп екенін айтқан кезде қолданамыз.

Much - саналмайтын зат есімдердің көп екенін айтқан кезде қолданамыз.

• Countable - apple, pen, table, desk, bottle, cap, book, bag, door, pencil-box, lemon, bowls, potatoes,

• Uncountable - snow, water, bread, tea, milk, meat, coffee, hair, cheese, sugar, air, money, salt.

  1. Exercise 4 page 66

Егер сөз саналмайтын болса U саналатын болса С көтеріңдер

1. Cars {}

2. Water{}

3. Air{}

4. Bottles{}

5. Apples{}

6. Bread{}

7. Tea{}

8. Dollars{}

9. Money{}

10. Pears{}

11. Lemons{}

12. Sugar{}

13. Toys{}

14. Milk{}

15. Cheese{}

16. Sandwiches{}

17. Plates{}

  1. Countable Uncountable

I am reading, put the sentences Many, Much

  1. There are many chidren in the classroom

  2. How much money have you got?

  3. There are many books on the table.

  4. Are there many apples on the tree?

  5. I don't drink much coffee.

  6. There are much snow in the street.

Exercise 7 page 66. Each group I give you cards. Complete the sentences with much and many

1.We need _____ oranges to make orange juice. 2. He doesn't always put ____salt on his food. 3. My car doesn't use______petrol.

4. They haven't _____ money. They are not rich. 5. There aren't _____ potatoes in the box. 6. I don't drink_____ milk a day. 6. I don't drink ____ coffee.

7. How _____ cheese is there in the fridge?

( many, much)

5.Reading form. Now let's take the text at Ex 8p70

" Traditional foods in Britain"

The traditional British Sunday lunch which consists of roast - beef, potatoes and Yorkshire pudding. British people eat a lot of meat. Mineral water is not very common. The most popular drink with meals is tea.

British breakfast consists of cornflakes with milk, toasts with marmalade, honey and tea. They eat large meal at midday. At about 5 o'clock they have tea with bread and butter and cakes. In some families the midday meal is the chief one of the day. And in the evening they have a simple supper an omelets, or sausage, sometimes bacon and eggs.

Traditional foods in Kazakhstan.

The traditional Kazakhstan food include mutton and horse beef as well as sour - milk producers which are closely associated with nomadic way of life. The main dishes of Kazakh cuisine are as follows: cooked mutton and horse - beef (besharmak), kurdak. Horse - beef delicatessen (chuzuk, kazy, zhal, zhaya), sheep's milk, cow's milk and products (katyk, kurt, irimshik and mare's milk (kymyz). Appearance of flour in the Kazakh diet renewed the traditional dish - besharmak, which began tobe served with large pieces of rolled dough.

6. Write about eating in Kazakhstan and Britain.

7. Conclusion

1. Home task. The text Ex.19 page 70 Britain Both Kazakhstan


2. Giving marks

Put the sentences Many, Much

  1. There are many chidren in the classroom

  2. How much money have you got?

  3. There are many books on the table.

  4. Are there many apples on the tree?

  5. I don't drink much coffee.

  6. There are much snow in the street.

Complete the sentences with much and many

1.We need _____ oranges to make orange juice.

2. He doesn't always put ____salt on his food. 3. My car doesn't use______petrol.

4. They haven't _____ money. They are not rich.

5. There aren't _____ potatoes in the box. 6. I don't drink_____ milk a day.

6. I don't drink ____ coffee.

Put the sentences Many, Much

  1. There are many chidren in the classroom

  2. How much money have you got?

  3. There are many books on the table.

  4. Are there many apples on the tree?

  5. I don't drink much coffee.

  6. There are much snow in the street.

Complete the sentences with much and many

1.We need _____ oranges to make orange juice.

2. He doesn't always put ____salt on his food. 3. My car doesn't use______petrol.

4. They haven't _____ money. They are not rich.

5. There aren't _____ potatoes in the box. 6. I don't drink_____ milk a day.

6. I don't drink ____ coffee.

" Traditional foods"

The traditional British Sunday lunch which consists of roast - beef, potatoes and Yorkshire pudding. British people eat a lot of meat. Mineral water is not very common. The most popular drink with meals is tea.

British breakfast consists of cornflakes with milk, toasts with marmalade, honey and tea. They eat large meal at midday. At about 5 o'clock they have tea with bread and butter and cakes. In some families the midday meal is the chief one of the day. And in the evening they have a simple supper an omelets, or sausage, sometimes bacon and eggs.

" Traditional foods"

The traditional British Sunday lunch which consists of roast - beef, potatoes and Yorkshire pudding. British people eat a lot of meat. Mineral water is not very common. The most popular drink with meals is tea.

British breakfast consists of cornflakes with milk, toasts with marmalade, honey and tea. They eat large meal at midday. At about 5 o'clock they have tea with bread and butter and cakes. In some families the midday meal is the chief one of the day. And in the evening they have a simple supper an omelets, or sausage, sometimes bacon and eggs.

Traditional foods in Kazakhstan.

The traditional Kazakhstan food include mutton and horse beef as well as sour - milk producers which are closely associated with nomadic way of life. The main dishes of Kazakh cuisine are as follows: cooked mutton and horse - beef (besharmak), kurdak. Horse - beef delicatessen (chuzuk, kazy, zhal, zhaya), sheep's milk, cow's milk and products (katyk, kurt, irimshik and mare's milk (kymyz). Appearance of flour in the Kazakh diet renewed the traditional dish - besharmak, which began tobe served with large pieces of rolled dough.

Traditional foods in Kazakhstan.

The traditional Kazakhstan food include mutton and horse beef as well as sour - milk producers which are closely associated with nomadic way of life. The main dishes of Kazakh cuisine are as follows: cooked mutton and horse - beef (besharmak), kurdak. Horse - beef delicatessen (chuzuk, kazy, zhal, zhaya), sheep's milk, cow's milk and products (katyk, kurt, irimshik and mare's milk (kymyz). Appearance of flour in the Kazakh diet renewed the traditional dish - besharmak, which began tobe served with large pieces of rolled dough.

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