Интегрированный урок ( физика и английский)

ель: Создание условий для самореализации обучающихся при решении поставленных в ходе урока задач.   Задачи: 1. Содействовать установлению в сознании ребенка устойчивых связей между накопленным и новым опытом познавательной и практической деятельности. 2. Обобщение материала по теме. 3. Активизация лексико-грамматических навыков (притяжательный падеж имен cуществительных) и навыков письма.  4. Тренировка монологической речи.     Разработка занятия по английскому языку . (Элективный курс для 10-11 классов)  Работа с техническими текстами. Авторы: учитель английского языка « МУ СОШ № 197 им. В. Маркелова»    Смирнова Марина Викторовна учитель физики « МУ СОШ № 197 им. В. Маркелова»    Рыбина Татьяна Николаевна   Тема урока – Занимательные опыты.   Цель урока- Активизация монологической речи, практика аудирования текстов естественно-научного характера, развитие коммуникативной компетенции.   Оборудование к уроку -  зерк...  
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Разработка занятия по английскому языку .

(Элективный курс для 10-11 классов)

Работа с техническими текстами.


учитель английского языка

« МУ СОШ № 197 им. В. Маркелова» Смирнова Марина Викторовна

учитель физики

« МУ СОШ № 197 им. В. Маркелова» Рыбина Татьяна Николаевна

Тема урока - Занимательные опыты.

Цель урока- Активизация монологической речи, практика аудирования текстов естественно-научного характера, развитие коммуникативной компетенции.

Оборудование к уроку - зеркала без рамок, фотографии известного актера. стаканы с холодной горячей водой.

Ход урока.

1. Nice to see you. I hope that you understand that English is not only a school subject or a only a language of communication. Hope in your future life you will use English as a source of receiving new and up-to date information (I mean the hottest news) or in your main work. Today's lesson is dedicated to physics.

So we learn English as our helper. Hope you remember all letters of the English alphabet. But we also use English letters in physics. What English letters do you use? (pupils answer)

2. For this lesson you were to prepare information about well-known inventors.

(children tell short stories about famous people)

Now I will tell you some facts about inventions and you will tell me who invented them.

A He was a German engineer who invented the engine in 1897 and from that moment a transport revolution began . Who was the inventor?( Rudolf Diesel)

B he was a shop men. He did not work alone. The name of his helper was Henry and his surname was Royce.( Rolls -Royce).

C This man designed a pistol with a revolving barrel that could fire 6 bullets one after another. ( Samuel Colt)

D He was a German nuclear physics From 1906 to 1909 he designed a counter for detecting radio-activity.(Geiger)

I see that you know much about these people And I want to see how can you use your English to get information.. first answer my guest ions . Do you think that the right and the left sides of your face look similar?

Do you think that on any photo your friends look realistic but you are much better in life then in the picture?

Let us make a little experiment. You see a picture of a famous actor. Put your mirrors in the middle of the picture. You see a whole face of 2 left sides. Turn the mirrors and look at 2 right sides of the face. Do you think the faces are similar?

Many year ago some people thought that 2 sides of a face are different. One side of the face may look happy and the other side -unhappy. Is it so?

Let us do another experiment and it will surprise you.

Have a look at the mirror. Who do you see?(pupils answer) Do you think you see a real image of your face? The fact is that you do not see you face as other people see you. You see a reversed image!!!

Close your left eye. Look at your image in the mirror. Does it close it's left eye? No it closes the right eye.

Touch you right ear with your right hand. Your image touches the left ear with the left hand.

Now hold 2 mirrors at right angels to each other. Look at the middle of 2 mirrors. ( at the centre).After some practice you will see the real image of your face. Close your left eye and your image closes the left eye .So now you see a reversed image of a reversed image. And this is your real face. and you know how your friends see you.

Now remember everything we have just done and describe me that experiment again.

( some pupils describe the experiment in their own words)

Now some more facts about our sight. Do you often believe in what you see?

Интегрированный урок ( физика и английский)

If you looked at this trian­gle and read the words as "Mos­cow in the spring", please look at it again.

The fact is that most people read a number of words at once; they do not read every word. That is why it is difficult for them to notice such mistakes like "the the" in the tri­angle.

You will have a very good time if you show this triangle to your friends. Some of them will read it four or five times before they notice the second "the".

Why do you think this happens?( pupils answers)

Some other facts for you

Many years ago when people had no thermometers, they usually touched a thing to see how hot or cold it was. The following experiment shows how easy it was to make a mistake.

Take three glasses: one glass with very hot water, another glass with very cold water, and the third glass with water at room temperature. Then you put a finger of one hand in the hot water, and a finger of the other hand in the cold water. You hold your fingers in the two glasses for a minute. Then you use each finger, one after another, to see how hot or cold the water in the third glass is. Are your feelings the same?

You find that the water is warm to the finger that was in the cold water before, but the finger which was in the hot water before will feel cold in the same glass of water.

That is why you must always find the temperature in a scientific way. You must not try to tell the temperature as it seems to you.

You will often make a mistake if you take something that seems to you for a real fact. For example, when you are going to the circus by bus and you want to get there very quickly, it seems to you that your bus is going very slowly, slower than the other buses. But if it is Sunday and you have much free time, it seems to you that all the buses and cars are going very fast.

I want you to think about facts of different feelings in different conditions and report me about your discoveries.( pupils discuss in groups and prepare their stories)

Now our work for today is finished. Let us meet next time.

Список использованной литературы.

1 Занимательные опыты. Москва просвещение 1997г

2 Материалы Интернет.

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