Workseets to describe animals

Данная разработка  по теме "Animals"предназначена для учащихся младших классов и тех, кто начал изучать английский язык с пятого класс. Она позволяет справться с описанием любого животного даже слабому ученику, так как содержит необходимый запас слов для описания данного животного. Этк разработку можно использовать как на уроке в качестве тренировки, так и дома, при подготовке проекта про любимое домашнее животное. Картинки помещённые здесь взяты из раскрасок, так  как дети любят раскрашивать са...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
Изображения Есть - все для учителя
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Class________ Name ________________________________ Date_______________________


NWorkseets to describe animalsame: Ginger (Рыжик)

Age: 6 months

Type of cat :Persian

Good with cats

Not good with dogs

Likes meat, milk, mice

Good hunter ( hunts at night)

Independent , a member of the family.

Likes to play


Workseets to describe animalsCat

Name: Snowflake (Снежинка)

Blue eyes

Age: 3 years

Type of cat : half Sibirean half Angor

Good with cats

Good with dogs

Likes meat, milk, cheese

Good hunter ( hunts at night)

Beautiful , a member of the family.

Likes to sleep, to walk, watch TV


DWorkseets to describe animalsog

Name: Druzhok

Age: 5 years

Type of dog: a mongrel

Not good with cats

Good with dogs and children

Likes meat, milk, bones

Friendly , a member of the family,

Lives in the kennel

Likes to sleep, to walk, to play



NWorkseets to describe animalsame: Joy

Age: 3 months

Type of dog: spaniel

good with cats

Good with dogs and children

Likes meat, sereal, bones

Friendly , a member of the family,

Lives at home with his brothers and sisters

Likes to sleep, to walk, to play


LWorkseets to describe animalsizard

Name: Liza

Age: 1 year

Type of lizards: emerald

Likes flies (мух), coockrouches(тараканов) and other insects (насекомых)

Likes to sleep in the sun, hunts the insects

Lives in the terrarium, independent.


RWorkseets to describe animalsabbit

Name: Fluffy

Age: 6 months

Colour: grey and white

Lives in the cage, likes carrots, cabbage, grass

Likes to eat, to play, to sleep


TWorkseets to describe animalsurtle

Name: Markiza

Age: 7 years

Colour: brown

Likes meat, fruit, vegetable

Likes to walk, to sleep, to lie in the sun

Independent, a member of the family.


PWorkseets to describe animalsuppy


Age: 1 month

Type of dog: a mongrel

Good with cats

Good with dogs and children

Likes meat, milk, bones, sereal

Friendly , a member of the family,

Lives in the kennel

Likes to sleep, to walk, to play, to bathe


Workseets to describe animalsParrot

Name: Gosha

Age: 10 years

Type of parrots: Kakadu

Colour: white

Lives in the cage,

Can speak English and Russian

Eats corn, fruit, vegetables

Funny, clever, independent, real friend.


Workseets to describe animals

Name: Foggy

Blue eyes

Age: 2 months

Type of cat : Siam

Good with cats

Good with dogs

Likes meat, milk, cheese

Beautiful , funny, a member of the family.

Likes to sleep, to walk, to play, watch TV


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