A Happy New Year!

Оқушылардың санасына халқына деген мақтаныш сезімін ұялату, шет тілін,оның тарихын,өнерін мәдениетін қастерлей отырып,дамыта оқытып тәрбиелеу.Ата-аналарды ойынға тартып, ертеңгілікті қызықтыра түсу. Жаңа жылдық мерекеге байланысты ертеңгілік шарасы бастауыш сыныптарға арналған.Ертеңгілікке дайын жаңа -жылдық мәтіндер,өлеңдер,ертегі киіпкерлері, шарлар, қарлармен безендіріліп, зал дайындалады.Жаңа жылдық жұмбақтар мен әндер айтылып, жасыл шырша жанында балалар жүр қуанып. Ағылшындықтар "Merry Chr...
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Учитель английского языка

Жармуханова Гульжан Сергеевна

A Happy New Year!

В данную разработку включены рассказы, стихи и загадки на английском языке по теме "A Happy New Year!". Учителя могут использовать как дополнительный материал , а также можно использовать эти материалы на уроках при изучении данной темы, при подготовке новогоднего вечера, на занятиях кружков и факультативов.

New Year

December comes, so white and cold,

With snow it stops the rain,

It comes and draws trees young and old

On every window pane.

New year is here with us now.

Let happy be its birth

And all the people all around!

We are for peace on earth.

A Happy New Year!

The day is so clear,

The snow is so white,

The sky is so bright.

We shout with all might

A Happy New Year!

The Old and the New

The word January is derived from Janus, the Roman god of doors. Because every door faces two directions, forwards and backwards, Janus was represented with two faces one on the front and one on the back of his head. With these faces he could look back on the past year and forward to the current year. January has been known by a variety of names. The Dutch used to call it frosty month; the Saxons first called it wolf month, because the shortage of food caused the wolves to be troublesome and later, after the introduction of Christianity, they called it the first month. In the French Republican calendar it was called snow month.

The Grand New Year

It's coming, boys,

It's almost here,

It's coming, girls,

The grand New Year.

A year to be glad in,

Not to be sad in;

A year to live in,

To gain, to give in.

A year for trying,

And not for sighing,

A year for striving

And hearty thriving.

New Year

New things to learn

New friends to meet,

New songs to sing,

New joys to greet.

New things to see,

New things to hear,

New things to do,

In this glad New Year.

New Year in England

In England the New Year is not as widely or as enthusiastically marked as Christmas. Some people ignore it completely and go to bed as usual on New Year's Eve. Many others, however, celebrate it in one way or another.

The most common type of celebration is a New Year party. This usually begins at about eight o'clock and goes on until the early hours of the morning.

At midnight the radio is turned on, so that every one can hear the chimes of Big Ben, and on the hour a toast is drunk to the New Year. Then the party goes on.

Another popular way of celebrating the New Year is to go to a New Year is to go to a New Year's dance. Most hotels and dance halls hold a special dance on New Year's Eve. The hall is decorated, there are several different bands and the atmosphere is very gay.

The most famous celebration is in London round the statue of Eros in Piccadilly Circus where crowds gather and sing to welcome the New Year. In Trafalgar Square there is also a big crowd and someone usually falls into the fountain.

January 1st, New Year's Day is not a public holiday, unfortunately for those who like to celebrate most of the night. Some people send New Year cards and give presents, but it is not a widespread custom. This is the traditional time for making New Year resolutions, for example to get up earlier, to give up smoking.

English children make up lists of things they do not like to do very much and promise to do them. Some of the resolutions are very funny. The children, their parents, and their friends laugh and have a good time when they read them.

My New Year Wish

A Happy New Year to you,

A Happy New Year to me,

A Happy New Year to all our friends

Wherever they may be.

A Happy New Year to school,

And to our teachers, too.

A Happy New Year to everyone,

And I wish my wish comes true.

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