Урок английского языка на тему Table manners

Разработка урока составлена по учебнику для 7 класса под редакцией Т. Аяповой. Основная цель урока: развитие коммуникативных и социокультурных навыков учащихся через использование различных приемов обучения, которые способствуют повышению мотивации у учащихся к учебе. Урок состоит из 7 этапов, во время которых проводится речевая разминка, разыгрываются диалоги, проводится работа на соответствие и другие задания. В ходе урока решаются следующие задачи: формируются навыки монологической и диалогич...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Theme of the lesson: Table manners.

Aims of the lesson:

educational: the formation of skills in monologues and dialogues, to enrich the vocabulary, to practice using some\any;

developing: to develop pupils' abilities in speaking through pair work, communicative competence, to develop their creative abilities through different kinds of activities;

bringing-up: to teach pupils good table manners, to respect other cultures

Type of the lesson: combined.

Equipment: cards, computer, interactive board.


I. Organization moment.

T: Good morning, boys and girls!

Cl.: Good morning, teacher.

T: I'm glad to see you!

Cl.: We are glad to see you, too!

II. Warming- up activity.

This is the way we eat our soup, eat our soup, eat our soup.

This is the way we eat our soup, eat our soup at the dinner table.

This is the way we butter our bread, butter our bread, butter our bread.

This is the way we butter our bread at the dinner table.

This is the way we cut our meat, cut our meat, cut our meat.

This is the way we cut our meat at the dinner table.

This is the way we drink our tea, drink our tea, drink our tea.

This is the way we drink our tea at the dinner table.

III. T: What table manners do you know?

Do you follow the rules at table?

1. What is the correct way to sit at the table? A. Nowhere near the table. Reading at meals is a bad habit and impolite towards others.

2. Do you see your knife or your fork to take B. It tastes really fine. It was really delicious.

a slice of bread from the table?

3. How do you cut your meat? C. Sit straight and close to the table. Don't put . your elbows on the table

4.What do you do with the spoon after stirring D.Nothing.Keep your impressions to yourself your tea?

5.What do you say if you dislike the dish? it's impolite towards the hostess.

6.What do you say if you like the dish very much? E.Neither. Your hand is quite correct to

get a slice of bread for yourself.

7.Where do you keep your book or newspaper

During a meal, on the table or on your lap? F.It is wrong first to cut all the meat on your

plate in small pieces, cut off a slice, eat it

and then cut another slice.

G.Don't leave the spoon in your cup while

drinking. Put it on your saucer.

T: What rules are new for you? Do you agree?

Table manners are a way of showing respect for themselves and others.

  • Do not begin eating until everyone is served.

  • Do not talk with your mouth full.

  • Chew with your mouth closed.

  • Keep your napkin in your lap.

  • Don't rest your elbows on the table.

  • Ask politely for things to be passed if you cannot reach them.

  • Do not complain about the food.

  • Do not lick your fingers or your knife.

  • Don't pick your teeth or smack your lips.

  • Ask to be excused when you have finished eating and want to leave the table. During the meal, hands should be kept clearly visible at all times, never on the lap. The fork should be in the left hand and the knife in the right. The utensils should never be switched.

  • Lay the knife and fork side by side across the plate to indicate you've finished. Crossing the utensils or positioning them on opposite sides of the plate sends the message that you wish to have more.

  • Leaving food on the plate, especially at a dinner party in somebody's home, may insult the host.

  • In is considered impolite to put the elbows on the table.

  • Knife and spoon are placed parallel, across the plate, when you've finished eating. The knife should never be brought to the mouth.

  • The fork should not be turned over in the right hand and used to cut food.

  • If a person has a spoon and a knife for the dessert, he should use both , placing food onto the spoon with the fork.

  • It is recommended at the end of each course to put the eater's cutlery in a straight line up the centre of the plate.

  • One should start with the utensils on the outside and walk his way in.

  • It is considered polite to unfold the napkin and lay it on his lap soon after sitting down.

  • You should take a napkin and clean your lips when it is necessary.

  • Put your napkin on the left when you've finished the food.

  • You put the napkin on the table only after the hostess.

Good manners should be used at every meal, even when dining alone, so that they become natural and habitual.

IV. Group work. Scrambled sentences ( game).

Each group is given an envelope with 3 scrambled sentences. ( 1 word/card)

Pupils unscramble to make sentences of table manners and translate them into Russian. Then they write them in their copybooks and then they exchange the envelopes.

Scrambled sentences.

Don't allow animals at the table.

Put your spoon on the saucer.

Wear a shirt to dinner.

Use the correct tableware.

Don't talk with your mouth full.

Don't sing at the table.

Don't put your elbows on the table.

Ask " Can you please pass the sugar"

Don't blow on hot soup.

V. Presentation of Grammar/ some,any.

T: There are some apples. There is some water.

There aren't any apples. There isn't any water.

Are there any apples? Is there any water?

Some is used with countable and uncountable nouns with affirmative sentences.

Any is used with countable and uncountable nouns with negative and interrogative sentences.


Doing of Ex.5.(Filling the gaps with some and any).

  1. I don't have ---- money in my pocket but I have ----- money in the bank.

  2. Are there ------ letters for me this morning.

  3. I never have ----- breakfast. I'm not hungry in the morning.

  4. You have ----- lovely pictures on the walls.

  5. Are you Canadian? I have ---- good friends

  6. Don't buy ______ bread. There is bread -------the table.

VI. Pair work. Acting out dialogues.

Words to use: oranges, juice, carrots, miniral water, butter, apricots,cheese etc.

P1: Are there any apples in your fridge?

P2: Yes, there are some. There are 5 apples in my fridge. Is there any milk in your fridge?

P1: No, there isn't any milk there. There are 3 bottles of coke in my fridge.

How many bananas are there in your fridge?

P2: There are no bananas in it.

VII. Speaking.

T: You know that every country has its custom.

Canada and the USA: Don't arrive early if you are invited to someone's home.

Japan: Take off your shoes before you enter someone's home.

Muslim countries: Don't eat with your left hand.

T: What other interesting customs do you know? What should a visitor to our country know about our customs? Comparing cultures.

Match the answers with questions.

  1. When you go to dinner to another person's home in Britain:

  1. Do you take a present? What kind of present?

  2. Do you arrive exactly on time?

  3. When does the evening time usually finish?

  1. It depends,11 o'clock, 11.30. Leave when people start leaving.

  2. Usually a bottle of wine or some chocolate or flowers.

  3. If they say 8 o'clock it doesn't mean 8 o'clock. About ten minutes past 8 is fine. They may want to eat at 8.30.

T: B. How is it in our country? In groups write a paragraph answering these questions.

VIII. Homework: make up table manners/ rules of your own.

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