Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Модульная программа к 1 модулю учебника Английский в фокусе (Spotlight) - 5. В разработке представлены модуль актуализации знаний, теоретический и практический модули для отработки изученного материала, а также модуль контроля и коррекции. Тест по модулю разработан в 2 вариантах с использованием трека для аудирования из Test Booklet к учебнику. Задания на лексику и чтение разработаны с учетом внутренней дифференциации группы по уровню владения языком.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
Изображения Есть
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Средняя общеобразовательная школа -

филиал негосударственного образовательного учреждения высшего профессионального образования «Тольяттинская академия управления», г. Тольятти, Самарская область

Модульная программа

по английскому языку

для 5 класса в соответствии с ФГОС

(модуль 1)

составитель: Филипповская А.А.

Тольятти, 2014

"School Days" (module1)

Планируемые предметные результаты


  • названия школьных предметов, дней недели, предметов в классе,

  • числительные от 13 до 20;

  • правила употребления неопределенного артикля a/an,

  • личные местоимения,

  • формы глагола to be в настоящем времени,

  • правила употребления заглавных букв.


  • Говорить о школьных предметах; составлять школьное расписание; представлять себя и других; рассказывать о школе в Англии и своей стране

  • начинать, вести/поддерживать и заканчивать диалог;

  • распознавать и употреблять в речи основные значения изученных лексических единиц.

Планируемые метапредметные результаты

Познавательные: находить в тексте информацию для решения учебной задачи, отделять главное от второстепенного, делить текст на части, сопоставлять основные текстовые компоненты, формулировать тезисы, выражающие смысл частей текста и обобщать,

Регулятивные: умение организовать выполнение заданий учителя, определять цель учебной деятельности, постановка задач на получение, усвоение и закрепление знаний.

Коммуникативные: умение слушать учителя, отвечать на вопросы, строить речевые высказывания в устной форме, грамотно формулировать вопросы,
Личностные: познавательный интерес к английскому языку, умение применять полученные знания на практике

Технологическая карта организации учебного процесса по английскому языку №1



Школьные дни/ School Days (Module1)









Моя школа. Школьные предметы

(неопределенный артикль a/an)

Первый день в новой школе (личные местоимения, глагол to be)

Мои любимые предметы.
Школы в России и Англии


Spotlight on Russia: Школы
Домашнее чтение




ПМ 1b А ▲

ТМ 1b

КУР ПМ 1c,d

А ТМ 1c,d


ДЗ на «3» и «4»

Voc ТМ1a,

WB c.17 y1,2,3, GR1

Voc ТМ 1b, WB c.18 y.2,3

Учить 1роль: SB с.28 у. 4a

Voc ТМ 1c,d,

WB c.19 y.1,2

ДКР №1

(SB c.34)

SoR c.3


c. 20 y.1,2,3

ДЗ на «5»

SB c.27 y7

Составлять диалог SB с.28 у. 4a

SB c.31 y. 3 WB c.22 y.12

Составить таблицу о своей школе


c. 20 y.4

Условные обозначения:

ТМ - теоретический модуль

ПМ - практический модуль

МА - модуль актуализации

А - аудирование

А - аудирование на оценку

ЛД - лексический диктант

КУР - контроль устной речи

ТР - творческая работа

ДКР № - домашняя контрольная работа №

● - контрольная работа

- проверочная работа

(!) - работа над ошибками

WB - рабочая тетрадь

SB - учебник

Voc ТМ1 - слова к практическому модулю 1

c. - страница

y. - упражнение


  • обучающие:

- во всех видах речевой деятельности повторить ранее изученные и освоить новые лексические единицы по теме «Школа»;

- освоить использование неопределенного артикля;

- освоить в связной речи грамматические структуры с глаголом to be в утвердительной, вопросительной и отрицательной формах;

- научиться приветствовать и прощаться;

• развивающие:

- развивать навыки и умения во всех видах речевой деятельности;

- развивать умения систематизировать новые знания и на их основе составлять диаграммы;

• воспитательные:

- воспитывать чувство гордости за свою школу, российское образование, интерес к образованию как части культуры стран изучаемого языка.

Модуль актуализации "School Days" (module1)

  1. Answer the questions:

  1. Count the desks in your classroom.

  2. What color is your schoolbag?

  3. What is there in your schoolbag?

  1. Fill in am, is, are:

  1. My favorite subject … Maths.

  2. Where … you from?

  3. Her sister … very kind.

  4. We … friends.

  5. I … ten years old.

Теоретический модуль "School Days" (module1)



Timetable- Расписание

Subject- предмет

English - английский язык

Russian - русский язык

Mathematics - математика

Literature - литература

Science - наука History - история

Art - изобразительное искусство

Geography - география

Music - музыка

Information Technology - информатика

Physical Education - физкультура

Days of the week - Дни недели

Monday- понедельник

Tuesday - вторник

Wednesday - среда

Thursday - четверг

Friday - пятница

Saturday - суббота

Sunday - воскресенье


Неопределенный артикль

(Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОСДидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОСперед существительным в единственном числе)

a cat

a chair

an apple

an atlas

(существительное начинается с согласного звука)

(существительное начинается с гласного звука)

!!! an hour



best - лучший

grade - класс

strange - странный

then - затем

together - вместе

Excuse me, ... - Простите/Извините, ...

How do you spell it? - Как это пишется/произносится (по буквам)?

How old are you? - Сколько тебе лет?

Let's go! - Пошли! Давай пойдем!

Numbers (11-20)






















Personal Pronouns - Личные местоимения

I - я

you - ты, вы

he - он

she - она

it - оно (он, она - неодушевленное)

we - мы

they - они

To Be - быть, являться




I am

I am not

Am I?

He is

He is not

Is he?

She is

She is not

Is she?

It is

It is not

Is it?

We are

We are not

Are we?

You are

You are not

Are you?

They are

They are not

Are they?

TM 1c,d


alone - в одиночку, самостоятельно

capital letter - прописная буква

choose - выбирать

country - страна

culture - культура

education system - образовательная система

language - язык

other - другой

primary school - начальная школа

secondary school - средняя школа

share - делить(ся)

Sixth form - старшие классы (Великобритания)

subject choice form - анкета (форма) выбора предметов

university - университет

What class is he in? - В каком он классе?

What subjects does he do? - Какие предметы он изучает?

Практический модуль "School Days" (module1)


  1. Знание лексики, изученной в модуле 1 (дни недели, названия предметов)

  2. Знание грамматического правила личные местоимения.

  3. Знание грамматического материала "Неопределенный артикль".

  4. Знание грамматического материала "To Be".

  5. Умение находить необходимую информацию в текстах.

  6. Умение группировать.

  7. Умение планировать учебную деятельность.

  8. Умение выделять основную мысль текста / отрывка.

  9. Умение строить собственное высказывание

  10. Умение понимать на слух иностранную речь по изученным темам

ПМ 1a

ex. 1 Fill in a/an. Write the words in your copy-book.

1__ art class

2 __ Science teacher

3 __ school subject

4 __ day of week

5 __ English textbook

ex. 2 What's your favorite …? Use the words from the box. Write the sentences.

day of week, school subject ,teacher, color , sport game

1 My favourite day of week is ….

2 My favourite …

3 My …

4 …

5 …

ex. 3 What's this in English? Write in your copy-book.

1 любимый день недели

2 расписание уроков

3 учитель естествознания

4 перемена на обед

5 вторник и четверг

6 любимый предмет

ex.4 Reading

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС4Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОСa) Read the texts and complete the gaps with a/an:

Hello! I'm James. I am eleven. I am in the first form at East Square School in London. It is 1) ... private and great school. I have a lot of new subjects such as Science, Literature and Information Technology this year. They are all in 2) ... timetable. .Science is 3) ... interesting lesson. We have 4) ... multimedia projector in our Science classroom. I play for the school football team.

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Hello! I'm Samantha. I'm ten. I'm from Chester. It's 5) ... town in England. I'm in the first form at Green Hill State School. I like studying. At school I study 6) ... foreign language. It is French. I have it on Mondays and Thursdays. I also want to study Russian next year.

4b) Answer the questions:

Who is

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС



Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

likes studying?


likes playing football?

Who is from

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Who studies

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС



Information Technology?

*4c) Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F):

  1. James lives in Great Britain.

  2. He studies at a state school.

  3. This year he has some different from last year subjects.

  4. He can play football very well.

  5. Samantha is a smart student.

  6. She studies two foreign languages.

  7. She can speak Russian very well.

ПМ 1b

ex.1 Write the missing numbers.

  1. one + ten = _ _ _ _ _ _

  2. four + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = nineteen

  3. seventeen - five = _ _ _ _ _ _

  4. fourteen ‐ one = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ + two = twenty

  6. nine + seven = _ _ _ _ _ _ _

ex.2 Put the words to the right column:

my friend and I, Queen Elizabeth II, your best friend and you, Lila and Rita, a maths teacher and an art teacher, a school subject, Max and I, Alexander Pushkin, my pen, her sister, Russia







Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

ex.3 Grammar

3Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОСa)Complete the text with am / is / are:

Hello, I 1) ... Nick and this 2) ... Peter. we 3) ... friends. Peter 4) ... nine and I 5) ... ten. Peter and I 6) ... from London. We 7) ... students at Park School.

3b) Complete the questions and answer them:

  1. ... Nick and Peter brothers? - ...

  2. ... Peter nine? - ...

  3. ... Nick nine, too? - ...

  4. ... Peter and Nick from London? - ...

  5. ... Peter and Nick singers? - ...

ex. 4 Put in am/ is / are.

‐ Bill, Mary and Vicky (1) _____ my friends.

‐ (2) _____ they in the same class?

‐ No, they (3) _____ not.

‐ What classes (4) _____ they in?

‐ Bill (5) _____ in class 4"a". Mary and Vicky (6) _____ in class 6"d".

‐ And what class (7) _____ you in?

‐ I (8) _____ in class 5"b".

ex.5 Answer the questions about yourself. Write short and complete answers.

1 Are you from England?

2 Are you a student?

3 Are you 10 years old?

4 Are you new to the school?

5 Are you in class 5"a"?

6 Are you at school at the moment?

ex.6 Reading

6Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОСа) Read the text. Think of the best heading of the text. Match the questions and Matthew's answers:

  1. How often do you see them?

  2. Does your brother like it, too?

  3. Do you like studying at home?

  4. What subjects do you study?

  5. Why do you study at home?

  6. Do you get lonely?

MДидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОСatthew Thomas is English. He is 15 and his brother Paul is 13, but they don't go to school. They are in the Chilean city of Africa for a year because their parents are scientists there. They study at home. Here is our interview with Matthew about home education.



Well, there aren't any English-speaking schools here and we don't speak very good Spanish. And we think you can learn a lot at home.

Yes, he does. I often help him - and sometimes he helps me.



The usual subjects - Maths, English, History, and so on. But I study them in my own way. I use books or the Internet. And sometimes our parents teach us.

No, I don't. I'm hardly ever lonely. My brother and my parents are here. I've got friends on the Internet and now I've got a few Chilean friends, too.



Yes, I do - I love it! I can choose how to do things. I can study Maths on Monday and Physics on Tuesday, or Biology on Monday and History on Tuesday. It's up to me.

Well, I go to sports club every weekend and I meet them there. And I go to a dance club twice a month. That's always good fun.

6b) Look at the underlined pronouns in the text. Write the nouns that they replace.

e.g. He is 15... - he=Matthew

6c) Answer the questions:

  1. How old is Matthew?

  2. Why doesn't he go to school?

  3. What subjects does Matthew study?

  4. Why does he like studying at home?

  5. Why doesn't Matthew get lonely?

  6. Where does he see his friends?

What do you think are the good things about learning at home? What are the bad things? Make two lists and compare with your partner.

ПМ 1c,d

ex. 1 Match the words.

























ex. 2 What's this in English?

1 ‐ В каком классе Том и Джон?

‐ Они в классе 5 «а».

2 ‐ Мой лучший друг - Иван.

‐ Сколько ему лет?

3 Извините, как его зовут? Назовите,

пожалуйста, по буквам.

4 Какие предметы он изучает? Какой его

любимый предмет?

5 ‐ Оле 15 лет?

‐ Нет. Ей 13.

6 ‐ Где проводится урок географии?

‐ В кабинете №11.

eДидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОСx. 3* Read the text. Rewrite it in your copy-book with the gaps, full stops, commas and capital letters.


ex. 4 Reading

4Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОСa) Match the questions and the answers:



1. When does the school year start in Britain?

2. At what age do students go to a secondary school?

3. Do British students wear a school uniform?

4. Do students in Britain learn foreign languages at school?

5. What school holidays do British students have?

6. How long does a lesson last?

A. At age 11-12.

B. It starts in September.

C. It lasts 40 or 45 minutes.

D. Yes, they do. Usually French is the first foreign language they learn at school. Sometimes they also learn a second foreign language: German, Spanish, Russian...

E. Most students do. The favourite colours for school uniform are blue, grey, black and green.

F. They have Christmas holidays, Easter holidays and Summer holidays. Schools also have special half-term holidays in the middle of each term (one of three or four periods of a school year). These holidays last 2-3 days before or after a weekend.

4b) Complete the table, using the answers from 4a and information you know or can find in module 1. Add some information about Russia:

Great Britain


Age of students

Beginning/ending of a school year

Length of a lesson


School subjects

School uniform

*4c) Tell some words about a school year in Britain and Russia.

ex. 5 Reading

5Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОСa) Before you read, work in pairs. Decide what the words in bald mean:

  1. I'm quite a creative person. I'm good at arts subjects.

  2. I'm a very sensitive person. I'm good at listening to other people and understanding their problems.

  3. I'm not very flexible. I like doing things my way.

  4. I sometimes cause problems at school and my teacher gets angry with me.

  5. I'm good at solving problems. People often ask me for help.

  6. I'm a good student. I get high grades at school.

  7. I'm a very positive person I always try and think about good things.

  8. I'm quite an emotional person. I always show how I'm feeling.

5b) Read the article and put the parts of the article into the correct order according to the plan:

  1. Parents' worries

  2. Advantages of speaking another language

  3. Characteristics of bilingual people

  4. Difficulties with the second language

___Sometimes families have bad experiences before and after they move to the UK from a different country. Maybe they see a war, or a parent death, or they can lose their home, or they have little money. These experiences can cause emotional problems, which makes learning difficult. Children possibly need help with that, but it is wrong to see their language and culture as a problem, because it isn't. In fact, the results are even better if students can do some things at school in their first language, because students feel positive about both school and their language.

___ Some people in the UK worry that children speak a language other than English at home. they say it causes problems at school: it is more difficult for the teacher; children cannot learn Science or other subjects well because they do not speak English well.

___Normally, children who speak different languages at home and school:

  • are more flexible;

  • are more creative;

  • are better at solving problems;

  • are more sensitive towards other children;

  • get higher grades at school - including in their second language!

___In fact, 70% of the world's population is bilingual. Most research also says growing up with two languages is better than only knowing one language.

5с) Read the article one more time. Decide which opinions the writer agrees with.

  1. Kids in the UK who don't speak English at home are bad at science.

  2. Speaking two languages is normal for most people in the world.

  3. Learning two languages when you're young is good.

  4. Bilingual children are good at thinking of new ideas.

  5. Bad experiences can affect how kids learn at school.

  6. People are wrong to worry about children speaking different languages at home and school.

eДидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОСx. 6 Make up a dialogue according to the situation:

Student card 1

You are new to the school. You have Literature as the first lesson in Room 303, but you do not know where it is. You meet another student.

  • Greet him/her.

  • Introduce yourself and explain the situation.

  • Ask where Room 303 is.

  • Answer another student's questions.

  • Accept his/her suggestion to go to Literature lesson together.


Student card 2

You study at this school in the 5th grade. You have Literature as the first lesson today. You meet a new student.

  • Greet him/her.

  • Ask how he/she spells his/her name, because it sounds strange to you.

  • Ask what grade is a new student in?

  • Explain where Room 303 is and tell about your first lesson.

  • Suggest going together to the Literature lesson.

Модуль контроля и коррекции "School Days" (module1)

Variant 1


AДидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС. Listen and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer. The first one is the example: e.g. What is Dan's favourite subject?


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

1. When is History lesson?


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Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

2. What's in the pencil case?


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Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

3. How old is John?


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Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

4. What school is Sam at?


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

5. Where is the Art lesson?


Room A


Room D


Room F

Vocabulary and Grammar

B. Write as in the example. Choose the name of the category:

*Label the pictures. Choose the name of the category:

  1. Verbs

  2. School subjects

  3. Classroom objects

  4. Numerals

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


21. __________

e.g. r u l e r

6. n_ _ _e _ oo _

7. s_ _ _ _l b_ _

8. _ _ a _ k_oar _

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

22. __________

9.In_ _ _m__i_ _

_e_ _ _o_og _

10. _ _o_r_ph_

11. _ c _ _ n _ _

12. m_ _ i _

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

23. __________

13. t_ _rt_ _ n

14. _i_ _ee_

15. _e_ _n_e_ _

16. _in_ _ _ _n

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

24. __________

17. s_ _l_

18. sh_ _ _

19. c_ _os_

20. _ri_ _

C. Answer the questions. Write the correct day(s) of the week.

25. What day is the beginning of the week?

26. What days are the weekend?

27. What day is in the middle of the working week?

28. What day is it today?

29. What day is the last day of the working week?

30. What days are after the beginning of the week and before the last day of the working week?

D. Complete the sentences with the correct word:

Secondary - room - class - Science - pencil - new - subject

e.g. The English class is in Room C.

31. She is 13 and she studies at ... school.

32. What is your favourite ...?

33. History ... is on Mondays.

34. David is ... to the school.

35. The ... class is in Room A.

36. The ... case is blue.

E. Write the words into the correct column (37-44):

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС



F. Complete the text with am / is / are:

Hello. My name 45) ... Nick. I 46) ... twelve. I 47) ... from London. My favourite subjects at school 48) ... Art and Music. My favourite sports 49) ... football and hockey. My parents 50) ... the kindest of all the people I know. I love my family.

G. Make up sentences:
e.g. I / years / eight / old / am - I am eight years old.

51) you / England / from / are?

52) my / in / class / is / she / not.

53) they / not / sisters / are.

54) subject / is / PE / favourite / my.


H. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

Hi Sue!

How are you? My name's David and I'm 10 years old. I'm from England and I go to Strand secondary school. My favourite subject is Maths and I also like English and Science. They are very interesting. My lunch break is from 12.30 to 1.30 every day. Tom and Wendy are in my Maths class, but theu aren't in my English and Science classes. My PE lesson is on Fridays.

Well, that's all about me. Please write soon and tell me about your school.



55) David is 10 years old.

56) His pen friend's name is Dan.

57) English is David's favourite subject.

58) The lunch break is from 13.00 to 13.30.

59) Wendy is in English class with David.

60) The PE lesson is on Mondays.

*H. Read the text and match the topics with the paragraphs in the text.

  1. Activities after school

  2. Free time between lessons

  3. School clothes

  4. School subjects in year 11

  5. Homework

  6. The start of the school day




I get up at 7.30 and get dressed for school. My school has a uniform - black trousers and shoes, a white shirt and a black and gold tie. The girls wear the same, or they can wear a black skirt. We also have a black sweatshirt or we can wear a black jacket. Not all British schools have a uniform, but it's common here.

We have 20 minutes for break in the morning and an hour for lunch. Some students bring sandwiches to school for lunch, but my friends and I always eat in the dining room where you can get a hot meal every day.



I don't live far from the school, so I walk there with my friends, Brian and Gemma. Lots of students catch the school bus or their parents drive them to school. On Mondays we all start the day with Assembly in the school hall at 8.50. The headteacher talks to us and gives us information about school events.

Lessons end at 4 o'clock, but on Mondays and Wednesdays I stay at school until 5 o'clock. I go to the Photography Club and the Athletics Club. There are lots of clubs and activities at our school. Brian belongs to the Film Society and Gemma plays in the school orchestra.



This year I've got nine subjects. We all study English, Maths and Science, and then we choose other subjects. My favourites are IT and Art & Design. Brian likes Spanish and Japanese. Gemma is brilliant at Maths, so she goes to an Advanced Maths class.

At the end of the day I always spend two hours on homework- sometimes three hours. We've got lots of homework now. We've got our GCSE exams in June, so there's always lots of work to do.

Sweatshirt = a warm sweater, typically made of cotton, people usually wearit when they exercise or have free time

Assembly = the regular gathering of the teachers and pupils of a school at the start or end of the day

Headteacher = the teacher in charge of a school

Event = a thing that happens or takes place, especially one of importance

Advanced = (here) of higher level

GCSE = national school exams (General Certificate of Secondary Education). Students usually take these examinations when they are 16.


*I. Make up a dialogue according to the situation:

Student card 1

You are new to the school. You have Geography as the first lesson in Room 325, but you do not know where it is. You meet another student.

  • Greet him/her.

  • Introduce yourself and explain the situation.

  • Ask where Room 325 is.

  • Answer another student's questions.

  • Accept his/her suggestion to go to Geography lesson together.


Student card 2

You study at this school in the 5th grade. You have Geography as the first lesson today. You meet a new student.

  • Greet him/her.

  • Ask how he/she spells his/her name, because it sounds strange to you.

  • Ask what grade is a new student in?

  • Explain where Room 327 is and tell about your first lesson.

  • Suggest going together to the Geography lesson.

*Additional exercise: write the questions to the answers

1 ___________________________? We're at primary school.

2 _______________________? Bill does maths, science and art.

3 ________________________________? No, they are not. They aren't teachers. They are students.

4 ___________________________? Fiona is thirteen years old.

5 ______________? No, she isn't. Olga Petrovna is a geography teacher.

6 ___________________________? My favourite days of week are Friday and Saturday.

Variant 2


AДидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС. Listen and for questions 1-5 choose the correct answer. The first one is the example: e.g. What is Dan's favourite subject?


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

1. When is History lesson?


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

2. What's in the pencil case?


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Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

3. How old is John?


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Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

4. What school is Sam at?


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Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

5. Where is the Art lesson?


Room A


Room F


Room D

Vocabulary and Grammar

B. Write as in the example. Choose the name of the category:

*Label the pictures. Choose the name of the category:

  1. School subjects

  2. Classroom objects

  3. Numerals

  4. Verbs

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС


21. __________

e.g. p e n

6. s_ _ _ _l b_ _

7. _ _ a _ k_oar _

8. n_ _ _e _ oo _

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

22. __________

9. t _ e _ _ _

10. _o_ _rt_ _ _

11. ei_ _ _ee_

12. _w_ _ _y

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

23. __________

13. c_ _os_

14. _ri_ _

15. s_ _l_

16. sh_ _ _

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС

24. __________

17._ _ys_ _ _l

e_ _c_ _ ti _ _

18. _ _t_r_t_ _ _

19. _ _ st_ _ _

20. _a_ _h_

C. Answer the questions. Write the correct day(s) of the week.

25. What day is the beginning of the week?

26. What days are the weekend?

27. What day is in the middle of the working week?

28. What day is it today?

29. What day is the last day of the working week?

30. What days are after the beginning of the week and before the last day of the working week?

D. Complete the sentences with the correct word:

Secondary - room - class - Science - pencil - new - subject

e.g. The English class is in Room C.

31. The ... case is green.

32. Anna is ... to the school.

33. What's your favourite ...?

34. My PE class is on ... and Wednesdays.

35. The ... class is in Room F.

36. Literature ... is on Friday.

E. Write the words into the correct column (37-44):

Дидактическая разработка к модульной программе для 5 класса (модуль 1 Spotlight-5) по ФГОС



F. Complete the text with am / is / are:

Hello. My name 45) ... James. I 46) ... eleven. I have a sister. Her name 47) ... Jane. She 48) ... nine. Her hobbies 49) ... cooking and dancing, she dances very well. Our parents 50) ... the kindest of all the people I know. I love my family.

G. Make up sentences:
e.g. I / years / eight / old / am - I am eight years old.

51) he / Russia/ from / is?

52) her / in / class / am / I / not.

53) we / not / brothers / are.

54) favourite / IT / subject / is / his.


H. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

Hi Ben!

How are you? My name's John and I'm 10 years old. I'm from America and I go to Strand secondary school. My favourite subjects are English and History. They are very interesting. My lunch break is from 13.00 to 13.30 every day. The English lesson is on Monday and Friday. History is on Wednesday.

Well, that's all about me. Please write soon and tell me about your school.



55) John is 11 years old.

56) His pen friend's name is Dan.

57) His favourite subjects are Maths and English.

58) He has lunch break on Tuesday and Friday.

59) The lunch break is from 13.00 to 13.30.

60) The English lesson is on Monday.

*H. Read the text and match the topics with the paragraphs in the text.

  1. School subjects in year 11

  2. Activities after school

  3. The start of the school day

  4. Homework

  5. Free time between lessons

  6. School clothes




I get up at 7.30 and get dressed for school. My school has a uniform - black trousers and shoes, a white shirt and a black and gold tie. The girls wear the same, or they can wear a black skirt. We also have a black sweatshirt or we can wear a black jacket. Not all British schools have a uniform, but it's common here.

We have 20 minutes for break in the morning and an hour for lunch. Some students bring sandwiches to school for lunch, but my friends and I always eat in the dining room where you can get a hot meal every day.



I don't live far from the school, so I walk there with my friends, Brian and Gemma. Lots of students catch the school bus or their parents drive them to school. On Mondays we all start the day with Assembly in the school hall at 8.50. The headteacher talks to us and gives us information about school events.

Lessons end at 4 o'clock, but on Mondays and Wednesdays I stay at school until 5 o'clock. I go to the Photography Club and the Athletics Club. There are lots of clubs and activities at our school. Brian belongs to the Film Society and Gemma plays in the school orchestra.



This year I've got nine subjects. We all study English, Maths and Science, and then we choose other subjects. My favourites are IT and Art & Design. Brian likes Spanish and Japanese. Gemma is brilliant at Maths, so she goes to an Advanced Maths class.

At the end of the day I always spend two hours on homework- sometimes three hours. We've got lots of homework now. We've got our GCSE exams in June, so there's always lots of work to do.

Sweatshirt = a warm sweater, typically made of cotton, people usually wearit when they exercise or have free time

Assembly = the regular gathering of the teachers and pupils of a school at the start or end of the day

Headteacher = the teacher in charge of a school

Event = a thing that happens or takes place, especially one of importance

Advanced = (here) of higher level

GCSE = national school exams (General Certificate of Secondary Education). Students usually take these examinations when they are 16.


*I. Make up a dialogue according to the situation:

Student card 1

You are new to the school. You have IT as the first lesson in Room 343, but you do not know where it is. You meet another student.

  • Greet him/her.

  • Introduce yourself and explain the situation.

  • Ask where Room 343 is.

  • Answer another student's questions.

  • Accept his/her suggestion to go to IT lesson together.


Student card 2

You study at this school in the 5th grade. You have IT as the first lesson today. You meet a new student.

  • Greet him/her.

  • Ask how he/she spells his/her name, because it sounds strange to you.

  • Ask what grade is a new student in?

  • Explain where Room 343 is and tell about your first lesson.

  • Suggest going together to the IT lesson.

*Additional exercise: write the questions to the answers

1 ___________________________? We're at primary school.

2 _______________________? Bill does maths, science and art.

3 ________________________________? No, they are not. They aren't teachers. They are students.

4 ___________________________? Fiona is thirteen years old.

5 ______________? No, she isn't. Olga Petrovna is a geography teacher.

6 ___________________________? My favourite days of week are Friday and Saturday

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