Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Пасхальные традиции англоязычных стран

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Пасхальные традиции англоязычных стран

Внеклассное мероприятие для учащихся 2-9 классов

Цели праздника:

  1. Формирование межкультурной компетенции.

  2. Развитие эстетического взгляда на быт и окружающий мир.

  3. Расширение возможности сотрудничать с окружающими.

Задачи праздника:

  1. Познакомить учащихся с культурными традициями стран изучаемого языка.

  2. Предоставить учащимся возможность пообщаться на английском языке во внеурочное время.

  3. Помочь учащимся увидеть применение своим положительным человеческим качествам.

Подготовка к празднику:

  1. Каждая группа готовит заранее:

- пасхальные шляпки для девочек, украшенные цветами;

- пустые раскрашенные яйца;

- разучивание песни;

- 1 эскиз росписи пасхального яйца.

2. Перечень дней Пасхальной недели на английском языке.

3. Раздаточный материал для конкурсов:

- список предметов для Пасхального сада на английском языке для каждой группы;

- список предполагаемых даров для бедных, в которые включены ошибочные названия;

- материал в конвертах для игры «Собери названия Пасхальных блюд».

4. Пасхальные корзинки для яиц из бумаги зеленого, розового, красного и жёлтого цветов.

5. Изображения событий Пасхальной недели.

Easter Party

"The Week that changed the world"

You're welcome to our Easter Party. You'll see how Easter is celebrated in English - speaking countries. We hope you'll enjoy our Easter contest.

Easter poems

Easter Bunnies

Five little Easter Bunnies sitting in a row.

First one said, "See my ears go flop, flop, flop."

Second one said, "Just watch me hop, hop, hop."

Third one said, "See my Easter eggs so bright."

Forth one said, "Ready to bring you on Easter night."

Fifth one said, as he nodded his head,

"We will come if you are in bed."

So five little bunnies quick as can be,

Hopped back to their hollow by the big oak tree.

Egg hunt

Have you looked in the cupboard?

Have you looked in the drawer?

Have you looked by the window?

Let's hunt some more.

Peek in the closet, peek under the bed.

Peek in your slipper,

You know what he said.

"I've colored my eggs

With paints and brush

And I'll hide them on Easter

In your house. Hush! Hush!"


Bunnies are brown, bunnies are white…

Bunnies are always an Easter delight.

Bunnies have ears all pinkish inside..

Bunnies all like to hop and to hide.

Bunnies are cuddly, the large and the small,

But I like the chocolate ones best of all!

A bunny who is funny

By Susan Olson Higgins

I know an Easter bunny

Who is oh so funny…

He stands six feet tall,

His whiskers curl around,

His ears stand high

At the slightest sound.

He wears a green vest

And a pink bow tie.

If he flaps his ears…

You should see him fly!

He can bend and twist

Into any shape at all.

He can hop or skip

Or curl up like a ball.

He has a gold watch

Which he keeps very near,

But he only has use for it

In Spring each year.

And as for eggs…

Well, he has lots.

All children want

What he has got!

He is very, very clever,

And as quick as can be.

I hope never, NEVER

Stops visiting me!

Hoppy bunny

(action poem)

By Susan Olson Higgins

Hop, hop, hop to the left.

Hop, hop to the right.

Easter bunny hide your eggs,

Then hop, hop out of sight.

A bunny finger play

By Susan Olson Higgins

Five little bunnies

Hopped up a hill.

One stopped to gather

A yellow jonquil.

Four little bunnies

Hopped past me.

One stopped to nibble

By the old willow tree.

Three little bunnies

Hopped near a brook.

One heard a splash

And stopped to take a look.

Two little bunnies

Hopped past a mouse.

One stopped to visit

In his teeny - tiny house.

One little bunny

Hopped down the knoll.

He disappeared in

His cozy rabbit hole.

Easter traditions and symbols

The Cross

Christ was crucified on a cross, so the cross has come to have a special meaning to

Christians. It represents Christ's victory over death. It is a significant Easter symbol.

The lamb

Jesus was known as the Lamb of God. At one time, the Jews sacrificed a lamb during

a Passover festival, and early Christians adopted this as sign of Christ's sacrifice on the

cross. Lamb is now a traditional Easter meal, and cookies and cakes are often made

in the shape of a lamb for Easter.


Of course, eggs represent new life. Long ago, some people believed that the earth

was hatched from a gigantic egg! Eggs have been exchanged for centuries. Ancient

Egyptians dyed eggs and gave them to friends as gifts. Often eggs are left by the Easter

bunny for children to find on Easter morning much to their delight!

Easter Rabbits

In America and around the world, many children believe that the Easter bunny brings

Easter eggs and hides them for finding on Easter morning. In ancient Egypt the

Rabbit symbolized the moon. It also symbolized new life and birth. Because Easter's date

is determined by the moon, and Easter occurs in the springtime, it was natural that

rabbit continued to be one of the symbols of Easter.

Easter dates and games

Easter Week is called Maundy Week in the English - speaking world. This name comes from the Latin word "mandatum", that means "commandment" or "testament", because Jesus Christ gave The New Commandment to the people of the world. You can see the title "New Testament" on the second part of the Bible.

On Palm Sunday (the 1st Sunday before Easter) or 2-3 days before, people in Great Britain used to gather branches for Easter Tree. This event is called "a-palming" in memory of the fact that about 2000 years ago a week before Easter people in Jerusalem greeted Jesus laying branches of palms on the road where He was entering that city to die on the Cross.

Task 1

We invite one student of each team to come here and choose 3 branches. In your groups then you are supposed to make Easter Trees.

On Monday they decorate their Easter Trees.

Task 2

We want you to decorate now your trees.

Then they make Easter Garden using some special things.

Task 3

Here are lists with the items for Easter Garden. You are to find the things on our table as quickly as possible and your gardens on your tables in the groups.

On Maundy Thursday the Last Supper of Jesus Christ is celebrated. On this day in Great Britain rich people give gifts to the poor.

Task 4

Choose 3 things from the list that the rich give to the poor.

Then comes Good Friday that is also called God's Friday.

On this day of the week Christ was crucified. So it's the saddest day of the week.

In England people bake hot-cross buns. We'd like to sing the song about them with you.

On Easter Saturday they colour eggs. In Great Britain children put the coloured eggs

in green, pink, red or yellow baskets.

Task 5

It was your homework to prepare a picture for colouring Easter eggs. You are welcome to present your pictures.

On Easter morning in the USA children get Easter baskets full of sweets, chocolates and candy eggs. Their parents hide Easter eggs all over the house or in the garden, they say that the Easter Bunny has hidden them, and the children hunt for the eggs.

Task 6

We have also hidden 6 eggs. You're welcome to find them. Who can find more?

Then people go to church. In Great Britain they usually put new clothes on this occasion. Easter means the beginning of new life, because Christ is risen, risen indeed. They come to church to show that they understand it. After church they have Easter dinner. They put a special candle on the table.

Task 7

Can you make up (unscramble) the names of 3 traditional Easter dishes?

On Easter afternoon in England (London) and the USA (New Jersey, Atlantic City) Easter Parades are organized. People put on new clothes as a symbol of the changing seasons. During the Parade competitions are held to find the best Easter bonnet.

Task 8

We are going to have our own competition. You're welcome to present your wonderful bonnets.

In the USA funny competitions are held. Children and grown-up compete in rolling eggs.

Task 9

On Easter Monday in Sydney (Australia) the Royal Easter Show is organized.

It's an agricultural show with displays of flowers, fruit and vegetables, cattle, sheep

as well as art and craft. There is fun - fair and firework.

We can make our firework of good ideas and good deeds in honour of the holiday and

the great Commandment of Christ.


Песенка Hot Cross buns

Hot Cross buns, Hot Cross buns,

One a penny, two a penny,

Hot Cross buns, Hot Cross buns.

If you have no daughters, give them to your sons,

One a penny, two a penny.

Пасхальная неделя (Maundy Week)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday. (Вывешиваются по мере называния дней во время праздника)

Предметы для Пасхального сада (Items for Easter garden)

Easter Tree, green cloth, candle, marbles, flowers.

Дары для бедных (Gifts for the poor)

Money, bread, dishes, food, small gifts, clothes, furniture. Лишние названия: bread, dishes, clothes, furniture.

Пасхальные блюда (Easter dishes)

Easter bread and cookies, baked ham or chicken, English apple pie. Приготовить конверты с отдельными словами на отдельных листках.

Использованная литература:

  1. Диалог культур. Развитие коммуникативной и лингвострановедческой компетенции учащихся. Английский язык. / А.В. Малова, М.Ф. Тифанова и др. - Волгоград: «Панорама, 2006, стр. 65- 69.

  2. Еженедельное приложение к газете «Первое сентября» - № 13, 14, 15 , 1994.

The Cross

Christ was crucified on a cross, so the cross has come to have a special meaning to

Christians. It represents Christ's victory over death. It is a significant Easter symbol.

The lamb

Jesus was known as the Lamb of God. At one time, the Jews sacrificed a lamb during

a Passover festival, and early Christians adopted this as sign of Christ's sacrifice on the

cross. Lamb is now a traditional Easter meal, and cookies and cakes are often made

in the shape of a lamb for Easter.


Of course, eggs represent new life. Long ago, some people believed that the earth

was hatched from a gigantic egg! Eggs have been exchanged for centuries. Ancient

Egyptians dyed eggs and gave them to friends as gifts. Often eggs are left by the Easter

bunny for children to find on Easter morning much to their delight!

Easter Rabbits

In America and around the world, many children believe that the Easter bunny brings

Easter eggs and hides them for finding on Easter morning. In ancient Egypt the

Rabbit symbolized the moon. It also symbolized new life and birth. Because Easter's date

is determined by the moon, and Easter occurs in the springtime, it was natural that

rabbit continued to be one of the symbols of Easter.

Пасхальная неделя (Maundy Week)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday.

Предметы для Пасхального сада (Items for Easter garden)

Easter Tree, green cloth, candle, marbles, flowers.

Дары для бедных (Gifts for the poor)

Money, bread, dishes, food, small gifts, clothes, furniture. Лишние названия: bread, dishes, clothes, furniture.

Пасхальные блюда (Easter dishes)

Easter bread and cookies, baked ham or chicken, English apple pie.

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