Урок на теме Мода в нашей жизни

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Тема: "Clothes and Fashion"


Обучающая цель: развивать навык выполнения заданий с развернутым свободным ответом (монологическое высказывание, диалог-расспрос, задания типа С) ;совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме в монологической и диалогической форме.

Развивающая цель: развитие навыков перевода упражнений, аудирования и устной речи в диалогической форме; логического мышления, внимания, зрительной, слуховой и механической памяти.

Воспитательная цель: учить вежливому общению, прививать хороший вкус в выборе одежды.

Практические задачи:

  1. Автоматизировать пройденные лексические единицы;

  2. Научить высказывать свое мнение по вопросу;

  3. Развивать и совершенствовать умения монологической и диалогической речи;

  4. Развивать навыки аудирования.

Обучающие средства: УМК "Happy English.ru" 9 кл., компьютер, проектор, экран, презентация.

Ход урока.

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие. Постановка целей урока.

T: Good morning, class! I'm glad to see you. How are you? Look at the pictures. Guess the topic of our lesson. Right you are! Today we have our conclusion lesson on topic "Clothes. Fashion". We are going to revise all your knowledge concerning this problem. Also we'll do some exercises to improve our skills of oral communication. In the future it will help to prepare for exams. I hope you are fine and ready to work hard. So, let's start our lesson.

2. Речевая зарядка.

First of all, let's do our warming up. I'll give you some cards, then I shall read you some sentences. Your task is to complete them using the words in your cards. Make my sentence longer.

  1. At school I always wear my special suit- my____________. that's right

  2. I change my school clothes for _____ when I get home. ok

  3. When I go in for sports I wear my track suit and _______.well done

  4. When I go to the theatre or to my friend's party I put on my_____. right you are

  5. In winter when it's cold we put on warm clothes__________. you are right

  6. When the weather is cool I wear my _______. fine

  7. In hot summer I prefer wearing _________. very good

  8. When it's raining I wear a ______ with a hood, and______. good

Choose the possible answer:

A coat, a hat, a scarf, boots, gloves, shorts, a T-shirt and sandals, a T-shirt and jeans, pajamas, school uniform, the best dress/suit, trainers, raincoat, boots, jacket, sweater and jeans.

The next task is to pick out adjectives to the clothes and make up sentences:

Glamorous; extravagant; practical; elegant; colourful; tight; flared; baggy; waterproof; worn; stylish; fashionable; unusual; comfortable.

Model: an elegant dress; baggy jeans; waterproof jacket, practical (comfortable )shoes, a colourful T-shirt.

3. Развитие навыков устной речи

We can say that people like wearing different clothes. Some of us like stylish or glamorous clothes the other prefer casual clothes. What clothes do you prefer? Do you like to stand out? You can agree that shopping is the most favorite pastime for many people. Do you like shopping? How many hours can you spend doing shopping?

4.Тренировка в употреблении лексики

Nowadays shops are full of different clothes specially for teenagers.

Беседа с учащимися. Используется презентация.

What factors are important for teenagers when they buy clothes? (2 слайд презентации)I will give you a hint.

1) Should they be in or out of fashion? (3 слайд)

2) Should they be fancy or casual? (4 слайд)

3) Should they be expensive or cheap? (5 слайд)

4) Should teenagers buy them in discount stores or in the sales? (6 слайд)

5) Should they be original or usual? (7 слайд)

Please express your opinion, using this model. I'll give you some minutes.

Образец записывается на доске:

I think



In my opinion


should be

No doubt


Look at the list of factors that are important for many teenagers, when they buy clothes. Choose three factors which are the most important for you:


  • Comfort

  • Fashion in my class

  • Fashion magazines

  • Adverts on TV

  • Parent's advice

  • Friend's advice

  • Individuality

  • Status

Look at the screen, translate these sentences into English:

Я не хожу в большие торговые центры. Это пустая трата времени. - I do not visit malls. It is a waste of time.

Это платье необычное и элегантное. Я бы посоветовала его тебе. - This dress is extravagant and elegant. I'd recommend it to you.

Я - шопоголик. Я могу ходить по магазинам до упаду. - I'm a shopacholic. I can shop till I drop.

Сказать по правде, мне жаль людей, которые не следят за модой. - To tell the truth, I am sorry for people who don't care about fashion.

Этот костюм - повседневный. Это, реально, не моя вещь. Я люблю изысканную одежду. - This suit is casual. It is not really my thing. I like fancy clothes.с

Чтение с извлечением необходимой информации Grown-ups are used to give you advice. Do you often follow them?

Read the following article and answer the questions, please.


Dress for the occasion. You'll look silly, if you turn up in a mini-dress and heels as for the party.л

Wear something you feel comfortable in. Don't wear an outfit just because you think he'll like it. If you are not completely happy with it, then you'll be too busy worrying about it to enjoy yourself.к

Go easy on the make-up. Most boys aren't actually fond of tons of make-up.

Relax. He'll probably be as nervous as you are, so just enjoy yourself.д

  1. Who are these advice addressed to?

to those who are going to a new school;

to those who are going to the disco;

to those who are going to the first date.р

  1. Are they aimed at girls or boys?к

(Ch) 1. These advice are addressed to those who are going to the first date.

I think they are aimed at girls.Grammar Practice.Reported Speech.


Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions (in teacher's book):

a) What does the girl try on? (The girl tries a suit on.)л

b) Why doesn't she wear T-shirts? (She doesn't wear casual things.)д

c) Does she buy the suit? (No, she doesn't.)с

d) Why? /Why not? (The girl doesn't buy the suit because it is large for her.)к

Тренировка грамматических навыков

Say following phrases in Reported Speech:

1. My girlfriend says, "This coat fits you well". (My girlfriend says that this coat fits me well.)р

2. Mum says, "This red blouse doesn't go with that green skirt". (Mum says that this red blouse doesn't go with that green skirt".)л

3. "These jeans are too baggy," he says. (He says that these jeans are too baggy.)с

4.She asks a shop assistant, "Where is the fitting room?" (She asks a shop assistant where the fitting room is.)д

5. He asks, "Can I pay by card?" (He asks if he can pay by card.)к

Look at the screen, read this phrase "Clothes don't decorate aperson, but his actions".

I wish all of you to be in harmony with your clothes, appearance and soul.

(T) Today we have talked about clothes, shopping and fashion in our life. We have all worked hard.. I'm very pleased with your work at the lesson. Your marks are…Well done! I hope you've enjoyed our lesson.Your homework is to express your personal attitude towards fashion. Choose from the suggestions below:

"Fashion is important.

I don't care what I wear

Clothes do not make the man but…"

The lesson is over. Good - bye!

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