Внеклассное мероприятие Английская поэзия

  Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке                                                          “Englishpoetry” ЦЕЛЬ: познакомить учащихся с произведениями английских поэтов и переводом данных произведений на русский язык. СОПУТСТВУЮЩИЕ ЗАДАЧИ: 1.    ПРАКТИКОВАТЬ УЧАЩИХСЯ В практическом применении английского языка 2.    РАЗВИТИЕ НАВЫКОВ диалогической и монологической речи; 3.    РАЗВИТИЕ НАВЫКОВ АУДИРОВАНИЯ 4.    РАЗВИТИЕ творческих способностей учащихся ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАДАЧА: РАСШИРИТЬ...
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Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке

"English poetry"

ЦЕЛЬ: познакомить учащихся с произведениями английских поэтов и переводом данных произведений на русский язык.


  1. ПРАКТИКОВАТЬ УЧАЩИХСЯ В практическом применении английского языка

  2. РАЗВИТИЕ НАВЫКОВ диалогической и монологической речи;


  4. РАЗВИТИЕ творческих способностей учащихся


ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАДАЧА: СПОСОБСТВОВАТЬ ПРИВИТИЮ интереса к предмету английский язык. Воспитывать эстетический вкус у учащихся.

Teacher:-Good afternoon dear guests, teachers and students!

Today we shall remember the most famous English poets. Tell me, please, do you like poems?

Children:- Yes, we do. -We like them very much.

Teacher:-And what Russian poets do you know?

Children:- They are A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, M. Tsvetaeva, R.Rozhdestvensky, E. Yevtyshenko.

Teacher:-Who is your favourite poet?

Children:- My favourite poet is……….

Teacher :-In Great Britain there are a lot of famous poets too. D o you know them?

Children:- They are Byron, Longfellow, Miller, James Nuck, Robert Stevenson, Thomas Moore and many others.

Teacher :-How do you think , what is the most favourite topic for poets?

Children:-Of course " the Seasons". For example , Pushkin's favourite season was autumn.

Teacher :- British poets wrote about the seasons too. Poem " Autumn leaves" by Robert Stevenson recites Nadya Bukreeva.

Teacher :- And now tell me, please How many months has a year?-12!

Poem "The month" by Carol Coleride recites Daniil Veselov.

Teacher :-What is your favourite season, Lera Galuza ?

Lera:- I like spring. Flowers are blooming. Birds are singing. The trees and grass are green. It's warm.

Teacher :-"Spring is coming" by James Hoock recites Lera Galuza.


The flowers are blooming everywhere

On every hill and dell

And Oh how beautiful they are

How sweetly too they smell !

The little brooks , they dance along,

And look so glad and gay

I love to hear their pleasant song

I fell as glad as they.

The young lambs bleat and frisk about,

The bees hum round their hive,

The butterflies are coming out

It's good to be alive.

Teacher :-What is your favourite spring month ,Nikita ?

-It's May. And I'll recite a poem with such a title.

Teacher :-Stepan, tell me ,please, are you a lucky person?

-Yes, I am , but sometimes I am unlucky. For example , yesterday I broke my mother's vase.

(Stepan Ageev recites a poem "Luck" by Margaret HAVY.

Teacher :-Вечерний звон, вечерний звон, как много дум наводит он.

Оказывается автор слов знаменитый Томас Мур.Итак, "Those evening bells" recites Alina Ageeva.

Now Diana Bagoyan will tell us a poem "One thing at a time" by Stodart.

Teacher :-Julia, Have you any pets at home ?

-Oh, yes. I have a cat Lica.

Teacher :-Julia recites the poem "The quarrel of some kittens" by Jane Taylor.

Teacher :-А сейчас мы обратимся к классику английской поэзии Лонгфеллоу.

"The arrow and the song" recites Kolya Pervak.

The Arrow and the Song by
Henry Wadswortth Longfellow.
I shot the arrow into the air,

it fell to earth, I knew not where;
for so swiftly it flew the sight
could not follow in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air,
it fell to earth, I knew not where,
for who has sight to keen and strong,
that it can follow the flight of song?

Long ,long afterward in an oak
I found the arrow ,still unbroke;
and the song ,from beginning to end,
I found in the heart of a friend.

Натягиваю тетиву...
И запускаю ввысь стрелу
Ее на небе не найдет
Мой взгляд. Стремителен полет...

Заброшу песню в небеса,
Не разглядят ее глаза.
Она летит стреле вослед...
Где упадет - ответа нет.

И только, много лет спустя,
Найдется крепкая стрела
У старого,большого дуба.
И песня слышится - от друга...

Teacher :-Longfellow is my favourite English poet. And I would like to recite his wonderful poem


The Twilight. Сумерки. H. Longfellow

The twilight is sad and cloudy,
The wind blows wild and free,
And like the wings of sea-birds
Flash the white caps of sea.

But in the fisherman's cottage
There shines a ruddier light,
And a little face at the window
Peers out into the night.

Close, close it is pressed to the window,
And if those childish eyes
Were looking into the darkness,
To see some form arise.

And woman's waving shadow
Is passing to and fro,
Now rising to the ceiling,
Now bowing and bending low.

What tale to the roaring ocean
And the night-wind, bleak and wild,
As they beat at the crazy casement,
Tell to that little child?

And why do the roaring ocean,
And the night-wind, wild and bleak,
As they beat at the heart of the mother,
Drive the colour from her cheek?

Сумерки. Генри Лонгфелло

Свет сумерек печален,
А вольный ветер дик.
Над бурными волнами
Тревожный чаек крик.

Но в хижине рыбацкой
Горит огонь в печи,
А лик окошка зорко
Прихода ждёт ночи.

И вот к стеклу всё ближе
Ребёнка глаз приник
И смотрит, может, образ
Какой-то там возник.

Тень женщины на стенах
Туда, сюда скользит,
То потолка коснётся,
То вниз стремглав летит.

Дитю, какую сказку
Расскажет океан
Иль ветер сумасшедший,
Зловещий ураган?

И матери, что ветры
Лихие напоют,
Когда бледнеют щёки,
А волны в сердце бьют?

Teacher :-Have you been to Italy?-IF no, let's listen to a famous Italian song Santa-Luchia.

Katya Borodina recites the poem " How many " by Rosette.

Anya Gvozdikova recites the poem " The swing " by Stevenson.

And at the end Vadim Maleev will recite the famous poem " Today and Tomorrow" by Charles Mackay.

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