План урока на тему I like oranges

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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The theme of the lesson: I like oranges

Date: February, 2

Form: the 5th form

The aims of the lesson: -to develop pupils' reading, speaking, listening and writing skills,

-to enrich pupils' active vocabulary,

-to enlarge pupils' grammar knowledge,

-to create a friendly atmosphere in class.

Visual aids: an interactive board, pictures, cards.

The type of the lesson: mixed

Teaching method: work in pairs, work in groups, questions-answers.

The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

-Good morning, boys and girls!

-Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you,

Good morning, dear teacher

We are glad to see you!

-I am also glad to see you. Take your seats!

II. Checking up the home task.

The teacher asks four pupils to come up to the blackboard and begins to check up the pupils' knowledge of active vocabulary. The teacher gives the children a ball and says the words in Kazakh, the pupils must give the ball back to the teacher and name the English equivalent of the word:

Оқушы-a pupil

Мұғалім-a teacher

Мектеп-a school

Сабақ-a lesson

Футбол-a football

Дене шынықтыру сабағы-Physical Education lesson



Гүл-a flower

Дос-a friend

Таңғы ас-breakfast

Түскі ас-dinner

Кешкі ас-supper

III. Dividing into groups.

The teacher shows the children a basket with food. Then she asks the pupils to come up to the table and to take something from the basket. Those pupils who choose vegetables (carrot, potato, tomato, cucumber, cabbage) are the group of vegetables and those who choose fruits (grape, lemon, apple, banana, pear)are the group of fruits.

The teacher explains that the theme of the lesson is -I like oranges- and that today they are going to speak about fruits and vegetables.

IV. Listening. Work in pairs.

Ex 1-2 p 131.

Dialogue 1.

-Do you like juice?

-No, I don't like juice.

-Do you like coke?


Dialogue 2.

-Do you like juice?

-No, I don't like juice.

-Do you like mineral water?

-Yes, I like mineral water.

The teacher says that the pupils have already known the words from the dialogues (juice, coke, mineral water) and that in one word all these words are drinks.

A video where the pupils train the question -Do you like…?

After watching the video the teacher asks the children what healthy and junk (unhealthy) food is. Then the teacher asks the pupils to work with the Fishbone (The method «Fishbone»), where the pupils must write and speak about healthy and junk food, and make a conclusion that all people need to eat only healthy food.

Exercise 6 on page 133. Talk to your classmates.

-Do you like...?


-Do you like peaches?

-Yes, I like peaches. They are so tasty.

IV. Writing. Work with the book. Doing exercises.

Exercise 8 on page 133. Read and translate the words.

Delicious, sweet, wonderful, tasty, useful, good, awful, terrible.

The pupils repeat in chorus, in groups, individually all the words after the teacher. Then the teacher gives each group some pictures of fruits and vegetables, asking them to do the following task: look at the pictures and speak about the fruits and vegetables.

E.g. This is an apple. It is red. It is tasty. Do you like apples? Why? Why not?

This is a potato. It is brown. It has many vitamins. Do you like potatoes? Why? Why not?

V. Reading. Work on the dialogue.

The teacher puts many cards on the table where the phrases from the dialogue are written.

Then she asks the children to put each phrase in the correct order. After that the pupils are to read the dialogue in pairs.

Dialogue 1.

-Hello, Meirambek!

-Hi, Gulnur!

-Do you like apples?

-Yes, I like apples.

-Do you like carrots?

-Yes, there are many vitamins in them.

Dialogue 2.

-Hello, Altynshash!

-Hi, Amandyk!

-What drinks do you like?

-I like milk. It is useful for our health.

-What about you? What drinks do you like?

-I like fruit juice.

-Oh, that's good!

VI. Time to have a short rest. A video clip about fruits.

VII. Speaking. Describing pictures. Work with signal cards.

The teacher gives pupils cards. Each pupil gets blue triangle and a red round. Then the teacher shows different pictures and describes them herself making up true and false sentences. The children's task is to raise blue triangles if the sentences are correct and red rounds if the sentences are incorrect.

Then the teacher gives each group some cards where the tasks and a crossword are given. Then the pupils exchange their papers and check up each other's works.

VIII. Conclusion. The method «Basket of ideas».

The teacher gives the pupils stickers where the children write their ideas about the lesson and stick them on the basket which is hung on the blackboard.

IX. Giving home task: Exercises 11,12 on pages 133-134.

X. Marking.

XI. Saying good bye.

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