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Tea party

Мы гостей встречаем чаем

Все: Чаем, чаем, чаем.

Первым делом угощаем

Все: Чаем, чаем, чаем.

Я иду, иду, иду

Самовар в руках несу

Прибаутки пою.

Все: Ой, чай крепкий чай

Пейте чай-чаёчек.

Чтобы радость приносил

Каждый день - денечек.

Today we'll drink tea with our friends. They tell us about some English traditions, exactly about English tea.

The history of tea is very interesting.

Do you know when and how people began to use tea?

1.One of the legends says, «Long ago the shepherds noticed that their sheep began climbing up the hill easily after having nibbled leaves of an evergreen bush which grew high in the mountains. The shepherds decided to test the magic power of that plant. They dried the leaves, poured boiling water and began to drink fragrant herbal potion feeling burst of strength. This is a legend but maybe it's true.

2. And I know the another legend. The story of tea began in ancient China over 5 thousand years ago. According to legend leaves from a bush dropped into Emperor Shen Nung's cup of boiling water. The servant had boiled the water for hygienic reasons, before the emperor was to drink it. But this time the water was turned brown by leaves. Being a scientist the emperor was curious and decided to try some of this new liquid. He found the liquid aromatic and refreshing.

So first tea appeared in China, and then it spread all over the world.

3. О появлении на земле чайного куста сложено немало преданий. В одном из них говорится, что это растение обязано своим рождением легендарному проповеднику буддизма, мудрецу Та-мо. Мудрец прибыл с миссией в Китай и дал обет 7 лет, не сходя с места и не смыкая глаз, молиться во славу Будды и предаваться размышлениям о божьей милости и бытии. Та-мо усердно молился, но на 5 году бдения сон сморил его. Очнувшись, мудрец вне себя от гнева на собственную слабость, вырезал веки, чтобы они никогда не слиплись, и бросил их на землю. Там, где они упали, вырос диковинный куст.Та-мо попробовал отвар из его глянцевитых листочков и убедился в целебной силе

4.Несколько тысячелетий назад возник иероглиф для обозначения чая. Он состоит из 3 ключей, которые обозначают: трава, человек, дерево. Произносится он так: «тха» или «цха».Позже стали говорить «ча»-что означает «молодой листочек», имеется и другое понятие « бодрость»

5. Originally tea was used as a medicine, then a daily drink. It spread to Japan in the 3rd of century A.D. Dutch and Portuguese traders brought tea from eastern Asia to Europe in the 1600s.

6. In old times tea was valued very much. The emperor rewarded their people with tea for particular services. Later tea leaves were pressed into cakes and were used for money.

7. Tea was introduced to Russia in the early 17 th century.

8. In 1638 Russian Tsar Romanov sent his people to Mongolian Altan-Khan with presents. The Mongolian Khan was glad to have guests from Russia. He treated them with unknown drink called Bahcha. It was pleasant, tasty but a bit bitter. Then Altan Khan presented 2 hundred packets of dry tea-leaves to Russian Tsar. First the Russian aristocrats used it as a medicine, and then the rich people liked it very much. It became fashionable to have tea every day.

8. There was time when drinking tea was almost unknown in European countries: many people had never ever heard of tea.

Tea leaves


  1. Story-teller

  2. Woman

  3. Her son, a sailor

  4. 1st friend

  5. 2nd friend

  6. 3rd friend

Scene 1

Story-teller: Once there lived an old woman. She had the only son who was a sailor. He often sailed to India and every time he returned to Britain from a far-away country he brought her something unusual, that she could show to her friends.

The woman's son appears.

Woman: My dear son, here you are! How are you? I was missing you so badly!

Son: Hello, mom. I'm fine, thanks. I've brought a nice present for you.

Woman: Oh, how interesting! What's this?

Son: It's a box of tea. It's very popular in the East. It is food.

Woman: But I don't know how to cook it.

Son: Nothing particular. Just put tea leaves into the pot and pour hot water into it. In 5 minutes it will be ready. Believe me, you'll enjoy it greatly.

Woman: What a flavouring smell. I'll invite my friends to try out what it is.

Story-teller: So the old woman cooked tea as her son had told her and invited her friends to taste it.

Scene 2

In the room the table is laid for dinner.

Friends: (coming in): Hello. Glad to see you.

Woman: Oh you are welcome! Please, come in, come in. Feel at ease!

F1: How many things you have cooked!

F2: Roast beef and roast turkey!

F3: And so many salads. They seem so delicious.

Woman: Help yourself to tea leaves.

F1: And what's this? I've never tasted it.

Woman: my son brought it from India yesterday. He said it was very popular in the East. Help yourselves to tea leaves.

F3 :( with the face showing unsatisfaction): It's very tasty, just fantastic.

F1: ( putting leaves on a piece of bread): M…m…m….It's really lovely. The smell is so delicious.

Son( entering the room): Good afternoon to everybody. I'm very pleased to meet you. And where is the tea, mom?

Woman: (pointing to the dish): over there.

Son: Oh, mum. These are only the leaves of the tea. They are not eaten. This is the infused water that is drunk.

Woman: And I threw the water away, of course.

9. Funny drama, isn't it? In the middle of the 19th century there was such a folk song sung by peasants.

Рез прислал мне барин чаю, и велел его сварить.
А я от роду не знаю, как проклятый чай сварить.
Взял тогда, налил водички, всыпал чай я весь в горшок
И приправил перцу, луку, да петрушки корешок.
Разлил варево по плошкам, хорошенько размешал,
Остудив его немножко, на господский стол подал.
Гости с барином плевались, сам он ажно озверел,
И, отправив на конюшню, меня выпороть велел.
Долго думал, удивлялся, чем же мог не угодить,
А потом-то догадался, что забыл я посолить!

Мы за чаем не скучаем.

Вместе песни сочиняем.


  1. Эй, девчонки-хохотушки,

Запевайте-ка частушки,

Запевайте поскорей,

Чтоб порадовать гостей!

  1. Шире круг, шире круг.

Дайте круг пошире.

Не одна иду плясать,

Нас идет четыре.

  1. На столе у нас пирог.

Пышки и ватрушки.

Так споем же под чаек

Чайные частушки.

  1. Не хотела я плясать,

Стояла и стеснялася,

А гармошка заиграла,

Я не удержалася!

  1. В пляске не жалей ботинки.

Предлагай-ка чай друзьям.

Если в чашке есть чаинки.

Значит, письма пишут вам!

  1. Самовар блестит, кипя,

Чай в нем пенится слегка!

Погляди-ка на себя-

Ну и отраженьице!

  1. Подавай мне чашку чаю,

Ведь тебе не жалко чай,

В чае я души не чаю.

Наливай горячий чай!

  1. Если б не было воды-

Не было бы кружки.

Если б не было девчат-

Кто бы пел частушки

10. The English know how to make tea and what it does for them. Seven cups of tea will wake you up in the morning and nine cups will put you to sleep at night. If you are hot, tea will cool you down, and if you are cold, it will warm you up. In England they say: «The test of good tea is simple. If the spoon stands up in it, it is strong enough; if the spoon starts to wobble, it's a feeble makeshift».

11. The English like tea with biscuits, cakes and sweets, cheese, jam, fruits, and of course with an apple pie. It is the main dish of drinking tea. Traditionally we drink tea six or seven times a day: in bed, at breakfast, at lunch, between breakfast and lunch, during the day and at 5 o'clock.

12. In England making tea is a very serious matter.

This is how it is done:

  • Fill the kettle with fresh water.

  • Да, да. Пить надо только свежезаваренный чай. Восточная мудрость гласит: «Свежий чай подобен бальзаму, чай простоявший ночь, подобен змее»

  • Boil the water

  • Warm the pot.

  • Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for the pot.

  • Pour hot water into the pot

  • Enjoy your tea.

Song-I'm a little teapot.

I'm a little teapot

Short and stout,

Here is my handle,

Here is my spout,

When I get all steamed up,

Hear me shout,

Tip me over and pour me out!

I'm a clever teapot,

Yes, it's true,

Here is an example of what I can do,

I can change my handle into a spout,

Tip me over and pour me out!

13. And as you know, the English have tea with milk. First they pour some milk into the cup and then tea. It's difficult to say where this English tradition came from. May be it came from the 17-th century, when the English poured tea into cups made of fragile Chinese china which was very expensive. And in order not to break the expensive cups they poured warm milk into them and only then hot tea. And now we call tea with milk English tea.

14.Знаете, я слышала, что у настоящей английской леди может не быть модного пальто или хороших туфель, но чайный сервиз есть обязательно.

15. Главная особенность русского чаепития - это задушевная атмосфера тепла и уюта, располагающая к посиделкам и разговорам за самоваром.

Самовар - символ русского гостеприимства.

16. Хорошо чайку попить,

О том, о сем поговорить

А теперь пора сплясать

Нашу удаль показать.

Русский танец-исполняет танцевальная группа.

Внеклассное мероприятие Чайная вечеринка

17. на чай собиралась вся семья, от самых малых детей до почтенных бабушек и дедушек. К чаю подавались булочки, сухарики. Калачи, варенья разных сортов, мед.


Zoom, zoom, zoom

Sings the busy bee!

In the garden bright and sunny

Buzzing, sipping, making honey,

Zoom, zoom, zoom

Hard at work is he!

Zoom, zoom, zoom

How he loves the light

All day long he works in clover

Then flies home when work is over,

Zoom, zoom, zoom

He is out of sight!

18. There are a lot of kinds of tea which are popular all over the world. They are green tea, red tea, yellow tea, black tea, herbal tea. They can be in large and small leaves and in granules. But the English prefer black and green tea. They are made from the same plant, but from different parts.

Внеклассное мероприятие Чайная вечеринка


Чай действительно различный

И цейлонский и индийский

И китайский и грузинский

Черный, желтый и зеленый.

И названий разных много,

«Липтон», «Дилмах» и «Ахмад»

Только марок целый сад.

Но границ для чая нет

Дружит с чаем целый свет.

20. Tea is cultivated in 33 countries on the plantation over 1 million of hectares. And the whole production of tea in the world is 1 million tons a year. Mostly tea is produced in : India(1 place), China (2 place), Sri Lanka( 3place), The Russian Federation( the Krasnodar tea), Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and japan(4 place), Kenya and Indonesia( 5place). Also in Pakistan, Malaysia, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Sudan, Uganda, Brazil.

21. Now let's see, how tea gets from plantation to our table.

Tea plant is an evergreen plant, about 1 meter high. It demands a lot of care. All year long at tea plants people are laboring: Hoeing the soil, fertilizing it, weeding it, pruning bushes, and surrounding plantations with windshield covers and drainage canals.

22. But the most important work is picking tea leaves. It lasts 7 months: from April till October. From tea plants buds are plucked with 2-3 leaves. Collectors with baskets attend each bush valuing every minute: after all, tea leaf that's good today, tomorrow already will be unusable. From 100 kg of green leaves, 25 kg of tea can be made.

23.Особенно тяжелой была работа у сборщиц в прошлом. Сейчас на помощь чаеводам пришла техника. Но одним уборочным машинам на чайной плантации не справиться. И в наше время сбор чая - трудная, кропотливая работа, которая частично ведется вручную.


Если вы пришли сегодня в гости к нам,

Будем рады чаем угостить.

Вы поспели к нашим сдобным пирогам,

Вкус их всех вас может удивить.

Припев: Скатертью, скатертью

Стол скорей накрывай.

И наливай-ка всем ароматный чай.

Каждому, каждому

Счастья ты пожелай

И улыбнись друзьям и учителям.

24. Посидеть за самоваром

Рады все наверняка,

Но пришла пора прощаться

До свидания, друзья!

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