Урок-конспект на тему: Пасха

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Класс 8 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Урок-конспект на тему :ПасхаУрок-конспект на тему :ПасхаУрок-конспект на тему :ПасхаМуниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

общеобразовательная школа №3 г.Гуково Ростовская область

Комбинированный урок по английскому языку

(синтетический по И.Т.Огородникову)

Класс: 8

Учитель: Лашина Марина Григорьевна ( 1 категория)

Unit 2. Is your country a land of traditions?

Урок №3. We don't know much about people in Russia, do we?

Обсуждаемая ситуация: Celebrating Easter in Russia.

Технологии обучения: активизация и интенсификация деятельности обучающихся, игровая, мультимедийная, здоровье-сберегающая (чередование различных видов деятельности учащихся на уроке с целью снятия усталости и напряжения)

Дидактические задачи: ознакомление учащихся с новыми знаниями, умениями и навыками, закрепление и повторение раннее пройденного, форма изложения и объяснения некоторых фактов учителем в течение урока, разнообразная самостоятельная работа учащихся, поисковая деятельность, применение знаний на практике.

Практические задачи: формирование умений общаться на английском языке с учётом речевых возможностей детей 8 класса, потребностей: коммуникативных умений в говорении и чтении познавательного текста «Пасха»; развитие речевых способностей, внимания при выполнении заданий к тексту, формирование лингвистического понятия «Интонация в предложениях tag-questions» наблюдаемого в английском языке.

Развивающие задачи: развивать языковую догадку, умение сравнивать и выбирать требуемую информацию по читаемому тексту «Пасха», самостоятельно планировать речевой поступок.

Воспитательные задачи: воспитывать у учащихся аккуратность в выполнении заданий, уделить внимание правилам общения среди людей во время праздника «Пасха».

Средства обучения: магнитная доска, грамматическая таблица «tag-questions», текст для чтения «Пасха», упражнения, мультимедийный проектор.

Система оценивания: творческий подход учителя (количество цветных корзинок из бумаги для накопительной системы получения баллов: пасхальных яиц), за правильный ответ учащихся.

Процесс урока

1.Начало урока

а) организация класса к уроку:

-Good Morning, class.

-Sit down, please.

б) речевая зарядка:

-I'm very glad to see you, and you?

-How are you, friends?

-Now then, look at the calendar.

-And say, what day is it today? (Good)

-And what date is it today? (That's right)

-What season is it now?

-Oh. It is spring.

-Look at the class. What do you see?

Урок-конспект на тему :ПасхаEaster eggs Урок-конспект на тему :Пасха Paskha

Pussy willowУрок-конспект на тему :Пасха Урок-конспект на тему :Пасха Kulich

в) сообщение обсуждаемой ситуации - проблемы на уроке

Celebrating Easter in Russia

We live in

Town Gukovo Russia

Oblast Rostovskaja

The tradition of Easter:

  1. …is connected with many old traditions.

  2. …is an ancient tradition.

  3. …is a new tradition.

  4. …is the main religious holiday for Christians in Russia.

  5. ….is the holiday of holidays in Russia.

  6. …includes a party with a tasty dinner and speaking together with members of family.

Слова учителя: Today Russia has got old and new celebrations and old and new traditions are connected with them. What can you tell your foreign friends about Russian traditions and celebrations?

2. Основная часть.

1)Презентация текста на экране

Dear friends, they wanted to know about Easter in Rostov region, town Gukovo, not far from Ukraine. Easter is the feast of Christ resurrection. We celebrate Easter on 12th of April this year. In our town Gukovo Easter has been celebrated over a long period of history. The week before Easter (the Great) - Bolshoj Week is called the White (Belyi) or Pure (Chystyi) Week. During this time an effort is made to finish all field work before Thursday. On the evening of Pure Thursday the Passion service is performed after which people return home with lighted candles. The last Sunday before Easter is called Willow Sunday (Verbnaja nedela). On this day pussy-willow branches are blessed in the church. There are The Church of Miraculous Nickolaus (Nickolskyi Temple, 1887) and The Temple of Great Martyr and Healing Pantelejmon in the town Gukovo. Great Saturday is the last day before Easter. In our such churches Easter begins on Sunday with the matins, high mass, during which the paskhy (traditional Easter breads), pysanky and krashanky, decorated and colored Easter eggs( last time - chocolate eggs) are blessed in the church. Butter, leaf lard, cheese, sausage, smoked meat, other provisions are also blessed. After the matins parents, relatives, neighbours, friends exchange Easter greetings, give each other colored eggs or paskhy and than hurry home with their baskets of blessed food (sviachenoe).

Word box

1) The feast of Christ resurrection - Празднование Воскрешения Христа;

2) to celebrate - Праздновать, прославлять;

3) an еffort - усилие;

4) with lighted candles - с заженными свечами;

5) The Church of Miraculous Nickolaus (Nickolskyi Temple) - Церковь Николая Чудотворца ( Никольский храм)

6) The Temple of Great Martyr and Healing Pantelejmon - Храм Великомученика и Целителя Пантелеймона .

2. Организация чтения текста «Easter» с охватом его основного содержания

а) Постановка задачи, вызов интереса к содержанию текста

T: Dear friend, find new words this text: say and spell them? Repeat after me (well done)

b) Подготовка учащихся к обучению текста: обучение учащихся правилам прочтения слов "Word box" нового текста.

Read the text by yourself.

3. Поисковое чтение текста про себя:

а) нахождение предложений со словами:

-долгий период празднования в истории, неделя до пасхи, вечером в чистый четверг, ветки вербы, церковь Николая Чудотворца, Великомученик и целитель Пантелеймон.

б) чтение текста с коммуникативной задачей: найти и зачитать вслух предложения, в которых сообщается о ________________________ (видах продуктов)

In this text there are some food which we took to the church and blessed it.

Butter, leaf lard, cheese, sausage, smoked meat, colored eggs or paskhy.

в) Презентация слайдов к тексту (учащиеся в процессе упражнения «Я-следующий» предъявляют предложения (чтением вслух) 2-7.

г) Выделение дополнительной обсуждаемой информации: Is your country a land of traditions? Which behaviour rules do our people follow?

Usually 1)give flowers to dead people.

Try not to 2) greet people with a kiss on one cheek and saying

Don't " Christos Woskres".

3) Answer people "Vo istinu Voskres"

4) Cry in the church

5) Talk loudly in public

4. Формирование грамматических навыков на изученном материале:

You are an Russian, aren't you? - Вы русский, не так ли (не правда ли)?

You like to celebrate Easter, don't you? - Вы любите праздновать пасху, не так ли?

T: Tag questions. Разделительные вопросы. Когда мы спрашиваем, правильно ли то, о чем мы говорим, мы используем вопросы этого типа, если окончание произносится с понижающейся интонацией, то предложение перестанет быть вопросительным, таким образом, просят высказать своё согласие.

Работа детей с предложенными на доске предложениями:

  1. We don't cry in the church, do we?

  2. Usually we greet people with a kiss on one cheek, don't we?

  3. Easter is celebrated in November, isn't it?

  4. Easter is considered to be a family holiday, isn't it?

(допускается работа над произношением этих предложений в двух группах детей: 1-с нисходящим тоном- с согласием; 2-с вопросом - переспросом.

5.Трансформационное упражнение (учащиеся находят окончания трёх предложений их первым частям - началам.

T: Match the holidays and their descriptions:

  1. Easter is a religious holiday when…

2)Victory Day is a holiday when…

3) Labour Day is a holiday when…

  1. Many people have gatherings eating dyed eggs, paskha and kulich.

  2. People have parades and ceremonies to honour those who died in the Great Patriotic War.

  3. People in our country honour workers.

6. Речевой материал для диалогического общения (на основе выше составленных предложений, учащиеся составляют реплики вопроса-переспроса)

7. Использование лексического материала в подведении итога урока.

-Easter is a religious holiday, isn't it?

-Paskha and kulich are Easter bread, aren't they

-We know such colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, black, white, grey, brown, don't we?

-People don't cry in the church, do they?

8. Объяснение выполнения д/з

Form tag questions after reading the text "Пасха в России". Read the rule on the page 45 one more and check.

9. Рефлексия и итог работы.

Your marks are in your Easter baskets on the desks. I give you nice colored paper eggs and write your mark into your diaries. Thank you for the lesson.

Good bye! See you later! Happy Easter!

Приложение к уроку

Урок-конспект на тему :ПасхаУрок-конспект на тему :ПасхаУрок-конспект на тему :Пасха

Урок-конспект на тему :Пасха

Easter eggs


Pussy willow


The tradition of Easter:

1) …is connected with many old traditions.

2) …is an ancient tradition.

3) …is a new tradition.

4) …is the main religious holiday for Christians in Russia.

5) ….is the holiday of holidays in Russia.

6) …includes a party with a tasty dinner and speaking together with members of family.

Dear friends, they wanted to know about Easter in Rostov region, town Gukovo, not far from Ukraine. Easter is the feast of Christ resurrection. We celebrate Easter on 12th of April this year. In our town Gukovo Easter has been celebrated over a long period of history. The week before Easter (the Great) - Bolshoj Week is called the White (Belyi) or Pure (Chystyi) Week. During this time an effort is made to finish all field work before Thursday. On the evening of Pure Thursday the Passion service is performed after which people return home with lighted candles. The last Sunday before Easter is called Willow Sunday (Verbnaja nedela). On this day pussy-willow branches are blessed in the church. There are The Church of Miraculous Nickolaus (Nickolskyi Temple, 1887) and The Temple of Great Martyr and Healing Pantelejmon in the town Gukovo. Great Saturday is the last day before Easter. In our such churches Easter begins on Sunday with the matins, high mass, during which the paskhy (traditional Easter breads), pysanky and krashanky, decorated and colored Easter eggs( last time - chocolate eggs) are blessed in the church. Butter, leaf lard, cheese, sausage, smoked meat, other provisions are also blessed. After the matins parents, relatives, neighbours friends exchange Easter greetings, give each other colored eggs or paskhy and than hurry home with their baskets of blessed food (sviachenoe).

Dear friends, they wanted to know about Easter in Rostov region, town Gukovo, not far from Ukraine. Easter is the feast of Christ resurrection. We celebrate Easter on 12th of April this year. In our town Gukovo Easter has been celebrated over a long period of history. The week before Easter (the Great) - Bolshoj Week is called the White (Belyi) or Pure (Chystyi) Week. During this time an effort is made to finish all field work before Thursday. On the evening of Pure Thursday the Passion service is performed after which people return home with lighted candles. The last Sunday before Easter is called Willow Sunday (Verbnaja nedela). On this day pussy-willow branches are blessed in the church. There are The Church of Miraculous Nickolaus (Nickolskyi Temple, 1887) and The Temple of Great Martyr and Healing Pantelejmon in the town Gukovo. Great Saturday is the last day before Easter. In our such churches Easter begins on Sunday with the matins, high mass, during which the paskhy (traditional Easter breads), pysanky and krashanky, decorated and colored Easter eggs( last time - chocolate eggs) are blessed in the church. Butter, leaf lard, cheese, sausage, smoked meat, other provisions are also blessed. After the matins parents, relatives, neighbours, friends exchange Easter greetings, give each other colored eggs or paskhy and than hurry home with their baskets of blessed food (sviachenoe).

Butter, leaf lard, cheese, sausage, smoked meat, colored eggs paskhy

Usually Don't

Try not to

1)give flowers to dead people

2) greet people with a kiss on one cheek and saying " Christos Woskres". 3) Answer people "Vo istinu Voskres"

4) Cry in the church

5) Talk loudly in public

1) We don't cry in the church, do we?

2) Usually we greet people with a kiss on one cheek, don't we?

3) Easter is celebrated in November, isn't it?

4) Easter is considered to be a family holiday, isn't it?

1) Easter is a religious holiday when… 2)Victory Day is a holiday when…

3) Labour Day is a holiday when

a) Many people have gatherings eating dyed eggs, paskha and kulich.

b) People have parades and ceremonies to honour those who died in the Great Patriotic War.

c) People in our country honour workers.

Урок-конспект на тему :Пасха

Урок-конспект на тему :Пасха

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