Внеурочное занятие и презентация по английскому языку на тему: В гармонии с природой

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Внеурочное занятие по английскому языку

« В гармонии с природой»

Учитель: Сунгатуллина Гульнур Равилевна


Образовательные: совершенствование навыков говорения, чтения, письма с использованием информационно-коммуникативных технологий, формирование навыков аудирования с видео поддержкой.

Развивающие: развитие интеллектуальных умений, таких как сопоставление, общение, анализ.

Воспитательные: прививать любовь к Отечеству, научить видеть и ценить красоту окружающей нас природы и любить её.

Ход занятия.

Teacher: Good morning, dear students and guests. I am glad to see you at our lesson. I hope we will have a good time and you will enjoy our activity, because the topic of our talking is something that makes our life more beautiful.

- What do you think of it?

Answers: P1. I can't imagine my life without friends and my computer.

P2. As for me, books and music are very important, because they help me relax.

P3. I'm sure, nature gives a light of pleasure and excitement, helps me overcome difficulties.

Teacher: Very good, students. I`d like to show you video. I`m sure, it will help you guess the topic of our lesson.

St.1 …

So our today's topic is "In harmony with nature".

2. Сообщение целей и задач урока:

Today we will speak about your favorite flowers,

Watch the video, repeat the adjectives and make posters.

Nowadays it is traditional and stylish to say about feelings by means of flowers. We can send flowers to say welcome; I`m sorry, I love you; and many more. Flowers decorate our life. Do you agree with me?

St.1 Yes, I do. I think, flowers follow us during all our life. They are beautiful.

St.2 I`d like to add, that we can see them not only in gardens but also in forests, in fields, in mountains. And even at home we grow flowers to make our life beautiful.

3. Активизация лексики в речи (повторение названия цветов).

  1. Teacher: We can see different kinds of flowers in the forest, in the fields. We grow flowers in our gardens. Let`s repeat the names of flowers.

  2. As for me, I like Asters, Bluebells and Tulips .My mum`s favorite flowers are Roses and Lilac. My sister likes Peony and Snowdrops. Tastes differ, you know. What are your favorite flowers?

For this task I asked Milyausha to be our class correspondent. Please come here… and ask your classmates about their favorite flowers.

(Один из учащихся выступает в роли корреспондента)


_, what flowers do you like most of all?

Teacher: Thank you for the interview. I think you will be a good correspondent in the future.

4. Работа с видео (мультфильм)

Teacher There are a lot of adjectives that help us describe the flowers. Let repeat these adjectives: beautiful, touching, sad, healing, emotional, exciting, pleasant, romantic, cool, breathtaking, great, perfect, brilliant and sentimental.

Yesterday I watched a very interesting cartoon about one flowers family.(Просмотр мультфильма)

Now let`s watch it together.

Did you like it? So, how can you describe flowers from the cartoon? You can use these adjectives. For example, I think that these flowers are sentimental. And what`s your opinion?

Thank you.

b) And now I'll give you the sheets of paper. You should read the sentences and write down the definition of the flowers. Please, begin to work. You have only 3 minutes.

1. Mass of flowers on a bush or a tree. (Blossom)

2. A large white or yellow flower. It grows in the water. (Water-lily)

3. This flower is a plant that has long leaves and yellow or white flowers. (Daffodil)

4. The earliest spring flower. (Snowdrop)

5. This flower is a symbol of peace in England (poppy)

6. This plant is a climbing plant that has many small, sweet-smelling flowers. (Honeysuckle)

7. The national flower of Japan. This lovely flower can be red, white, yellow and purple. (Chrysanthemum)

It's high time to finish your work. Please, read the sentence and your definition.

5. Аудирование с видео поддержкой

a) There are a lot of beautiful flowers on the Earth .I`ll propose you to watch the short film about our Big Planet. But before that I`ll give you cards with the questions. You should watch the film, listen to the story about Big Plant`s Family and answer the questions. Read the questions. Are you ready? Let`s start.

b) .,please tell us your answer at the first question. …, read the second question and give your answer. You are right. Thank you very much.

There are a lot of proverbs, saying and quotations about the flowers. Look, here you can see five quotations, but the words are mixed. Try to make right sentences.

Who`s ready? Check your answer. Sans doubt, flowers can help us express our thoughts, feelings and emotions.

c) And now we`ll watch another video. Watching the video try to guess what are the flowers doing.

This short film is without sound. What`s your opinion? You can use these verbs in Present Continuous tense.

Teacher: Thank you. I`d like to open one secret. Flowers can sing. Let`s listen to flowers song. (Видео «Поющие цветы»)

6. Практика чтения

a) There are different interpretations of flowers. For many cultures flowers have different meanings.

The colors of flowers have different meanings too.

Milayusha, Please read the information about colors of flowers from the video. Thank you.

c) Purple, red, yellow, pink flowers decorate our life. Some kinds of flowers have a special place in celebrations and coronations, especially in Great Britain. British like flowers and gardens. Gardening is a hobby for many of them. Here you can see English gardens. I`d like to say there are a lot of beautiful gardens in our village too. As for British, they take flowers as the symbols of their countries. Let`s remind these symbols.

I`ll give you the photos of different flowers and you should name the country. Please one by one. Show us your picture. You are right.

d) Do you now the symbol of our country?

St. Yes, I do

You are completely right. The chamomiles are the symbol of Russia. They have meaning of a new beginning and true love.

e) Look! How our planet is beautiful with flowers. But unfortunately now human beings are killing our planet. Many species of animals and plants have disappeared. How do think we can help our planet? Do you have wonderful ideas? Now make the posters, where you can write down your ideas how to save our planet and you can draw pictures. Do you have felt pens?

7 Итоги. Teacher: So my dear students, today you have had a good opportunity to express your attitude to flowers. Grow flowers at home. Look after flowers and they`ll give you their beauty and happiness.

You were creative. You really did your best. I`d like to say that I am really happy to have such good pupils! Thank you very much for your excellent job! Be happy and healthy.

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