Письменная работа по английскому языку на тему Настоящее длительное время

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
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Present Continuous Tense

1. Составьте из слов предложения.

Н-р: the - I - beach - going - to - am. - I am going to the beach. (Я иду на пляж.)

  1. Anna - juice - is - orange - drinking.

  2. not - sun - shining - the - is.

  3. are - parents - the - in - my - sitting - garden.

  4. dress - she - long - is - a - today - wearing.

  5. we - playing - not - violin - are - the.

2. Поставьте глагол в форму Present Continuous.

1. He... (sit) at the desk now.

2. They... (not/play) football at the moment.

3. I... (live) with my parents now, because my flat is under construction.

4. ... you... (read) a book now?

5. The dog... (always/sleep)!

6. Ann... (still/swim).

7. I... (watch) TV at the moment.

8. Tony... (write) a letter now?

9. I... (meet) Jack in the evening.

10. The climate... (change) all the time.

3. Напишите утвердительные (+), отрицательные (-) или вопросительные (?) предложения в настоящем продолженном времени.

Н-р: George/drive very fast. (+) - George is driving very fast. (Джордж едет очень быстро.)

I/learn Russian. (-) - I am not learning Russian. (Я не учу русский.)

It/snow. (?) - Is it snowing? (Снег идет?)

  1. George/drive very fast. (+)

  2. I/learn Russian. (-)

  3. It/snow. (?)

  4. They/walk in the park. (+)

  5. Sophie/eat berries. (-)

  6. Mother/vacuum-clean. (?)

  7. Jenny/write a postcard. (+)

  8. We/swim in the swimming-pool. (-)

  9. I/listen to music. (+)

  10. Kevin/work. (?)

  11. The nurse/feed the patient. (+)

  12. The wind/blow. (?)

  13. She/sing a lullaby. (-)

  14. The boys/ride horses. (?)

  15. They/build a new house. (-)

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