Контрольная работа №3 к учебнику Биболетовой М. З. 7 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Progress check №3 7 form I variant

I. Complete the sentences using the prepositions: for, to(X2), of(X2).

  1. I can't understand this rule. Can you explain it … me?

  2. Tom's parents are very proud … their son.

  3. What do you think … this plan?

  4. Unfortunately, I don't have enough money to pay … the tickets.

  5. Can I speak … Mary, please?

II. Choose the right variant.

1. I expect … to phone me. a) him b) his c) he

2.I expect … to write this test without any mistakes. a) she b) hers c) her

3.I would like … to leave this place as soon as possible. a) us b) we c) our

4.I would like … to come to my birthday party. a)they b) their c) them

5.I would like … to discuss this question at the meeting. a)you b) your c) yours

III. Complete the sentences.

  1. If my parents gave me more pocket money, I … (buy) some new computer game.

  2. I … (be) depressed if I got a bad mark at school.

  3. If I … (have) enough time, I would go for a walk with my friends.

  4. If I were rich, I … (keep) my money in a bank.

  5. If she were in trouble, she … (phone) me.

IV. Write another sentence with the same meaning using the Passive.

  1. My mother cooked this pie for my birthday party.

  2. People of different ages play computer games.

  3. My friends always laugh at my jokes.

  4. All pupils in our school wear uniform.

  5. The teacher wrote three sentences on the blackboard.

  6. I translated this text into English.

Progress check №3 7 form II variant

I.Complete the sentences using the prepositions: for(X2), on(X2), to.

  1. You can always rely … me.

  2. What are you looking … ? I can't find my pen.

  3. What kind of music do you like to listen … ?

  4. I don't want to depend … my parents, so I have to get a job.

  5. The doctor was sent … .

II. Choose the right variant.

1.I want … to stop making fun of me. a)they b) their c) them

  1. I expect … to write this test well. a)us b) we c) our

  2. I expect … to phone me tomorrow. a)she b) hers c) her

  3. He doesn't want … to get into trouble. a)you b) your c) yours

  4. His mother wants … to become a doctor. a)him b) his c) he

III. Complete the sentences.

  1. I would have more free time if I … (have) less homework.

  2. If I … (be) you , I would continue learning French.

  3. Their team would win the match if they … (train) more.

  4. My parents would be happy, if I …(get) better marks at school.

  5. If the weather … (be) nice, we would organize a picnic.

IV. Write another sentence with the same meaning using the Passive.

1.My father planted this apple tree.

2. Students use dictionaries to translate foreign words.

3. People in many parts of the world speak English.

4. Pushkin wrote a lot of beautiful poems.

5. The teacher asked him a difficult question.

6. I translated this text into English.

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